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[Allocator Application] <Yunphant>< Yunphant Allocator> PR #103 #107

Open martapiekarska opened 2 months ago

martapiekarska commented 2 months ago

Allocator Application

Application Number


Organization Name


Organization On-chain Identity


Allocator Pathway Name

Yunphant Allocator

Github PR Number


Region of Operation

Africa,Asia minus GCR,Europe,Greater China Region,North America,Oceania,South America

GitHub ID


On-chain address

I have a multisig I want to provide now

Type of Allocator

Similar to existing allocator pathways

Filecoin Community Agreement

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, allocator, or other operating entity Acknowledge

Type of Allocator and RFA List

Manual - Existing similar diligence pathway

Allocator Description

Contributions to EcosystemBuild better data onboarding pathway,Onboard >10PiBs of Data,Data Stewardship: Curate and provide high-quality datasets to be stored on the Filecoin network, enhancing the overall value and utility of the network.

Monetization and Fee structure


Target Clients

Web3 developers,Nonprofit organizations,Commercial/Enterprise,Individuals,Open/Public

Client Diligence Check

Client promise/attestation,Manual verification,Proof of provenance

Description of client diligence

To establish initial trust and verify clients for the Yunphant Allocator, we employ a thorough pathway mechanism that focuses on both manual scrutiny and automated processes where feasible.

  1. Verification Mechanism and Trust Establishment:
    • Manual Verification: Each client undergoes a comprehensive manual review process. This includes identity verification through official documents such as business licenses, registration certificates, and personal identification files. We also scrutinize their business model, operational history, and credibility through social media profiles and official websites.
    • Automated Checks: For efficiency, we integrate automated checks using smart contract reviews and third-party KYC (Know Your Customer) services. These services help verify client identities and flag potential risks or inconsistencies.
    • Sybil Attack Mitigation: To mitigate sybil attacks, we implement rate limits and deterministic methods within our automated processes. This includes setting thresholds based on IP addresses, session durations, and behavior patterns to detect and prevent fraudulent activities.
  2. Verification of Data Ownership Claims:
    • Proof of Data Ownership: For enterprise and paying clients, verifying data ownership claims is critical. We require clients to provide evidence such as data samples, storage server details, and a data ownership declaration. This declaration legally binds clients to attest their ownership and responsibility for the data they intend to store on Filecoin.
    • Due Diligence on Data Sources: We conduct background checks on the authenticity of data sources provided by clients. This involves contacting business partners or entities in the client's supply chain to validate the legitimacy of data acquisition and usage.
  3. Auditing and Governance Proof:
    • Documentation and Reports: Evidence of client diligence is compiled into detailed reports and documentation. These include summaries of identity verification processes, business compliance checks, and outcomes of automated KYC services.
    • Transparency and Accessibility: All audit trails and client verification data are maintained in a secure repository accessible to the Governance Team. This ensures transparency and facilitates regular audits to validate compliance with Filecoin community standards and regulations. By combining rigorous manual verification with strategic automation and stringent audit trails, the Yunphant Allocator maintains robust client diligence practices while effectively mitigating risks associated with sybil attacks and data ownership disputes.

Type of data

Public, open, and retrievable,Proof of concept, network utilities

Description of Data Diligence

To ensure rigorous data diligence for the Yunphant Allocator, we implement a structured approach that aligns with program scope, local and regional legal requirements, and validates client data ownership.

