filamentphp / filament

A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
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Livewire components not found when using hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithContent() #9562

Open joshembling opened 8 months ago

joshembling commented 8 months ago



Package Version


Laravel Version


Livewire Version

No response

PHP Version

PHP 8.1.0

Problem description

When rendering a custom livewire component on a resource, that is nested within tabs (as per hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithContent(), any time you switch between tabs page stops working with a console error: Uncaught (in promise) Component not found: {id}

Expected behavior

Switch between tabs and keep renders of custom Livewire components

Steps to reproduce

Reproduction repository

Relevant log output

Uncaught (in promise) Component not found: idopTEblGCNIQYMtdUw7

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marlocorridor commented 7 months ago

Hi @joshembling, did yours got fixed? I'm having similar issue.

joshembling commented 7 months ago

Hi @joshembling, did yours got fixed? I'm having similar issue.

No this is still an issue.

naseef commented 7 months ago

I'm also having same issue. Any workarounds? This happens only when I am having a custom livewire component in the infolist

naseef commented 5 months ago

If I disable hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithContent(), i as having Uncaught Snapshot missing on Livewire component with id as in #10715 . Now that is fixed but this issue still persists

kmaphane commented 1 month ago

Good day,

Had the same issue with a custom dashboard, tabs, and filter. All works well. I am able to show the content I want for each tab using livewire components. But once I click on the filter, the livewire content ghosts me and gives me the error:

"Uncaught Snapshot missing on Livewire component with id:"

The code is as follows


namespace App\Filament\Pages;

use App\Livewire\AnotherMeterReadings;
use App\Livewire\WaterMeterReadings;
use Filament\Forms\Components\DatePicker;
use Filament\Pages\Dashboard\Actions\FilterAction;
use Filament\Pages\Dashboard as PagesDashboard;
use Filament\Pages\Dashboard\Concerns\HasFiltersAction;
use Filament\Resources\Concerns\HasTabs;

class Dashboard extends PagesDashboard
    use HasFiltersAction;
    use HasTabs;

    public ?string $activeTab = null;

    protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';

    protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.dashboard';

    protected static ?string $slug = '/';

    protected function getTabs(): array
        return [
            'tab1' => 'Overview',
            'tab2' => 'Graphs',

    protected function getHeaderActions(): array
        $actions = [
                    // ...

        return $actions;

    protected function getTabView($activeTab): ?string
        switch ($activeTab) {
            case 'tab1':
                return WaterMeterReadings::class;
            case 'tab2':
                return AnotherMeterReadings::class;
                return WaterMeterReadings::class;
<x-filament-panels::page x-data="{activeTab: 'tab1'}" x-init="(console.log(activeTab))">
    <x-filament::tabs label="Overview">
        @foreach ($this->getTabs() as $tab => $label)
                alpine-active="activeTab === '{{ $tab }}'"
                x-on:click="activeTab = '{{ $tab }}'"
                {{ $label }}
   @foreach ($this->getTabs() as $tab => $component)
        <div wire:key="{{ $tab }}" x-show="activeTab === '{{ $tab }}'">
                {{-- This is the content for tab {{ $tab }} --}}
                @livewire($this->getTabView($tab), ["filters" => $this->filters], ["key" => $tab])

The livewire component is a simple widget as follows:


namespace App\Livewire;

use App\Models\WaterMeter;
use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn;
use Filament\Tables\Table;
use Filament\Widgets\Concerns\InteractsWithPageFilters;
use Filament\Widgets\TableWidget as BaseWidget;

class WaterMeterReadings extends BaseWidget
    use InteractsWithPageFilters;

    public function table(Table $table): Table
        return $table

A couple of snaps:

Initial load:


When I open Filter:


Hope someone can help.