filecoin-project / Allocator-Governance

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[Allocator Application] <CMay>< CMay_AutomatedAllocator> PR #89 #90

Open martapiekarska opened 2 months ago

martapiekarska commented 2 months ago

Allocator Application

Application Number


Organization Name


Organization On-chain Identity


Allocator Pathway Name


Github PR Number


Region of Operation

Africa,Asia minus GCR,Europe,Greater China Region,North America

GitHub ID


On-chain address

I have a multisig I want to provide now

Type of Allocator


Filecoin Community Agreement

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, allocator, or other operating entity Acknowledge

Type of Allocator and RFA List

RFA: Automated - Client staking

Allocator Description

Contributions to EcosystemBuild better data onboarding pathway,Data Stewardship: Curate and provide high-quality datasets to be stored on the Filecoin network, enhancing the overall value and utility of the network.

Monetization and Fee structure

Client staking,SP fees.

Target Clients

Web3 developers,Nonprofit organizations,Individuals,Open/Public,Commercial/Enterprise

Client Diligence Check

Automated deterministic,Client promise/attestation,Manual verification,On-chain deal pricing,3rd party Know your customer (KYC) service,3rd party Know your business (KYB) service

Description of client diligence

We will review the client according to the money paid by them. Clients with high demand for datacap need to be reviewed in more detail. We need clients for providing personal information and confirming it through a third party kyc way. For privacy reasons, we do not disclose such information, and we may privately provide it to the gov team for review when necessary. If the client is on behalf of a company, the company's identity needs to be confirmed by a third-party kyb way. We need clients to provide proof of data storage. Then they should give us a link to part of dataset for us to confirm the data.

Type of data

Private encrypted with on-chain deal pricing,Public, open, and retrievable,Proof of concept, network utilities

Description of Data Diligence

Client need to provide detail of data include the amount of data, the source of data and the kind of data. We'll jedge if data is safe, so that the data which will be saved in filecoin is under the rules. Then we will need client provide some data samples to us. In the process, we randomly check the cid of the client's packaged data to determine if the client is storing consistent data. We will use open source tools to review to the data.

Data Preparation


Replicas required, verified by CID checker


Distribution required

Single region of SPs

Number of Storage Providers required


Retrieval Requirements

Data retrievable over other standard. Lotus

Allocation Tranche Schedule TypeManual or other allocation schedule.

Will you use FIDL tooling, such as and other bots?

Yes, all available tools

GitHub Bookkeeping Repo Link

Success metrics

Amount of data onboarded, daily & aggregate,Number of paid deals

Timeline to begin allocating to clients

1 month from RKH approval

Funnel: Expected DataCap usage over 12 months


Risk mitigation strategies

We'll design a program that will automatically alert us when the amount of data packaged by the client is abnormal and report the content for us. We will then immediately communicate with the client and urge them to resolve the problem. If the client does not solve the problem, we will immediately stop the cooperation with them. We will review the plan described in the client's application, and if the plan does not make sense, we will ask the client to change the plan before being allocated datacap. We will always keep a record of our communication with our clients on github for evidence. Clients who break the rules will be informed and will not work with us again.

Dispute Resolutions

When a dispute arises, we will contact the client within 3 days and set up an inner team to deal with the issue. We use FIDL tooling to get actual datacap usage reports from our clients and communicate with those involved in the dispute until a result is reached. If there is a problem with the client, we will immediately notify the client to correct the problem. We will post the results on github within 3 days of coming up with them.

Compliance Audit Check

We will obey the rules of Fil+. Reports can be found from filplus-checker-app bot.

Compliance Report content presented for audit

Success metric: Proof of Payments from clients,Success metric: onchain report of data onboarded,Success metric: onchain data report,Client Diligence: Client statements, client provided verification,Client Diligence: KYC/KYB report on clients,Data Compliance: Proof of provenance report,Data Compliance: Data Samples,Compliance: CID report.

Connections to Filecoin Ecosystem

Code contributor,Big data contributor

Slack ID


Kevin-FF-USA commented 1 week ago

Hi @PonnyWang4,

Thanks for submitting to become an Allocator in the Fil+ program. Looking forward to learning more about your pathway and getting your organizations involved.

In this application it reads like you are planning to setup an Automatic Allocator. As we review this application for onboarding, can you please share a bit more about the automation process you plan to implement.

Currently for the Automation Pathway this application lists _"Allocator Description Contributions to EcosystemBuild better data onboarding pathway,Data Stewardship: Curate and provide high-quality datasets to be stored on the Filecoin network, enhancing the overall value and utility of the network"

  1. How will applicants apply to automatically receive DataCap under this pathway?
  2. What tooling will be used to verify and ensure compliance with your standards? (Replicas & SPs for example)
  3. How will this AUTOMATIC pathway operate different than a MANUAL review?

Warmly, -Kevin

PonnyWang4 commented 1 week ago


Hello Kevin, thanks for your reply.

  1. Clients who match the type of our allocator submit an application on our github repo as a record of bookkeeping. After receiving the request from the client, we will send a link to the client to verify that he/she meets our requirements. Client need to provide their node to prove their assets and an address to receive datacap. After verification of eligibility, the client will receive the datacap automatically.

  2. We will use open-source tooling to check the number of replicas of the client, and spark to check that their sps support retrieval.

  3. Automated process for client review, which improves the efficiency of client review and datacap allocation.

Thanks again for your review. Waiting for your update.