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send-discord-log max characters #20

Closed jpdsc closed 2 years ago

jpdsc commented 2 years ago

Hey! First of all thank you for the script! Really useful. However, I think you should try and implement a character limit on the content. The maximum total limit for "content "is 2000 characters.


Also, would you be interested in creating a script which doesn't output a command but reads from a log file and outputs once it changes?

rednoah commented 2 years ago

send-discord-log is meant to be functional yet as simple as possible, so that it can be easily understood and customized as desired.

Respecting the 2000 chars content limit is reasonable. Shall we replace cat with head -c or tail -c?

As for doing tail -f and then spamming each line to discord, that would be out-of-scope here, but it's something you can easily do by yourself.

e.g. some untested bash code I copy & pasted together, might just work:

tail -f "$1" | stdbuf -oL uniq | while read -r LINE; do
    curl --form "username=PRINT" --form "content=$LINE" "$DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL"
jpdsc commented 2 years ago

Understood. You know, I thought it was also outputting the log file hence why I mentioned the 2000 char. However, due to the grep on: It can still output more than 2000 char. Fixed by you now :-)

Regarding the tail -f. I already created something similar myself and working as intended.

rednoah commented 2 years ago

No worries. The 2000 char embedded content limit is a good catch, even if we're unlikely to run into it due to grep filtering most of the output already. Easily fixed by adding head -c in our "model" solution.