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[Allocator Application] <CineVault>< CineVault Allocator> PR #95 #96

Open martapiekarska opened 2 months ago

martapiekarska commented 2 months ago

Allocator Application

Application Number


Organization Name


Organization On-chain Identity


Allocator Pathway Name

CineVault Allocator

Github PR Number


Region of Operation

Africa,Asia minus GCR,Europe,Greater China Region,North America,Oceania,South America

GitHub ID


On-chain address

I have a multisig I want to provide now

Type of Allocator

Similar to existing allocator pathways

Filecoin Community Agreement

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, allocator, or other operating entity Acknowledge

Type of Allocator and RFA List

Manual - Existing similar diligence pathway

Allocator Description

Contributions to EcosystemBuild better data onboarding pathway,Onboard >10PiBs of Data,Data Stewardship: Curate and provide high-quality datasets to be stored on the Filecoin network, enhancing the overall value and utility of the network.

Monetization and Fee structure

SP fees,Client fees.

Target Clients

Commercial/Enterprise,Open/Public,Nonprofit organizations,Web3 developers,Individuals

Client Diligence Check

Manual verification,Client promise/attestation

Description of client diligence

Type of data

Public, open, and retrievable,Proof of concept, network utilities

Description of Data Diligence

Data Preparation

Client-provided,Singularity,Other existing ecosystem tooling

Replicas required, verified by CID checker


Distribution required

Equal distribution of deals across regions

Number of Storage Providers required


Retrieval Requirements

Public data highly retrievable over Spark.

Allocation Tranche Schedule TypeManual or other allocation schedule.

Will you use FIDL tooling, such as and other bots?

Yes, all available tools

GitHub Bookkeeping Repo Link

Success metrics

Number of clients,Retrievability of data,Speed of allocations (TTD),Amount of data onboarded, daily & aggregate

Timeline to begin allocating to clients

1 week from RKH approval

Funnel: Expected DataCap usage over 12 months


Risk mitigation strategies

Risk Mitigation Strategies for CineVault Allocator

User Agreements: Clear terms will define acceptable use and consequences for misuse of DataCap, ensuring compliance with Filecoin community standards.

Operational Security (OpSec): Robust security protocols like encryption and multi-factor authentication will safeguard data integrity and user privacy.

Monitoring: Regular audits will track DataCap allocations and usage to promptly identify and address any irregularities or misuse.

Alert Mechanisms: Real-time alerts will notify administrators of suspicious activities, enabling swift response and mitigation actions.

Throttling Mechanisms: Implement limits on DataCap allocations per user to manage resource allocation efficiently and prevent abuse.

These strategies uphold CineVault Allocator's commitment to secure and responsible data management in the Filecoin ecosystem.

Dispute Resolutions

Dispute Resolutions

Disputes in DataCap allocation involve disagreements over data storage and retrieval on Filecoin. They can include issues with DataCap distribution, data compliance, or storage deal execution. Disputes may be internal (between you and your client) or external (with other notaries or the Fil+ Governance Team). Clear protocols and transparent communication are key to resolving disputes swiftly and fairly.

Compliance Audit Check

Compliance Audit Check

To ensure compliance for additional DataCap allocation, we maintain rigorous checks across our pathway, client engagements, and storage provider interactions. Here's how we provide evidence of compliance:

Pathway-Specific Requirements: We maintain detailed documentation on our pathway's operational standards and client engagement protocols. This includes documented client onboarding processes and pathway-specific rules.

Client Compliance Reports: We generate compliance reports detailing client adherence to Filecoin community standards and our pathway's requirements. Sample reports include summaries of client data types, storage plans, and compliance with local regulations.

Dashboard Monitoring: Utilizing tools like Fil+ dashboards and our internal tracking systems, we monitor DataCap distribution, client interactions with storage providers, and deal-making behaviors. This ensures transparency and accountability in all operations.

Data Proofs and Documentation: We provide data proofs such as transaction records, KYC verification outcomes, and proof of client engagements with storage providers. These documents are accessible for verification upon request.

External Audits and Governance: We participate in external audits and engage with the Fil+ Governance Team to validate compliance. This collaborative approach ensures alignment with program-wide standards and continuous improvement in pathway operations.

By maintaining these practices, we uphold the integrity of our pathway, promote trust within the Filecoin community, and facilitate fair and secure DataCap allocations for all stakeholders involved.

Compliance Report content presented for audit

Success metric: onchain report of data onboarded,Client Diligence: Client statements, client provided verification,Client Diligence: KYC/KYB report on clients,Data Compliance: Data Samples,Data Compliance: Manual report,Compliance: CID report.

Connections to Filecoin Ecosystem

Big data contributor

Slack ID
