filamentphp / filament

A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
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Feat: Extra field wrapper attributes #12782

Closed atmonshi closed 2 weeks ago

atmonshi commented 2 weeks ago

New Method: extraFieldWrapperAttributes, for more fields customization without the need for publishing the views.


the new method extraFieldWrapperAttributes will allow to add classes to thefield-wrapper. my use case it to highlight some fields by custom CSS.

all other extra*Attributes will only applies to the input itself

Visual changes:



    ->extraFieldWrapperAttributes(['class' => 'components-locked'])

Functional changes

atmonshi commented 2 weeks ago

Please do the same for the infolist entry wrapper, and remove the changes to composer.lock

all done 👍, and revert composer.lock

danharrin commented 2 weeks ago
