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Open Grant Proposal: `Pandarua - Sealing as a Service Platform` #1145

Closed ekil1100 closed 1 year ago

ekil1100 commented 1 year ago

Open Grant Proposal: Pandarua - Sealing as a Service Platform

Name of Project: Pandarua

Proposal Category: core-dev, community

Proposer: ekil1100 from GreaterHeat

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: If you have previously discussed this project with a member of the IPFS or Filecoin project teams and they have agreed to be a technical sponsor, include their name and/or github handle here

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?: Yes

Project Description

The Pandarua aims to become a SaaS platform to serve small SPs or who want to become a SP quickly, but lack of resources.

Lower the door threshold

If an individual or an organization wish to become a SP, they need to buy expensive hardware. Moreover, they need to have engineers to maintain equipments and to pay the electricity bill.

To solve this problem, Pandarua offer the SaaS service, SPs can buy sector and seal it on our platform remotely.

Floating electricity bill

As the reason we know, a lot of place is facing unstable energy price. Sealing in these regions are not profitable.

SaaS can reduce costs by shifting energy-intensive work to places where energy is much cheaper.

Heavy sunk cost

To seal sectors, SP need two production factors, one is dataset, the other is collateral. If any of these factors is short, the workers will be idle, and SP need to bear numerous sunk costs.

Pandarua is pay by number of sectors, and SP can decide when to seal it.



As described above, SaaS can solve various problems which we are facing today. In addition, it can also bring value to small SPs.





Development Roadmap

Milestone 1 - CC sealing workflow (basicity finished)

Milestone 1 is focus on minimal functionality to achieve CC sealing workflow

Product Map

Simply put:

NOTE: Milestone 1 is basicity finished, and it is in closed beta stage. Actively testing on calibration net.

Time spends: 4 weeks

Milestone 2 - Deal workflow

The goal is to integrate with boost logic, so user miner can accept deals. This milestone will mostly focus on underlying development.



Estimated time: 8 weeks

Milestone 3 - Polish and improve user experience for public beta

This milestone will focus on improve user experience and system optimization.


Estimate time: 8 weeks

Total Budget Requested

Milestone 1 - CC sealing workflow $46,407.84
Milestone 2 - Deal workflow $92,815.68
Milestone 3 - Polish and improve user experience for public beta $92,815.68
Total $232,039.20

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Long-term plans depend on public beta testing result. Due to lack of resources (money and human force), this program was suspended right now.


Team Members

GreaterHeat Filecoin Development Team

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Our dev team actively contribute to Filecoin ecosystem, has been contributed to various Filecoin program.

Team code repositories

Additional Information


ekil1100 commented 1 year ago

@realChainLife Does any additional information I can provide to push this forward?

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @ekil1100, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time, but will keep this project in mind for future opportunities! Thank you for your time with this proposal.

ekil1100 commented 1 year ago

@ErinOCon Do you mean any grant is stopped? When will start again?