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Secure package repo for python #1041

Closed raoramesh closed 1 year ago

raoramesh commented 1 year ago

Open Grant Proposal:

Secure package repo for python Name of Project: Secure package repo for python

Proposal Category: Choose one of core-dev, app-dev, devtools-libraries, integration-adoption , technical-design, docs , community , metaverse , research , green Learn what these categories are here:


Proposer: prozacchiwawa

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: If you have previously discussed this project with a member of the IPFS or Filecoin project teams and they have agreed to be a technical sponsor, include their name and/or github handle here None

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?: Please respond with either "Yes" or "No" Yes

Project Description

An intrusive sandbox runner for pip that takes control of its package discovery and provides a pip compatible redirect structure around a conda channel that’s built on IPFS. Python installations will be able to be pinned to a single snapshot of the captured ecosystem simply by specifying the channel version they want to track. Conda doesn’t on its own version channels, but it will be possible to use IPFS infrastructure to provide a simple permanent history that allows the channel to be viewed both as updating through time and via its snapshots and allows software using pip to share this property.

The ultimate goal is to leverage IPFS features to provide an explorable, provable repository that serves pip and conda users allowing a single ecosystem snapshot to be imposed on a set of installers without modifying the software itself inside, regardless of how it functions.

This is because there is a lack of visible central coordination in the pip repository for discovering a trusted set of python packages, and for ensuring that one receives a reproducible set of packages every time an installation is performed. Malicious packages appear in the python repository somewhat frequently and hijacking of older packages is possible. Because pip doesn’t have a single downloadable index, it takes effort to track the comings and goings of packages in the repo and takes effort to make snapshots of. Files are advertised with sha256 hashes of themselves, but package indices aren’t and there’s no guarantee that the retrieved indices for individual packages reflect an evolution of a prior index state in a reasonable way. In addition, there are various means of hijacking that can allow an attacker to add new packages to an old package index and catch out uncareful setup processes.

Conda is a more consistent experience as it focuses more on metadata. Channels work adequately as a way of delivering a consistent package set for some purpose but have drawbacks:

You can snapshot your own dependencies but it’s entirely up to you. Something more like stack’s haskell lts versions would work just as well for most people and be safer. Conda channels lack a way of identifying a specific head state for the whole channel. Many installation systems use pip and can be vulnerable to malicious inputs, so conda won’t solve every problem even with an architecture focused on snapshotting and dependency management.

Proposed is a way of accommodating pip based python installations with incomplete dependency information by providing a surrogate upstream for pip while managing the actual package repository via a conda channel that provides easily discoverable snapshot channels useful in locking down a single ecosystem snapshot.

The structure of pip’s package system is very simple: Pip retrieves an index document, usually which is unversioned. This is an html file containing links to package indices which are unversioned. Pip retrieves a package index and that contains links to individual files with sha256 fragments. Pip requests the package it wants based on its constraint solver and the version number in the filename and is redirected to the contents of that file. Pip runs from the package and literally anything is possible.

Pip itself has a mixed record of ensuring even that all of its own traffic is done via proxy when specified and there’s currently no way to force imported packages to use a specific proxy or index if they choose not to in their own setup code. An intrusive approach to this using sandboxing would allow the installation and all subprocesses to be captured and directed to a specific snapshot.


The Python ecosystem has emerged as the basis of much scientific computing. However, problems associated with bugs and vulnerabilities persist, and are underpinned by an absence of secured provenance in Python. While our overall, longer-term goal is to create the basis of a framework of a secure infrastructure for much computing, we propose a simple first step that secures data calls against unverified code. The value proposition is to exhibit IPFS as a tool for verifiability and reproducibility in more scenarios and encourage adoption by making an easy path to hosting one’s own python ecosystem snapshots, not only ensuring that the software one uses is always accessible but also sharing the upkeep responsibility with others on the same snapshot. Those who provide paid storage might take this on as a simple value add for storing things.

