filamentgroup / grunt-criticalcss

Grunt wrapper for criticalcss
MIT License
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Console output: [framesocket] timed out while pulling from persistent storage #16

Closed klierik closed 9 years ago

klierik commented 9 years ago

Hello there.

Thanks you for great module :+1:

I hove some small problem. At the begin of output file present string: Console output: [framesocket] timed out while pulling from persistent storage And after this styles. Can you tell me please how to fix it?

Also in --verbose mode grunt says where is "no files":

Running "criticalcss:themeDesktopFunCritical" (criticalcss) task
Verifying property criticalcss.themeDesktopFunCritical exists in config...OK
File: [no files]
Options: width=960, height=900, outputfile="./skin/frontend/default/fun/build/css/styles-core.css", filename="./skin/frontend/default/fun/build/css/styles.css", url="", forceInclude=[], buffer=819200
Writing ./skin/frontend/default/fun/build/css/styles-core.css...OK
File "./skin/frontend/default/fun/build/css/styles-core.css" created.

But everything is looks like okay. Is it error or what?


jefflembeck commented 9 years ago

Ok, so - grunt --verbose is referencing the fact that we're not using the grunt.file api for the no files error. I might change that for 1.0.

As for the string at the top - that's an error from your current page. Our current way of creating the css is that it is grabbed from STDOUT. I'm wondering if there is a way around this problem.

klierik commented 9 years ago

Thank you for reply. I define that the first error -- it`s fantom error that happen because slow/bad internet connection like 3G, EDGE.

Now i have some misunderstanding about how module work. As i understand that page contain all.css file to create criticalCss file. Is it correct? Because module create almost empty file if all.css not included into page via <link href="..."> :(

jefflembeck commented 9 years ago

No, the all.css file must be pulled down and hosted locally.

klierik commented 9 years ago

maybe i dont understand how its work... but if *.css file not present on page then criticalCSS generate empty file (

i have next situation 1) if user haven`t cookies so server attach criticalCSS and loading full.css via AJAX 2) if user has cookies, so just adding tag into header (because CSS already cached)

so, now i can`t generate criticalCSS because on page full.css no present

klierik commented 9 years ago

You know... maybe i was wrong.

the module generate only 2 string:

*{ padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; }
body{ font: normal normal normal 12px/1.55 Muli, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(54, 54, 54); text-align: left; background-image: url(..//skin/frontend/default/fun/images/bg-top-bar-color.png); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-position: 0% 0%; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat; }

what am i do? 1) i run sass->css 2) then replace, autoprefixer, csscomb 3) cssmin 4) criticalcss and at the end into file save only this 2 rows :(

but, if i will wait some time and run criticalcss after all by manual it will generate correct criticalCss file. i test this way more them 10 times and really i don't understand why. even if i use grunt-wait module for create pause (10,20,30s) -- it doesn`t help

my project created in vagrant environment but access to file system i have via HOST path.

maybe you have any idea to help or define where is can be problem? thanks

update: never mind -- it was my mistake with server side. everything work fine