filamentgroup / grunt-criticalcss

Grunt wrapper for criticalcss
MIT License
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Copying extracted folder stuck because of PhantomJS #34

Closed gijsroge closed 8 years ago

gijsroge commented 8 years ago
Saving to /var/folders/rw/5lfpntc96k51n_dqkwx6_gln3hpdtt/T/phantomjs/
  [===========-----------------------------] 26% 0.0s
Received 9187K total.
Extracting zip contents
Removing /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/rolutex/web/theme/rolutex/node_modules/phantomjs/lib/phantom
Copying extracted folder /var/folders/rw/5lfpntc96k51n_dqkwx6_gln3hpdtt/T/phantomjs/ -> /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/rolutex/web/theme/rolutex/node_modules/phantomjs/lib/phantom

This is only happens if I include grunt-criticalcss. Without this module PhantomJS installs fine. I'm guessing this is because i'm using npm 3.3.3 which shares modules instead of the old inception way of including modules.

zenopopovici commented 8 years ago

I've reported the same issue here:

gijsroge commented 8 years ago

See #33