What's gained by providing this:

This provides users with a simple way to pin the python ecosystem at a specific moment in time and use that forever. There’s no danger that software built on it will stop working if you host your snapshot, and it would work well even with tricky situations such as docker builds that use pip or tricky package installs that use pip recursively to adjust the available packages. At the very least, it can be used to surface instances where the software being installed would leave the user’s control and allow action to be taken. There is a long tail of python packages, such as pytorch, scikit-learn, airflow, ray, tensorstore, matplotlib and others which are important in the python ecosystem but whose code is complex, not declarative and relies on interaction with upstream packaging and recursive use of setuptools, and while they aren't the majority several are very popular and their presence introduces uncertainty about what code in practice will actually be pulled when the python environment is set up. Some tools exist to make one's own code more predictable, but nothing currently prevents adjustments and additional traffic made by upstream packages while they're installing. We can't lock down absolutely everything but there are things we can do to help.

Some risks:

It just seems like a bad idea to many and nobody uses it. It could wind up taking longer than intended to replicate the pypi head end API due to performance, scaling or oddities in the way these HTTP endpoints are called by pypi. Bugs at the sandbox API level or holes in our API coverage leading to installations downstream being exposed to an uncurated view of the pypi ecosystem when it’s not expected. Same but allowing privilege escalation. While nothing prevents python packages from using the user’s privilege now to do basically anything, users might be less vigilant when their expectation is that they’re protected by having package installation confined to the LTS. This attack vector would be possible when users are using an old version of the sandbox code or the exploit is very new, are attempting an upgrade to a new snapshot and that newer snapshot has captured malware from the broader ecosystem without it being detected.


The final deliverables of this project:

A wide ecosystem build of whatever packages exist in pypi’s view, with as many built as possible using the most recent few revisions with all artifacts and discovery in a conda channel, stored on IPFS, along with scripts to gather, build, adjust and publish it. A sandbox runner that wraps pip but uses a conda channel as its package repo, providing a local proxy and ensuring that a view is presented that captures the preferred conda channel overlaying any other packages that can be retrieved using the user’s own proxy setting. HTML content and simplified url resolution pointing to packages sources will be synthesized from conda’s channel description json and html retrieved from the user’s other proxy source. An installer for linux, windows and mac that places a runnable replacement for pip in $HOME/.local/bin and gives an environment bundle to import into shells that aren’t interactive. A website describing the project which provides installer download and describes how to provide a data mirror or a repeatable builder.

Development Roadmap

The process will start with ad-hoc tools that support bringing up support:

Infrastructure to provide ecosystem collections and builds

Scripts to build channel inputs from requirements.txt, mostly for testing.

1 Person, less than a week. ($2000)

A pip proxy mimicking the url organization of pypi that uses conda style repodata and channeldata for package resolution, providing only the packages that exist in that data. Simple pip and setuptools installs should be able to work correctly using this proxy with an appropriate package set specified. This will be a flask app.

1 Person, likely about a month of effort. ($8000)

IPFS mirroring tool that copies the conda channel into IPFS space and rewrites configuration json to match, emitting a top level URL and sufficient cryptographic evidence to validate the description files, probably encoding them as a merkle tree as in bittorrent’s bep-30 ( and exporting the merkle root.

1 Person, likely about 3 weeks of effort. ($6000)

CI script which snapshots package versions from the pip ecosystem for later use by the build system.

1 Person, 1 week. ($2000)

CI script which, given an ecosystem snapshot runs antimalware scanners on the snapshotted data and flags

1 Person, 2 weeks. ($4000) AWS costs may occur here.

CI script which given an approved list of rebuilds and version number rewrites (for example, for packages whose contents changed in the same version), creates architecture specific wheels for amd64, aarch64, win64 and later mac m1 for packages that have comprehensible wheel builds in these environments (at first):

1 Person, 4 weeks. ($8000) AWS costs occur here.

CI script which finalizes a conda channel build, storing in IPFS and giving a full channel URL.

