filamentgroup / tablesaw

A group of plugins for responsive tables.
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Determine date format in use to aid sorting #281

Closed brendanheyu closed 7 years ago

brendanheyu commented 7 years ago

I'm not able to sort columns with dates as it seems there is no way to define the date format in use.

Maybe it could be done as : data-tablesaw-sortable-date="true" data-tablesaw-sortable-date-format="dd/mm/yyyy"

That would be really helpful.

saiballo commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem

zachleat commented 7 years ago

It’s unlikely we’ll support this level of sorting in the plugin. We expose functionality to do this through custom sort functions. See “Advanced Option: Custom Sort Functions” on

josephsong commented 7 years ago

An easy way to work around date sorting specifically, is to precede the formatted date with a machine-sortable version, and then use CSS to hide the machine-sortable version. ISO format works nicely.

Note, however, that display:none probably won't work. It has to be technically visible, but can be hidden from the user.

For example,

<table class="tablesaw tablesaw-stack" data-tablesaw-mode="stack" data-tablesaw-sortable>
        <th data-tablesaw-sortable-col>Date</th>
        <th data-tablesaw-sortable-col>Something else</th>
          <span style="position: absolute; left: -9999px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">
          Sep 1
          <span style="position: absolute; left: -9999px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">
          Aug 31
nickpish commented 3 years ago

Thanks @josephsong for the work-around- I'm finding myself in a similar position needing to essentially abstract the sort date value from the display value. @zachleat How difficult would it be to modify the script to look at a data attribute on the <td> such as data-sort-value instead of the cell value itself?