filamentgroup / grunt-criticalcss

Grunt wrapper for criticalcss
MIT License
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Missing too many crucial rules #36

Closed brightonmike closed 8 years ago

brightonmike commented 8 years ago

Hello -

Trying to get this to work with a WordPress theme for the agency I work for.

Trouble is, the generated CSS misses out so many rules that you get quite an ugly FOUC on load.

I've loaded the page without the non-critical CSS to show you what I mean. Our site is

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I currently have 89/100 mobile and 93/100 PS - I'd love to get this working. Practicality wise, our site is already extremely quick so it probably won't make much difference, but having this in the locker for client projects would be great.


brightonmike commented 8 years ago

Edit: I'm aware I can fix the missing images with absolute paths - but my main concern is the layout issues.

brightonmike commented 8 years ago

Looks like I had my output path wrong somehow. Which is weird because my critical CSS file was there. However, when I deleted it and ran the task, it didn't come back and I couldn't find where the task was saving it.

Fiddled about with the paths and eventually it came back. I've no idea what was going on...