1 Person, 1 week. ($2000)

CI script to mark a channel build as released and give an official URL to it.

1 Person, 1 day. ($400)

Create a subscription membership system and payment reception based on existing payment API.

1 Person, 2 weeks. ($4000)

Membership gives higher priority votes in governance, priority to issues and access to early channel definitions.

To start the intrusive part, bring up a sandbox runner based on libseccomp that affects subprocesses that:

1 Person, 4 weeks. ($8000)

Build a basic curl | sh install for linux x64 and some preinstalled docker images (ubuntu, coreos, alpine) that start pre-sandboxed.

1 Person, 1 week. ($2000)

Build the base LTS version of the ecosystem and publish the first snapshot url.

1 Person, 1.5 weeks or so to get every build shepherded. ($3000) This will consume AWS resources to do quickly.

Build a dogfooded flask based website for the experimental service encouraging others to try it.

1 Person, 2 days. ($800)

At this point, we can start delivering releases to users to try

Provide a fallback classic libsandbox version.

1 Person, 3 days. $(1200)

Metric monitoring and scaling to provide regular updates, verify load on IPFS nodes and ensure proper scaleout for storage.

1 Person,

Use the website to promote experimenting with the system and giving feedback.


Adjust composition and pace based on feedback while exercising the CI and cloud tools.


Get in touch with users to begin discussing a desired path to distributed governance.

Likely 3-4 days accumulated time. ($1600)

Enhance the proxy to support a union of conda channels in case users want to access packages retired from later LTS versions or from other conda channels via classic pip, possibly giving better flexibility.

Windows support using debug API to ensure that the desired snapshot can’t be escaped easily.

1 Person, 2 weeks. ($4000)

MacOS support based on macos’ seatbelt API (re: chromium documentation).

1 Person, 2 weeks. ($4000)

From here on are nice to have features

Recognize attempts to load nonstandard setuptools and warn.

1 Person, 2-3 days (and ongoing improvement). ($1200)

Provide the option of detecting any path by which packages land in python's install arena (including those copying files ad-hoc and via alternate packaging systems) and allow warning, hard failure or a predetermined action, such as overwriting it with a version from the collection.

1 Person, 2 weeks. ($4000)

Gently redirect attempts to load an own or nonstandard setuptools to an appropriate standard one if the API shape can be matched, otherwise abort (or warn).

This is something for which a crude system can be delivered that detects obviously inconsistent assumptions and can be refined.

1 Person, Initially, about 1 week. ($2000)

Respond to community process by allowing users to conveniently flag packages to be reviewed in addition to the measures already in place to detect malware. Develop some online infrastructure to make this easier.

1 Person, Ongoing, initially 1 week or so. ($2000)

Ongoing costs:


est. ($10000)

Ongoing maintenance, community response, package vetting, IT.

2 IT/devrel people, ongoing for 1 year:

($150000) (2 junior-mid people, 1 year).

Ongoing management (part time).

2 1 Person, ongoing. ($30000).

Total Budget Requested

$256k The Python ecosystem has emerged as the basis of much scientific computing. However, problems associated with bugs and vulnerabilities persist, and are underpinned by an absence of secured provenance in Python. While our overall, longer-term goal is to create the basis of a framework of a secure infrastructure for much computing, we propose a simple first step that secures data calls against unverified code.

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

It is hoped that membership will allow enough income to come in that at least one full time IT person will be able to continue vetting the ecosystem on at least a quarterly basis after the first year, along with support from those using the build wrapper and its package set.


Art Yerkes 2 To hire.

Team Members

Coding1 - team lead: Art Yerkes (20+ years as software engineer -network protocols,media streaming and networked software, distributed ledgers; engine team at bittorrent, now chialisp at chia).