  1. Verification of Program Scope:
    • Criteria Alignment: We establish clear criteria outlining acceptable data types and use cases that align with Filecoin's program scope. This includes prioritizing public datasets and enterprise-public data as per community guidelines.
    • Client Suitability: Before onboarding clients, we assess their data against predefined criteria to confirm alignment with program objectives. This involves reviewing data categories, intended usage, and adherence to community-defined standards.
  2. Legal Compliance and Data Ownership Verification:
    • Legal Requirements: We conduct thorough checks to ensure client data complies with local and regional legal requirements. This includes regulations governing data privacy, protection, and transmission.
    • Data Ownership Verification: Clients must provide proof of data ownership through documentation such as contracts, licenses, or permissions from relevant authorities. We validate this through direct communication with data originators or regulatory bodies where applicable.
  3. Data Sampling and Verification Tools:
    • Sampling Methodology: We employ systematic data sampling techniques to verify the accuracy and integrity of client-provided data. This includes random and targeted sampling approaches to cross-reference against initial client claims.
    • Verification Tools: Utilizing advanced data analytics and verification tools, we validate data authenticity and integrity. These tools include blockchain-based validation mechanisms, data fingerprinting, and checksum comparisons to ensure consistency and integrity throughout storage deals.
  4. Audit Proof and Documentation:
    • Comprehensive Reports: We compile comprehensive reports detailing our data diligence processes, including verification steps, compliance checks, and validation outcomes.
    • Dashboard Access: Governance teams have access to real-time dashboards displaying audit trails, data sampling results, and compliance status updates.
    • Documentation Repository: All documentation related to data diligence, including legal compliance certificates, ownership proofs, and verification reports, are securely stored and accessible for audit purposes. By implementing these robust data diligence practices, the Yunphant Allocator ensures that all client data adheres to program requirements, legal standards, and ownership authenticity. This approach not only mitigates risks associated with non-compliant data but also enhances transparency and trust within the Filecoin community governance framework.

Data Preparation


Replicas required, verified by CID checker


Distribution required

Equal distribution of deals across regions

Number of Storage Providers required


Retrieval Requirements

Public data highly retrievable over Spark.

Allocation Tranche Schedule TypeManual or other allocation schedule.

Initial Maximum for Each Client: Clients in the initial stages may be subject to restrictions on the overall cap to ensure fair distribution and prevent misuse. This initial cap can gradually increase as the client's participation and reputation grow in the network. Dynamic Adjustment of Overall Cap: With improvements in a client's performance and reputation within the Filecoin network, the overall cap can be dynamically adjusted. This encourages clients to contribute valuable data and actively engage in the Filecoin ecosystem. Allocator Always Follows a ""Limited Trust Over Time"" Approach: More Datacap is gradually released over time based on the time process, such as doubling the rate from the previous round. For example:

First Round: 512 TiB Second Round: 1 PiB Third Round: 2 PiB Fourth Round: 2 PiB Overall Cap for Each Client: (2 PiB)

Will you use FIDL tooling, such as and other bots?

Yes, all available tools

GitHub Bookkeeping Repo Link

Success metrics

Number of clients,Amount of data onboarded, daily & aggregate,Speed of allocations (TTD),Retrievability of data,Number of returning client customers

Timeline to begin allocating to clients

1 week from RKH approval

Funnel: Expected DataCap usage over 12 months


Risk mitigation strategies

To safeguard our organization, reputation, and pathway from abuse within the Yunphant Allocator framework, we implement robust risk mitigation strategies. Here’s an overview of our key measures:

Operational Security (OpSec) Standards:

Implementation of stringent OpSec protocols to safeguard against unauthorized access, data breaches, and malicious activities. Regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities proactively. User Agreements and Terms of Service:

Clear and comprehensive user agreements outlining acceptable use policies, data ownership rights, and compliance with Filecoin's community guidelines. Enforcement of terms to maintain integrity and ensure adherence to ethical data handling practices. Alert Systems and Monitoring:

Real-time monitoring systems for detecting unusual activities, unauthorized access attempts, or anomalies in data storage and retrieval operations. Immediate alerts trigger response protocols to mitigate potential risks promptly. Throttling and Rate Limiting Mechanisms:

Implementation of throttling mechanisms to regulate data storage and retrieval requests, preventing abuse and ensuring fair resource allocation. Rate limiting controls to manage traffic flow, balancing system performance with operational demands. Auditing and Compliance Oversight:

Regular audits of user activities, data transactions, and compliance with regulatory frameworks and Filecoin's governance policies. Transparent reporting and documentation of audit findings to demonstrate adherence to operational standards. Education and Training:

Continuous education and training programs for stakeholders, emphasizing data privacy, security best practices, and compliance requirements. Empowering users with knowledge to enhance awareness and mitigate risks effectively. Collaboration with Governance Bodies:

Active participation in Filecoin's governance processes to align with community guidelines, seek guidance on emerging threats, and contribute to policy development. Collaboration with regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with local and regional data protection regulations. These risk mitigation strategies are integral to maintaining the integrity, security, and sustainability of the Yunphant Allocator. By prioritizing operational security, proactive monitoring, and regulatory compliance, we aim to foster trust among stakeholders and uphold the reputation of Filecoin's decentralized data storage ecosystem.

