filamentgroup / grunt-criticalcss

Grunt wrapper for criticalcss
MIT License
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maxBuffer exceeded #10

Closed NerdCowboy closed 9 years ago

NerdCowboy commented 9 years ago

When running the task, I'm running into an issue with phantomjs where I'm getting the following error:

Something went wrong with phantomjs...
Fatal error: stdout maxBuffer exceeded.

I noticed on the main CriticalCSS project, there's an options.buffer that lets you increase the maxBuffer, but not seeing anything about that in the docs on the grunt repo here.

Any plans to bring that over to here? Or is there another way to get around this error?

jefflembeck commented 9 years ago

Fixed in version 0.4.


NerdCowboy commented 9 years ago

Hmm…after updating & adding the buffer option, I'm still getting the same error.

I tried playing around with different numbers for the buffer going all the way up to something ridiculous like buffer: 1000000*1024. So not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong or if something just got missed when you updated it.

jefflembeck commented 9 years ago

Woof, @NerdCowboy try 0.4.1 for me. See how that works.

NerdCowboy commented 9 years ago

Thanks @jefflembeck, it worked!

Also, quick side note—I was having trouble trying to use my local virtualhost "url: "marketing" for the url and I found it would only work if I entered in the full url url: "http://marketing"

Not sure if it's just me misunderstanding, but the readme shows you can enter in localhost:4000, so I assumed that should've worked without the http://.

Not a big deal, but figured I'd at least mention it in case anyone else has issues there. Lmk if that's an actual problem and I can create an issue.

jefflembeck commented 9 years ago

Nah, that's just a docs thing. I'll fix it in the README. Thanks for pointing it out!