filecoin-project / FIPs

The Filecoin Improvement Proposal repository
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Update specification #963

Closed ipfsforcezuofu closed 5 months ago

ipfsforcezuofu commented 6 months ago

The specification has been updated to address previous feedback. And a formula for calculating the deposit amount has been drafted. In response to concerns about variable deposit amounts, it is proposed that the message for insufficient deposits will now specify the exact amount needed to meet the deposit requirement.

ipfsforcezuofu commented 6 months ago

The specification has been updated to address previous feedback. And a formula for calculating the deposit amount has been drafted. In response to concerns about variable deposit amounts, it is proposed that the message for insufficient deposits will now specify the exact amount needed to meet the deposit requirement.

ipfsforcezuofu commented 6 months ago

The specification has been updated to address previous feedback. And a formula for calculating the deposit amount has been drafted. In response to concerns about variable deposit amounts, it is proposed that the message for insufficient deposits will now specify the exact amount needed to meet the deposit requirement.

luckyparadise commented 6 months ago

Are you drafting a new FIP?

Please follow these guidelines to help ensure that your proposal is set up for success in the governance process.

Open a discussion topic

Changes to the Filecoin core protocol proceed through open discussion. Please open a new discussion topic in the FIPs repository discussion board and outline you motivation and proposal.

The FIP format is suitable for specifying a concrete protocol change for implementation, but your discussion post should describe more of the background and problem to be solved, outline a range of approaches and their tradeoffs, and invite participants to explore other solutions.

Historically, failing to gain some community buy-in before submitting a FIP has often resulted in rejected FIPs and much wasted effort.

Please use the template

Please draft your FIP by starting with an appropriate template file from templates directory. Do not significantly change the header table format or section headings.

Don't claim a FIP number

FIP numbers are allocated by the FIP editors when a draft is ready to be merged into the master branch. The editors coordinate to ensure allocations to in-flight drafts don't collide. Please do not allocate yourself a FIP number.

Name your file (replacing the suffix with an abbreviated title) and leave "to be assigned" for the FIP number in the header table. A FIP editor will either inform you of the appropriate number, or insert it themselves when merging.

Please add your FIP to the README

The top-level file contains a table of all FIPs. Please add yours there in the same PR that adds the FIP draft itself. Use XXXX for the FIP number until it is assigned by an editor.

Delete this guidance and describe your FIP

Once you've followed the guidance above and are ready to submit your FIP draft, please delete this text and replace it with a copy of the Abstract from your draft, and a link to the relevant discussion forum topic.

@ipfsforcezuofu could you delete the template text from the description box and include the details of this PR request there instead? I see you wrote it down as a comment but it will be more helpful if it is stated in the description box. Thanks!

ipfsforcezuofu commented 6 months ago

thanks @luckyparadise Please kindly check that PR description has been modified and that the template text has been removed.

ipfsforcezuofu commented 5 months ago

As suggested by @Lucky N. _FF. The PR is closed for now and will be reopened once the implementation details are finalized.