Dispute Resolutions

In managing disputes related to DataCap allocation within the Yunphant Allocator framework, we have structured our approach to effectively resolve both internal and external disagreements. Here’s how we address dispute resolutions:

Internal Disputes Management:

Clear Communication Channels: Establishing clear lines of communication with clients to address concerns promptly and transparently. Defined Escalation Procedures: Implementing escalation paths within our organization to handle disputes efficiently as they arise. Mediation and Negotiation: Utilizing mediation techniques to facilitate constructive dialogues and reach mutually acceptable resolutions. Documentation: Maintaining detailed records of communications, agreements, and transactions to provide a clear audit trail during dispute resolution processes. External Disputes and Governance Interaction:

Adherence to Filecoin Governance: Ensuring compliance with Filecoin’s governance principles and regulations in all dispute resolution processes. Engagement with Governance Bodies: Collaborating with the Fil+ Governance Team and other relevant parties to address external disputes effectively. Evidence-Based Defense: Providing substantiated evidence and documentation to support our decisions and actions in case of external challenges. Transparency and Accountability: Operating with transparency in all interactions, including reporting on dispute outcomes and resolutions to stakeholders and regulatory bodies. Conflict Resolution Framework:

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to local and regional legal frameworks and Filecoin’s community guidelines throughout the dispute resolution process. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Conducting risk assessments to identify potential disputes early and implementing preemptive measures to mitigate their impact. Continuous Improvement: Regularly reviewing and refining our dispute resolution procedures based on feedback, case studies, and emerging industry best practices. By integrating these strategies into our operational framework, we aim to foster trust, maintain integrity, and ensure equitable resolutions for all parties involved in DataCap allocation within the Yunphant Allocator. Our commitment to effective dispute resolution underscores our dedication to upholding the principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability in Filecoin’s decentralized ecosystem.

Compliance Audit Check

To ensure compliance with program-wide and pathway-specific requirements as an allocator with Yunphant Allocator, we have developed robust mechanisms to provide evidence of compliance during audits. Here’s how we plan to demonstrate compliance:

Comprehensive Reporting and Documentation:

Regular Compliance Reports: Generating periodic reports that detail our pathway's adherence to program guidelines and specific requirements. Dashboard Visibility: Providing access to a secure dashboard that showcases real-time data on compliance metrics, such as client verification status, data ownership validation, and legal requirements fulfillment. Audit Trail: Maintaining a detailed audit trail documenting each step of the compliance process, including verifications, assessments, and any corrective actions taken. Data Sampling and Validation:

Sampling Procedures: Implementing systematic data sampling procedures to verify that the data managed by our clients meets local, regional, and program-specific legal requirements. Validation Tools: Using specialized tools and technologies to validate the authenticity of data ownership claims and the accuracy of storage provider interactions. Client and Provider Audits:

Client Verification: Conducting thorough audits of client information and data ownership claims to ensure accuracy and compliance with Filecoin's governance standards. Provider Assessment: Evaluating storage providers to confirm their adherence to operational standards and regulatory requirements, such as data security protocols and contractual obligations. Proof of Compliance:

Sample Reports: Providing anonymized sample compliance reports that illustrate our adherence to program guidelines and pathway-specific requirements. Documentation Links: Sharing links to detailed documentation, including policies, procedures, and contractual agreements that outline our commitment to compliance. Data Proofs: Presenting specific data proofs, such as cryptographic hashes or digital signatures, that validate the integrity and ownership of stored data. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:

Feedback Mechanisms: Soliciting feedback from clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies to continuously improve our compliance practices. Adaptive Strategies: Adapting our compliance strategies in response to evolving regulatory landscapes and Filecoin governance updates. By implementing these measures, Yunphant Allocator aims to demonstrate a proactive approach to compliance management, ensuring alignment with Filecoin's regulatory requirements and maintaining trust among stakeholders. Our commitment to transparency and diligence underscores our dedication to upholding the highest standards of integrity in managing DataCap allocation within the Filecoin network.

Compliance Report content presented for audit

Success metric: onchain report of data onboarded,Success metric: onchain data report,Client Diligence: Client statements, client provided verification,Data Compliance: Data Samples,Data Compliance: Manual report,Compliance: CID report.

Connections to Filecoin Ecosystem

Big data contributor,Storage provider

Slack ID
