filecoin-project / Allocator-Governance

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[Allocator Application] <Coffee Cloud Company Limited>< CoffeeCloud Gen2 Allocation Pathway> PR #167 #169

Open martapiekarska opened 5 days ago

martapiekarska commented 5 days ago

Allocator Application

Application Number


Organization Name

Coffee Cloud Company Limited

Organization On-chain Identity


Allocator Pathway Name

CoffeeCloud Gen2 Allocation Pathway

Github PR Number


Region of Operation

Asia minus GCR

GitHub ID


On-chain address

I will provide an address on a later date

Type of Allocator


Filecoin Community Agreement

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, allocator, or other operating entity Acknowledge

Type of Allocator and RFA List

RFA: Market-based - Client/SP Fees

Allocator Description

A web-based application will be established for clients to apply for DataCap for a market-determined price.

Contributions to EcosystemData Stewardship: Curate and provide high-quality datasets to be stored on the Filecoin network, enhancing the overall value and utility of the network.

Monetization and Fee structure

Client fees.

Target Clients


Client Diligence Check

Manual verification

Description of client diligence

First, copy of the official documentation, such as national identification document and/or company registration document, will be requested. Additional authorization documentations will also be requested for commercial and enterprise. Second, video conference will then be arranged with the prospective clients to verify their personal identity. Third, our Governance team will evaluate the trustworthiness of the potential clients, and may request notarized documentations, including but not limited to personal or attestation statements.

Type of data

Private encrypted with on-chain deal pricing,Public, open, and retrievable

Description of Data Diligence

Our Governance team will carry the initial content check with our vetted clients, per suggested in the "client diligence" section in stages.

First, an initial small amount of DataCap (e.g. 64 GiB) will be allocated to the vetted clients. After the initial DataCap is consumed by the clients, a full data review will be conduced to make sure the data are align with the scope of our Allocation Program and legal requirements. Proof of data ownership and/or authorization will be requested during this stage. Our clients will not be assigned more DataCap unless (a) their data are align with the objective (including scopes) of our Allocation Program, (b) data ownerships are attested and (c) the data are compliant with all legal requirements.

Second, if the clients passed the initial content check, additional DataCap will be gradually assigned to the clients in multiple rounds. Random, un-announced spot checks will be carried out every 15 working days. Approximately 25% of the newly uploaded data will be reviewed, while 10% of all existing data will also be reviewed.

Data Preparation

IPFS Kubo,Client-provided,Go-CAR

Replicas required, verified by CID checker


Distribution required

Single region of SPs

Number of Storage Providers required


Retrieval Requirements

Public data highly retrievable over Spark.

Allocation Tranche Schedule TypeManual or other allocation schedule.

100 Clients * 0.5 PiB = 50 PiB

Will you use FIDL tooling, such as and other bots?

Yes, all available tools

GitHub Bookkeeping Repo Link

Success metrics

Amount of data onboarded, daily & aggregate

Timeline to begin allocating to clients

2 months from RKH approval

Funnel: Expected DataCap usage over 12 months


Risk mitigation strategies

Our Governance team will require official documentations from all of the clients, following the best practices of CA/Browser forum requirements and recommendations of Extended Validation Certificate issuance regarding validating the identities of individuals and organizations.

Dispute Resolutions

For disputes between our clients and other parties, we and/or our affiliates will initiate arbitrations to resolve the disputes. For disputes between us and our clients regarding the discrepancies of DataCap distribution, detailed audit traits will be provided to the notary or Fil+ Governance Team; for other disputes, our team will also first contact the clients in writing, clearly states the non-compliant issue(s) and suggest corrective action(s). If the disputes between the clients and us cannot be resolved, the conversations, internal audit logs and review logs will be provided to the notary or Fil+ Governance Team.

Compliance Audit Check

Compliance Report content presented for audit

Success metric: Proof of Payments from clients,Data Compliance: Manual report.

Connections to Filecoin Ecosystem

Previous notary,Storage provider

Slack ID


Kevin-FF-USA commented 1 day ago

Thanks for applying to serve as an Allocator in the Filecoin Plus Program. In looking at this application, the TYPE OF ALLOCATOR is currently set to REQUEST FOR ALLOCATOR (RFA). Can you please describe what type of Allocator pathway you wish to operate as a Manual with Market-based - Client/SP Fees. Specifically - what makes this new pathway DIFFERENT from a Manual review?

For more details on the types of Allocators please check out this blog.

Kevin-FF-USA commented 1 day ago

For MANUAL pathways, would like to make you aware that these types of applications are being processes as the network need becomes available. Currently there are ~50 pathways available for Manual reviews, so the priority for onboarding new Allocators is to pathways doing something novel to support the network.

