filecoin-project / blstrs

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s390x support for blstrs #32

Open vishwabmc opened 2 years ago

vishwabmc commented 2 years ago


On the below environment, we are building from filecoin-ffi/rust/

Platform : s390x Endianness : Big OS : Ubuntu 20.04

But ran into this below issue


[cfg(not(target_endian = "little"))]

compile_error!("blstrs is only supported on little endian architectures");

Would you have plans on supporting blstrs on s390x platform for Big Endian architecture ?

Thank you,

dignifiedquire commented 2 years ago

Not at the moment, sorry. There are some core assumption about endianess in the code atm, which will be very hard to work around. I also don't think blst iteself is guranteed to work on big endian architectures atm. I would recommend using on those platforms, it adheres to the same api and is a pure rust implementation.

dot-asm commented 2 years ago

I also don't think blst itself is guaranteed to work on big endian architectures atm.

blst does work on big-endian platforms, the limitation is blstrs's.

dignifiedquire commented 2 years ago

blst does work on big-endian platforms, the limitation is blstrs's.

Thanks, I guess needs to be tested and checked the on this side.