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Open Grant Proposal: `Rough Opal` #1031

Closed tabcat closed 2 years ago

tabcat commented 2 years ago

Open Grant Proposal: Rough Opal

Name of Project: Opal

Proposal Category: devtools-libraries

Proposer: @tabcat

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: Dietrich Ayala, @autonome

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE3, or GPL licenses?: Yes

Project Description

Opal is a peer-to-peer, local-first database. Its focus will be on providing web applications with dynamic and collaborative states. The core technologies used are:

The project is written in typescript and compiled into javascript. It will be robust, maintainable, and easy for developers to use. This project continues work done under a grant for OrbitDB they did not accept. Opal is not a fork of OrbitDB; it is a complete rewrite focused on efficiently representing arbitrary states. Opal will not be interoperable with OrbitDB.

Merkle-CRDTs are still at the heart of the project. This data-structure is a combination of Merkle-DAGs and CRDTs. It provides causal order and de-duplication of operations, and it ensures strong eventual consistency.

The project will provide these two abilities as part of this grant:

Developers will be able to model custom states, similar to using Redux reducers. They can supply a way to reduce and read a state. These states are computed by reading the replica's causal log of operations. This log can be appended online or offline and then merged/synced at a later point.

Developers will be able to pin user replicas to reliable storage backends. Each device can pin its replicas as CAR files and update its IPNS record. These allow peers to replicate with nodes that have gone offline. Data persistence has been an issue for peer-to-peer databases. Persistent replication is a big step forward.

These two abilities make it possible to create compelling, edge-computed apps.


The pattern described previously combines Merkle-CRDTs with reliable hosting of the CRDT replicas. It centers around edge computers processing and updating data. More general machines keep the data available. Applications this pattern is best-suited fall into media or communication, like most of Google's app suite.

Building software this way has unique characteristics and goes hand in hand with delay-tolerant network designs like IPFS. The user has control over their data with the choice to self-host. The local replica is the source of truth, referred to as local-first.

With Opal, developers can define the state reducer for a database. A state reducer processes the log into a readable state. Collaborative UI components can use Opal to derive their state. This collaboration can be between users and a user's devices.

A big issue with peer-to-peer databases like OrbitDB is that if no other devices are online, you can't replicate anything! Persistent replication is needed, and there are two ways to do it.

The first is continuing the pinning service idea, where you have Opal instances to keep online with a pin-list of databases to replicate. These servers run replication algorithms that work over pubsub and IPFS. If those pinners are online, then the data is available and can be replicated. This solution is not terrible as it has some benefits, but it's better described as 'persisted replication' since pubsub messages are not persistent.

The second solution for persistent replication has to do with swapping pubsub for IPNS. Instead of a node advertising the latest known heads over pubsub, IPNS becomes used in place. Then the IPNS records and IPFS data are pinned. Another advantage is that IPFS and IPNS are more general layers and don't require building specialized infrastructure and support.

architecture diagram

Keeping Merkle-CRDT replicas available allows applications to retain functionality when peers are not online.

Because the work done for OrbitDB under a previous grant was not accepted, doing this with OrbitDB would be very difficult due to some tight coupling. Opal is much more modular when compared, especially with replication.

Opal also includes incremental traversal of the Merkle-DAG in either direction. This type of traversal is not part of OrbitDB and is the most significant change from that previous grant work. Incremental traversal allows for database entries to be kept out of memory and streamed when needed by traversing a graph of CIDs.

The most challenging part of this grant will be building persistent replication. It involves uploading the replica to pinning services as it's updated. It's new and will use CAR files and involve updating IPNS records.


Opal and Zzzync are the deliverables. Opal is the Merkle-CRDT collaborative states piece, and Zzzync will be a replicator module for persistent replication.

The features to be delivered for each are in the following issues:

Opal Base Feature Set

Zzzync Development Plans

Opal-Spec 1.0-beta

There will also be a monthly status issue in the Opal repo. The monthly issues will track what is being worked on and completed. Here is September's Status.

Deliverables will also be tracked in tabcat/rough-opal's README; a repo made for this grant.

