file-icons / atom

Atom file-specific icons for improved visual grepping.
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Add support for DCL and Pro*FORTRAN `.pfo` files #822

Closed pweaver2019 closed 3 years ago

pweaver2019 commented 3 years ago

Added filetype PFO under FORTRAN for Oracle Pro-Form files, added new entries for "Digital Command Language" and "Command Language Definition" for OpenVMS systems. Both shades of orange to match The Great Orange Wall.

Alhadis commented 3 years ago

@pweaver2019 Just curious (and this is entirely unrelated to this PR), would you happen to have access to an OpenVMS machine? (Or know how to acquire it?) I recently noticed HP have discontinued the hobbyist VMS program, defeating my hope of ever exploring the system (I knew I should have registered earlier…)

pweaver2019 commented 3 years ago

Hi John,

I use OpenVMS daily. Currently I am doing Fortran coding and managing 5 Alpha/VMS virtual machines. I recently started using the Microsoft Visual Studio Code with the “VMS IDE” extension from VMS Software Inc. Once I started learning Visual Studio Code and playing with git I was able to create scripts that loaded over 30 years of changes in the Fortran and Oracle code into git.

I used to see many VAX and Alpha systems end up on eBay, sometimes with licenses, sometimes without. Since the hobbyist program died I have heard that there is at least one program floating around that will erase the expiration date in the hobbyist licenses. I have never looked at it since my systems are all legally licensed, but I hear that other people have used it. I don’t know if VMS Software Inc. will restart the hobbyist program after HP dropped it. If they do then were are a lot of virtual VAX and virtual Alpha systems both freeware and commercial that are available. If you know anyone looking for a commercial VAX or Alpha system then I highly recommend vtVAX and vtAlpha, but then again I’m biased towards them.

For the .com issue, I searched the config.cson for .com but did not see the line [/\.(exe|com|msi)$/i] in there. Now that I see it I will just drop the issue. I manually added the pfo, cld and com entries into the file-icons-icon-theme.json file so that works for me.

Thank you, Peter Weaver

Alhadis commented 3 years ago

Have you been able to run VSCode on VMS, though? 🤔 If so, how was it ported?

My interest in VMS stems from my curiosity about how its filesystem and concept of filepaths differs from that of Windows and Unix-like platforms. I'm happy to explore OpenVMS using SimH, but the problem is laying hands on a copy of OpenVMS in the first place. 😢

I manually added the pfo, cld and com entries into the file-icons-icon-theme.json file so that works for me.

Sorry about that. The VSCode and Atom packages differ vastly in their implementation, mainly because the former started life as a QND port of the latter. The file-icons project needs a complete rehaul so there's a SSoT for icon-to-filetype mappings. 😞

Alhadis commented 3 years ago

BTW, don't worry about the changes I requested earlier. I'm trying to wrap up a new release of this package, so I made the necessary changes to your fork myself to move things along a little. 👍

pweaver2019 commented 3 years ago

I run VSCode on either my Windows 10 machine or on my MacBook. Both work fine. They use sftp to copy code from/to the VMS host. So I use VSCode to download the code, edit it locally then push it up to the VMS host. The VMS IDE says that it will also build and debug VMS code, but I have never tried that since the company has its own build routines.

If you just want to play with a VMS machine then you can get a free account on FAFNER,

There is also - I haven’t looked at that in years, I see that they now want “10 local currency units” for shell access.

Another option is to join DECUS at, the benefits say that you get system access via SSH.

If you want to download the latest VAX/VMS distribution to play in SIMH then you can find a copy at The latest Alpha/VMS distribution is at, I’m not sure if SIMH emulates an Alpha, there is/was a free ES40 emulator that mainly works. There is a lot of data at If you have never installed VMS then there is a STEP learning curve, but one of the test machines above would let you look at the file system.

Thanks for looking after those changes for me, I appreciate it.

Thank you, Peter Weaver

Alhadis commented 3 years ago

Oh wow, thanks!! Those links look promising, I'll definitely check them out! 😀

I actually remember I downloaded an old version of OpenVMS from, uh, of all places. Never tried it since I assumed a license was needed (hence why it wasn't taken down).

If you have never installed VMS then there is a STEEP learning curve

😉 Yup, but that's also another reason I'm eager to try VMS: it's like learning to use a computer all over again. Miss that feeling…

Thanks again for the help!!