Coding2- TBD

Coding3- TBD

Management/Support: John Ryan, Ramesh Rao, Dan Conway, Jim Gettys (AI, decentralized tech)

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Art Yerkes 20+ years as software engineer (network protocols, media streaming and networked software, distributed ledgers with 3 patents in related areas); a lead coder at BitTorrent

Jim Gettys DEC, Bell Labs; creator of X Window System; V.P. of Software OLPC; HTTP/1.1 Editor; BS MIT and CS researcher, MIT, long association with Reproducible Builds / Debian project

Dan Conway Advisor on AI and decentralized technologies to military and communications tech leaders. Ph.D., Indiana University, Professor, Univ. of Arkansas blockchain center of excellence.

Ramesh Rao Software and executive lead at several tech startups in Silicon Valley and Hyderabad, India,IBM Research labs, Bell Labs, Racal, Imperial College, Ph.D. University of Surrey -Medical Imaging algorithms, massively parallel systems and distributed computing

John Ryan Dweb, Google [x], Taiwanese ODMs, Monitor Group corporate strategy, etc. Multiple startups. Ph.D. Physics, Imperial College

Team code repositories

Additional Information

Learnt about the Open Grants Program at filecoin presentation at dweb 2022

warpfork commented 1 year ago

Hi! I see some enthusiasm here that I love 🎉

Let's say I'm someone who's already 10,000% sold on the value of reproducible builds and reproducible interactions with package management systems (I am!) and also already 100,000% sold on the value of doing it with content addressed data and data-structures (I am!). But also a tad unfamiliar with python packaging ecosystems :) and so could use some more background and connective information about how this project hopes to impact that space specifically.

Thanks in advance for any more clarifications you can share :) I really am deeply excited by all work in this space!

raoramesh commented 1 year ago

Hi Great questions ! Love it!! Sharing with the rest of team members and will get back to you in a few days. Looking forward to the conversation R

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @raoramesh, I hope you are doing well! Do you expect to have an update available this week?

raoramesh commented 1 year ago

Hi, Our apologies for the delay which is due to a health emergency. And yes, we are finishing the responses and will upload by Sunday latest

raoramesh commented 1 year ago

Hi! I see some enthusiasm here that I love

Let's say I'm someone who's already 10,000% sold on the value of reproducible builds and reproducible interactions with package management systems (I am!) and also already 100,000% sold on the value of doing it with content addressed data and data-structures (I am!). But also a tad unfamiliar with python packaging ecosystems :) and so could use some more background and connective information about how this project hopes to impact that space specifically.

I took some time recently to experiment with poetry, hatch and packaging in response to this inquiry as I have been a user mainly of conda and pip (and some of the environment management tools downstream of pip) and of course docker as a kind of "everything" container, including its use in the python ecosystem as a way of providing blanket isolation for dependency systems, so I can briefly describe what I believe are the most popular systems for managing python app dependencies and dealing with python apps written in the most common style.

The background, the how and why of python, setuptools, pip and pypi

First, in the end, python is just an interpreter for a programming language, and as such it's written with a fairly conservative set of capabilities for importing and using code in named 'modules' and hierarchies of modules.  From the earliest versions I'm aware of, python modules came in two flavors; either they were just python files with names that could be located through a path search, looking in the PYTHONPATH environment variable, directories containing python files and, or shared libraries (dll, so, dylib) on the platform python is running on that export some basic symbols allowing python to create a PyModuleDef struct for its native code.

At this time, setuptools and a standard package set for the python ecosystem didn't exist; egg and wheel, file formats used for python software distribution didn't exist and when you wanted to install a python app, you'd either get its dependencies from the operating system's package manager in case you were a wierdo running linux, (more on this later) or more commonly download and individually install each of the packages using its own installer or by having a script that created a large PYTHONPATH with all the installed packages in it before running whatever thing you were interested in.  People made some packagers in the early days that amounted to zipping up a bunch of things that could be found in the PYTHONPATH and making either a standalone exe that links libpython or a shell script that sets the path and invokes python on the right source file.