Development Roadmap

(SEPT 2022) Opal Repo Init

(OCT 2022) Opal Replication and Perf

(NOV 2022) Zzzync Replicator

(DEC 2022) Release

Total Budget Requested

Budget Duration Payable As

1 Full-time Engineer over 4 months at 45$/hr

Payments preferred monthly in Filecoin

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

This grant will build a foundation that will define the base features and keep the project hyper-maintainable over the years. After the project reaches this level of maintainability, the key is cultivating a user base. Acquiring users will require exposure while providing documentation, a helpful community chat, and a valuable tool with great developer experience.

Following release there will still be room for improvement:

Nearer future (~2.0):

Further future (~3.0):


Team Members

Daniel, @tabcat

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Daniel was involved with OrbitDB since finding it in late 2018, shortly after diving into IPFS.

In March 2020, I started working on a collaborative filesystem on top of IPFS using OrbitDB. In July 2020, a partner and I leveraged this to build sailplane, a p2p Dropbox-like web app that made us finalists in the first HackFS.

In February 2021, I was contracted by to maintain OrbitDB.

In November, we signed an open source grant from Protocol Labs to fund the first part of development for OrbitDB 1.0. During those six months, I worked on keeping the current version supporting the latest js and go IPFS versions, and a protocol spec and implementation for 1.0.

That work ended up not being accepted by the owners of OrbitDB, so I'm continuing it with Opal.

In July 2022, I began thinking more about persistent replication methods for OrbitDB involving IPFS and IPNS pinning. While on a trip during HackFS 2022, I learned about and w3name. After the trip, I hacked them together for a short demo project and won the IPFS/Filecoin first prize.

Team code repositories


Additional Information

How did you learn about the Open Grants Program?

from previously working on an open source grant from protocol labs for orbitdb

Please provide the best email address for discussing the grant agreement and general next steps.

For now, Opal is a temporary/code name until I find something better. (which may be never)

Always open to hearing naming ideas! 😁

web3jenks commented 2 years ago

Hi @realChainLife shall we discuss this together?

ErinOCon commented 2 years ago

Hi @tabcat, thank you for your proposal. This grant has been approved! We will be in touch by email to discuss next steps.

tabcat commented 1 year ago

Hello Open Grant team :wave:

I wrote a report a few months ago when the grant was set to end. Have been working with @autonome since then and we have agreed on some changes to the roadmap. Those changes include removing:

I still plan to work on most of these, or equivalents, after the grant is closed. But the grant is overdue, and I want to work on adjacent things for a bit, so we've set key items to deliver:

I've recently added a section to the report named Amendment 1 which includes a complete list of everything needed to complete the grant. Each item in list has it's own tracker issue created for greater transparency.

Have also completed a draft article to be posted on the IPFS blog I am pretty stoked about. It wasn't in the roadmap but it is a result of the work from this grant and includes a pretty cool example using helia and the javascript DHT. Also welo now supports helia!

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @tabcat, thank you for the update!

tabcat commented 1 year ago

Everything is completed now except for due to running into issues using the DHT from the browser. Will find out what I need to fix or what might be blocking this. I've created a issue to track demo completeness,

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the update, @tabcat! @eshon

tabcat commented 1 year ago

The article I mentioned earlier in the thread was published in the ipfs blog:

tabcat commented 1 year ago

There has been another minor change which @autonome has just OK'd. This one is caused by the current state of the dht (which will get better over time): not a high enough percentage of nodes have webtransport enabled (required for dht servers to be dialed from the browser) to allow the todomvc demo to be deployed publicly.

The todomvc demo will be working with a test environment instead of deployed to the public. (~1 week)

This is the last thing that needs to be completed as part of the grant.

When the network catches up over time, the todomvc can be deployed and an article can be written. but this will be after the grant has been paid.

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @tabcat, thank you for the update and congrats on progress. Looking forward to the demo!

tabcat commented 1 year ago

Just sent in the final invoice. Wish I could have completed this all a bit faster but very happy with where I am at now and how everything worked out. Demo video of welo and zzzync uploaded to the todomvc readme.

Thanks for all the help @ErinOCon @autonome and the rest of the grant team!

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the update, @tabcat!