filecoin-project / Allocator-Governance

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[Allocator Application] <Oula Team>< OulaAllocator> PR #132 #133

Open martapiekarska opened 1 month ago

martapiekarska commented 1 month ago

Allocator Application

Application Number


Organization Name

Oula Team

Organization On-chain Identity


Allocator Pathway Name


Github PR Number


Region of Operation

Asia minus GCR,Greater China Region,North America,Europe

GitHub ID


On-chain address

I would like the governance team to create a multisig for me

Type of Allocator


Filecoin Community Agreement

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, allocator, or other operating entity Acknowledge

Type of Allocator and RFA List

RFA: Manual - Research archival

Allocator Description

By strategically allocating resources to projects and initiatives that align with the core objectives. Regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms will be implemented to track progress and adjust strategies as needed to ensure the goals are met effectively.

Contributions to EcosystemBuild better data onboarding pathway,Onboard >10PiBs of Data

Monetization and Fee structure


Target Clients

Nonprofit organizations,Commercial/Enterprise,Open/Public

Client Diligence Check

3rd party Know your business (KYB) service,3rd party Know your customer (KYC) service,Manual verification

Description of client diligence

The following platform help us to understand more about the client effectively: 1. KYC / KYB 2. Self-Introduction of Client 3. Confirmation of the Actual Business 4. Estimation of DC requirement In addition, we can further collect the information in face-to-face interview, web virtual interview or through other channels such as third-party platforms, search engines and etc.

Type of data

Private encrypted with on-chain deal pricing,Public, open, and retrievable,Proof of concept, network utilities

Description of Data Diligence

Ownership proven base on the data is provided by the applicant and verified on the basis of the previously established procedure. There are no restrictions on the method of verification.

Data Preparation


Replicas required, verified by CID checker


Distribution required

Equal distribution of deals across regions

Number of Storage Providers required


Retrieval Requirements

Public data highly retrievable over Spark.

Allocation Tranche Schedule TypeManual or other allocation schedule.

• First: 1/10 • Second: 2/10 • Third: 3/10 • Fourth: 4/10 • Max per client overall: 5 PiB

Will you use FIDL tooling, such as and other bots?

Yes, some tools

GitHub Bookkeeping Repo Link

Success metrics

Amount of data onboarded, daily & aggregate

Timeline to begin allocating to clients

1 month from RKH approval

Funnel: Expected DataCap usage over 12 months


Risk mitigation strategies

User Agreements: Establishing clear user agreements that outline acceptable use policies, legal responsibilities, and consequences for violations. Alerts and Monitoring: Deploying real-time monitoring systems to detect suspicious activities, with automated alerts for any anomalies or potential security breaches. Regular Reviews: Conducting periodic reviews of security practices and updating them in response to emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

Dispute Resolutions

SP storage ->Distribution may be abnormal/cheating ->Public channels raise doubts and gain community recognition ->Specific doubts require clients to collect and publicly disclose information within 7 days ->Governance team&Allocator&community discussion ->Continue/Closed

Compliance Audit Check

Client submits application -> KYC/KYB -> Allocation Check information -> Passed -> Manual allocation for round 1-> SP sealing -> Allocation Check storage compliance -> OK -> Allocation for round 2-> SP sealing ->Allocation Check storage compliance -> Not OK -> Close

Use tools such as Glif and to check weekly whether LDN is distributed as expected, and regularly summarize and analyze to form reports; When the client's data distribution encounters 2 exceptions, it will be immediately shut down;

Compliance Report content presented for audit

Client Diligence: Legal Review documents,Client Diligence: Client statements, client provided verification,Client Diligence: KYC/KYB report on clients.

Connections to Filecoin Ecosystem

Big data contributor

Slack ID

Kevin-FF-USA commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @alexlbrahim859, Wanted to let you know this application has been received, thank you for submitting to become an Allocator in the Filecoin Plus Program.

Since there are over 40 current DataCap pathways available for applicants to request DataCap currently, we are prioritizing applications that are implementing systems other than Manual. You had mentioned interest in design concepts for a OAuth page. Thoughts on incorporating that into an Allocator model?

Please join us on the next call, would love to hear more and answer any questions you may have.

Every other Tuesday (03Sep) Call 1: 0900 pdt /1600 utc Call 2: 1900 pdt / 0200 utc (next day)

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