In those days people were used to heavyweight software installers that copied a lot of data, weren't used to having a lot of OS level dependencies other than shared libraries with C ABI functions exported and the licensing model of open source vs closed source was treated in many ways as fluidly as it is today, unlike many of the years in between; with electron and npm dependencies, closed source apps can exist in a middle state that depends on a lot of open source software but is treated as partly closed source, and a good many apps are distributed this way nowadays; so too in the 90s when python got its start, app distribution was often done this way.  Python programs often existed in a situation where they depended on specific versions of the ecosystem or specific exports from programs that they were intended to run in.  The "linking exception" from the LGPL also factored in; closed source programs that were driven by TCL, perl and python often shared space with properly open source libraries and open source python in this way.

For the computer environments of the era, this wasn't the worst way of doing things.  Languages and modules evolved slowly and open source software was more of an exception than the rule it is today.  setuptools, the python library used to resolve dependencies, install python modules from pypi and similar repositories and the repositories themselves, along with ways of advertising these libraries as separately installable; entities of their own didn't properly exist and few were using them that way, often picking them apart or using the day's packagers to agglomerate them into full apps.  That system though, as use of python grew, python programmers came to expect the environments they'd been using and the reach of python code itself grew, the fracturing of the python ecosystem began to become a problem for python programmers.

OS distributions at first packaged a single version of python and upgraded it periodically.  In the early days, interfaces remained consistent and feature testing in python code (similar to conventional wisdom methods of writing robust javascript code that would grow up about a decade later), were enough for python apps in the nascent ecosystem to function across those upgrades.  Libraries were a bit tougher, but OS distributions often patched in a full set of libraries for the ecosystem in their tools (rpm, deb, ebuild etc).  This worked ok for a while, but it was still very common in those days for a random python app one wanted to run to have peculiar interactions with the base system and need special setup.

OS distributions went through a phase of first giving choices, then slotting packages of all kinds (leading to the need for slotting to be woven into things that used packages downstream, something that really isn't the concern of most of those things).  Slotting is when an OS distribution provides multiple variants of a package by different names, such as allowing python 2.7 and 3.9 via the names 'python2' and 'python3'.  Since software build systems are automatic, various tricks were used to try to make slotted packages work well in an ecosystem that didn't support it, but ultimately it was a failed strategy to make library code slotted when languages and the packages themselves were opinionated about which version was the one that would be named without a version number.

It is in this era when setuptools grew up in python, having seen the success of perl's CPAN and its legacy in allowing the interchange of higher level library code among perl programmers, python gained an "indexing service" and a metadata format for package distribution that python's tools could use to download packages. The web service does a good job at what it was designed to do; make python packages easy to distribute even when one didn't have a sophisticated web service; it's based on the directory service formats of the day and normal html hyperlinking, in some ways echoing modern REST style hypermedia, but this was before Douglas Crockford formalized JSON, in an era where our expectation was more of XML and the bespoke family of angle braces schemas as a lingua franca interchange format.

Some things that are expected today, such as idempotence of uploads and hashes as part of verifying downloads were not included.  End users generally weren't using pypi by itself but it was expected to be developer experience like npm.

Attacks on the open source ecosystem, big businesses relying on frequently updated libraries and the like were not common in this era so few were considering how that kind of infrastructure could be subject to attack.  Most were very idealistic in this era about the openness of publishing packages, and it felt a bit subversive.

Many in the mainstream had a negative view of open source software in general, as evidenced by Microsoft's contemporary "get the facts" campaign.

So it's into this environment that python's pypi launched, and it works well for what it is.  A well specified dependencies entry in setuptools can allow a python program to set itself up quickly; individual user directories were added so that pip users wouldn't have to disturb the OS level package install (probably lagging considerably behind on behalf of its own flagship python apps, such as Redhat's anaconda).

Cracks form as the weight and breadth of the python ecosystem take their toll.

Having a single set of installed packages per user is enough for someone whose deploy environments look like their laptops; (famously, the use case for freebsd in yahoo).  When one works on a single project, has tools for that project installed in the path, and the same dependencies serve the app to be worked on, it can be a very cozy experience, but that isn't today's reality.

We often work in branches, with multiple versions of the same app and incompatible tools.  We do code reviews and tests for others working ahead or behind or on versions otherwise incompatible and we need our own environments to stay as they are and not be mutated.  We run pip install frequently in docker images and cloud setups and expect them to work the same, with the same inputs, time and time again as we distribute as small as possible source sets to our cloud instances.

Python in the mean time gained a sort of disconnected support for this environment sharding, the virtual env, which one can set up for pip and pypi use in various ways (there are a lot of virtualenv management tools out there).  All of them cooperate with python in the same way, by carefully crafting shell scripts and environment settings that interact with python's module reader to read the code they've installed in a separate space serving only one or one set of uses.  Poetry and conda also use this mechanism, although using their own machinery and own spin on what code these should resolve to.  This is where we stand today with flask apps and services being deployed and being very connected to the code they depend on, and handling important commerce and safety information.  Hashes have been added of the packaged files themselves, along with precompiled binaries, but the metadata format, being still the old hyperlinked format, doesn't allow one to validate when or how things changed, or even know if a specific version of a package is the same one one downloaded yesterday.  You can keep that info yourself and use your own tooling to work with it, but in speaking with a good many devops people, most aren't going to such lengths and writing tools for this.

How package systems are used and how they compare

This proposal.

Since our proposal focused on backend metadata and verifiability, the conda formats are a better choice, already support a large base of users.  By also producing an index that's compatible with the pypi ecosystem, every other way of satisfying python dependencies would be supported as well. Conda is a package index, a host for a package ecosystem build and its builder and the software needed to use these.  The software part never need die as long as someone wants it and with it the formats it uses.  Since most use the pypi package index (even conda users, using pip to install packages from the standard ecosystem), producing it is a good choice, and even if tomorrow everyone decides conda was a bad idea, the extra information produced and the tooling to produce a pypi compatible service capable of being used for package installs will endure as long as people want.

We didn't consider doing much but producing an rss-like listing of releases that could be compared.  Conda's format has hashes for packages being released downstream and the upstreams would be copied into identifiable buckets, but it's not a bad idea to produce more. 

What's here is already ambitious, though and this type of governance makes sense when there's more widespread use.  Having persistent channel definitions in immutable storage is already a great improvement.

Reproducibility is an adjacent thing to what we're thinking of. It should be the case that we work toward a reproducible ecosystem build for each channel increment but more important is ensuring that the artifacts left behind by python's setuptools are reproducible for a given dependency set to be resolved. It's intended that that will be primarily achieved via a controlled package index based on specific snapshots of the ecosystem and tooling that enforces to the degree possible use of that index and resistance to circumventing setuptools' version resolver. it's intended that files within reach of the PYTHONPATH will be required to match those sourced from the selected ecosystem snapshot otherwise, the process will fail. it is intended that users will have the ability to determine specific path exceptions when undergoing this process so that unusual installs can still succeed with acknowledgement,

I've cut it down to essential goals for the most part and sorted in order of need, so everything depends on stuff that's prior in this list.  A few things can be optional.  We don't strictly need a sandbox to just provide ecosystem snapshots people can opt into.  I've used libsandbox (as in gentoo) before and made some of this in a different form in there, which could be an adequate fallback, or the project could do fully without.  I think it's important in that, as I mentioned, many python packages run live code and try to be smart about how they're installed (some even going so far as to use pip to uninstall or upgrade things they find problematic).  Using a sandbox to ensure that these efforts are flagged and dealt with in some way is a good step toward knowing what's installed and ensuring that it gets reproduced correctly every time.  Muinin's other code, not open source as of now would be available to the person muinin uses for this along with access to my knowledge of the subject of sandboxed builds.  While I'm not an expert in seccomp itself, I have fair expertise with infiltrating build processes to lock down and supervise the process itself, and the knowledge i have, as well as what muinin crystallized while investigating a reproducible build enforcer as a product can be passed on.

I referenced BEP-30 because it gives a nice provable format for a container of files and directories that have proven content (and further, the BEP-30 format is supported by bittorrent clients, allowing seamless mirroring outside the IPFS ecosystem.  What would be conferred by creating an archive of the full ecosystem built into the channel in that would be the ability to systematically check that downloads were provided correctly without having to write any external or bespoke tools, and the artifact of the torrent describing the full archive would be useful in itself.  Other formats exist for describing built code for repeatable builds, but it's often surprising what they lack; either a single unified hash format for the inputs or products; often not all inputs are described, such as patches that are applied during the build process, sometimes either the inputs or outputs aren't fully described and usually there's no tool or only somewhat dodgy shell scripts for fully checking the contents (and almost always targeted at the project's own CI, not all at once for end user consumption).

In short, it's a well considered, durable and checkable archive header that one can think of as being useful both as a description of a set of data and a way of mirroring that data, so it fulfills a good many purposes in such a system even if I haven't thought of everything it might be useful for.

It's unlikely this project will have the bandwidth to do a lot of custom work making the ecosystem do anything in particular, but if there's a real need for building in custom setuptools or distutils (for example), people would be needed to do that and there's a general risk that someone on the team will take a future world crisis as an opportunity to use the index and its packages as protestware.

It could be infiltrated by north korean state actors if people aren't careful about hiring I suppose or a rushed process under pressure could take low quality inputs or attacks (such as coin mining or credential stealing) code without knowing it.  The attempt being made here is to ensure that the ecosystem provided in each slice is better than the original and that captures of the full slice allow packages in the index to work together but there will always be people using it in ways we can't predict and employees aren't always predictable either.

Since it's served from ipfs, some will be using it via ipfs gateways and those have a chance of rewriting history in ways that won't be observable if the attack is well enough coordinated.  A user is better served running a local ipfs node but where they get that code can also be subject to attack.  There are chicken and egg problems all the way down obviously, but those are already a problem. If someone can attack your ipfs node, they can easily silently enable insecure SSL in your http libraries as well.

It's possible somebody will hear "it's a safer alternative to pypi" not really knowing what's going on, set up their global proxy to point to a channel provided by this project and use pip from there on, thinking they're getting updates when those need to be opted into by selecting a later set.  Someone could be very confused (and maybe upset) by manipulating their local python install from inconsistent indices...  Maybe somebody painstakingly tricked pip into installing a drastically inconsistent package set because two things they use in proximity to each other have radically different assumptions.  That set may work for them and they may not know what they did to produce the "working" situation.  Setting the proxy to one of these full ecosystem channels will have a different package index and although most of the time the solver will notice that it can't find a workable solution to some updates and fail, some packages don't completely specify (especially) their upper bounds so they might be pulled in where they won't work. Especially if this updates one of the "working" packages to one that doesn't have the same API as the one that was updated, that person might be really upset and have a difficult time replicating the situation they wanted.

It's not seccomp that can't do what we want, it's that setuptools and distutils are live python code, people can copy old versions into their projects, emulate them, work around issues by patching them.  People have specific needs in builds that won't necessarily be amenable to a locked down build environment and need exceptions because they can't fix them in short order.

There are a lot of reasons for a fully locked down sandbox not to be able to exercise what one might think of as complete control, even if it can protect every file on disk from being modified when it has a hash that should be known.

What I envision is strictly checking (and failure if strict checks fail) of the installed files during and after package set updates, as well as an opt-out prohibition on modifying files whose hashes are (or should be) known.  We will infiltrate processes downstream of the sandbox (unless running in an isolated environment such as docker) and make an effort to ensure that the python package set is pulled and updated (and manipulated) according to consistent methods, but as above, people can and do make their own changes for various reasons and may not be able to stop doing.

Muinin itself is a small startup looking to break into software security and software supply chain, with the people you've seen mentioned.  Its membership is largely business focused with the exception of myself (art yerkes, now in an advistory capacity) and jim gettys.  Our plan from the beginning of this proposal was to use the funds from the proposal to hire and pay for developer and devops time and pay the business for managing these.  I think with proper guidance and a bit of elbow grease there's nothing stopping things from being.

Proposal from Muinin Corp. pbc, which will manage and have responsibility for the project, if awarded.

Project manager: Ramesh Rao Architect/Advisor: Art Yerkes Lead Coder/RB: Vagrant Cascadian (likely) Major Coder: S Sairam Python Coder: TBD Other Support: John Ryan, Dan Conway, Jim Gettys

Thanks in advance for any more clarifications you can share :) I really am deeply excited by all work in this space!*** Appreciate your questions and enthusiasm 🙂


ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @raoramesh! We would like to have a discussion with your team around certain elements of this project. I have reached out by email to set up a call.

raoramesh commented 1 year ago

Hi Looking forward to the synchronization by email Ramesh

warpfork commented 1 year ago

I'd like to drop a couple of quick links here to work that may or may not be related (and may or may not be useful to integrate):

All these, I wanna reiterate, are just for consideration. They might be useful either literally as components; or figuratively as inspirations; or not at all, because they're just in the neighborhood but not perfectly aligned. And I won't claim to confidently know which are which, either :) So this is just information on offer to you :D

raoramesh commented 1 year ago

Thanks to Erin, Sonia, Eric for the meeting before the holidays - hope you all had a good break. :) We are re-grouping and will follow up as discussed. Looking forward to the next steps and further discussions. Ramesh

On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 11:48 AM Eric Myhre @.***> wrote:

I'd like to drop a couple of quick links here to work that may or may not be related (and may or may not be useful to integrate):

  • in the hashed data structures space: also tries to provide a lot of standards for this. IPLD projects typically use either dag-json or dag-cbor or both, which provides some nice options for choosing on the fly if you want compact/fast/binary or relatively-human-readable. And cross-linking documents by hashes (CIDs is the norm there.
  • someone's been working on adapters from the bittorrent formats to IPLD too: (there may be better high-level docs on this, but I'm not sure where to find them right now -- I'll ask around 😅 ). Not sure if that'll be helpful; maybe?
  • if there are parts of this that need to hash filesystems: yes, IPFS already has some filesystem-like features -- these are "unixfs" format. It works; it also has some limitations (no "x" bits, of the "rwx" style, is one of the more frequent pains). You may also be interested in WNFS, which is a new format that has more extensible support for more metadata. WNFS is also based on IPLD data structures, so it should be no trouble to get it to store its packed contents in IPFS or Filecoin or suchlike.
  • I've also been wading into the reproducible builds and supply chain situation myself lately :) in a project called Warpforge In that project, we're targeting all compilers and all the things (so, bigger scope than this, for better or for worse :) and we also have less time to focus on single language ecosystems). But most likely to be interesting for this project, and maybe even something we could try to align on: We're also trying to make a metadata format that we hope is general, reusable, and merkle-tree-native, and calling it Catalogs (some docs in that link there; also we gave a talk about the project, and the last half (white background slides) is all about catalogs: Warpforge @ IPFSCamp 2022 I don't want to bloat your scope! -- but, if this project can produce info in a format that's easy for me to pick up and run with in these projects, gosh, I would be happy to become a very very enthusiastic consumer of it.

All these, I wanna reiterate, are just for consideration. They might be useful either literally as components; or figuratively as inspirations; or not at all, because they're just in the neighborhood but not perfectly aligned. And I won't claim to confidently know which are which, either :) So this is just information on offer to you :D

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ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @raoramesh, thank you for your proposal and for your time connecting with our team. Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. Wishing you all the best as you continue to build!