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Treehouse #1300

Closed jacobleegithub closed 1 year ago

jacobleegithub commented 1 year ago

Open Grant Proposal: Treehouse

Name of Project:

Proposal Category: Choose one of app-dev

Proposer: jacobleegithub

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: Sonia

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, GPL, and APACHE2 licenses?: "Yes"

Project Description

Introduction of Treehouse

Treehouse is a convenient and secure online photo album app for baby journeys. Parents can store the baby's daily life with precious living experience in the family's own Web3 world.

Traditional online photo album services are operated by a single platform company, all album content is under the management of the platform operator. Web3 is de-platformed and uses distributed storage technology. These storage spaces are provided by storage space providers around the world as marketplace There is no storage operator that can access your secure album content, ensuring user’s privacy and security.

Market Problems

The existing Google Photos and Apple Photos are not designed for children. Currently, the baby journey photo album platform with the highest market share in Asia is operated by China based companies and used by tens of millions of people and more.

After analyzing photos and journey diaries of young children, we can understand the health status, life pattern and geographical distribution of young children, as well as family members and their composition, family background, nannies or schools, teachers and other networks. Platform operators are seriously affecting personal privacy, the most worrying of these is most users are unaware of this. Solutions

Distributed Storage

Treehouse uses Web3 content storage technology to ensure the account owner(photo uploader) and authorized family members are the only one who can view the content of the album files. The storage space of the album files is controlled by the user themself. Through the file encryption technology, no company or organization can access content without being authorized by the user. If the Treehouse operator cannot continue the service due to some situations, it will not impact user content or damage the user's content retrieval.

Security & Privacy Protection

Treehouse uses a Public-key cryptography, or asymmetric cryptography service to protect the user's content, and only the user can decrypt the data. Suppose you want to upload your own photo album to Treehouse, the upload tool will help you to perform the AES-256 encryption process when saving the photo file, so the uploaded file is actually encrypted, and only users are able to retrieve and decrypt files. AES-256 is an encryption standard widely used in industry, finance and military. Treehouse does not host the user's password, so there is no possibility of any password leakage.

When you share photos with family members, the system uses p2p encryption to individually transmit the shared decryption key, and does not disclose the user's public key information to avoid the risk of quantum computers doing brute force cracking. Persistence of file storage

Completely different from platform operators, Treehouse uses Web3 storage technology - IPFS, and these storage spaces are provided by operators of the IPFS protocol all around the world. These services cannot be closed, if the Treehouse App is out of service for some reason, you can still retrieve the album yourself through IPFS protocol.

Treehouse Technology Overview

The Treehouse service is composed of three major elements. The first is DID - identity, which creates a representation of users. The second is an integrated API service, which includes internal cloud service for applications and blockchain with decentralized storage service for users.

Treehouse software stack


Treehouse architecture



Increased security: Provide greater security for users owned photos compared to traditional centralized storage solutions.

Lower costs: Because Filecoin utilizes a decentralized network of storage providers, it can often offer lower storage costs compared to centralized solutions. This could make it more cost-effective for users to store their photos on Filecoin.

Performance: Decentrolized storage performance may not be as good as some centralized solutions. This could make it challenging to provide a user experience that is fast and reliable enough for a photo storage app.

Complexity: Building an app on top of a decentralized storage protocol like Filecoin can be complex, this could make it difficult to find and hire the necessary talent to execute on the project. The integrated third party API like web3 storage can be options.

User adoption: Finally, there is a risk that users may not be interested in using a decentralized photo storage app, or may not understand how it works. This could make it difficult to gain traction and achieve widespread adoption for the app.


Treehouse Apps on iOS store and Android play store

Treehouse App Features

Secure key online photo/video album Use AES-256 encryption technology to ensure privacy and security. All uploaded photos and videos are protected by encryption technology.

Photo/video file management Original image quality storage, extending the space of mobile phone albums to the unlimited cloud.

Add family members account Add sub account and share photo with family members

Baby diary Combine photo and diary functions to keep every precious moment

Reminder cards Write down what you have to do, automatically remind you, and use points to keep progress

Make photos or blessing into NFTs Easy to mint your own NFT in every special moments, and give it to family or friends

Development Roadmap

Milestone 1 Treehouse Prototyping

Estimated Duration: 2 month UX/Product Designer x 1, UI/ART Designer x 1 Costs: 8,000 USD

Item of Deliverable

01 Treehouse app wireframe (Design Document) 02 Treehouse app use cases sequence diagram (Design Document) 03 Treehouse functional requirements Document (Design Document)

Milestone 2 Wallet & NFT

Estimated Duration: 2 month FullTimeEngineer x 2, QA/QC x 1, UX/Product Designer x 1 Costs: 16,000 USD

Item of Deliverable

01 User wallet module

02 NFT mining module

03 Test guide

Milestone 3 API & Security & Photo

Estimated Duration: 2 month FullTimeEngineer x 3, QA/QC x 1, UX/Product Designer x 1 Costs: 20,000 USD

Item of Deliverable

01 API Document 02 API Service 03 Security module

04 Photo module

05 Test guide

Milestone 4 Treehouse Diary & Reminders modules

Estimated Duration: 2 month FullTimeEngineer x 2, QA/QC x 1, UX/Product Designer x 1 Costs: 16,000 USD

Item of Deliverable

01 Diary module

02 Reminder cards module

03 Test guide

Total Budget Requested

Total requested budget across all milestones: 60,000 USD Our budget is entirely made up of salary and labor costs, with no additional expenses

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Treehouse charges account users subscription fee and baby goods suppliers account sponsors to support business in the long term.

  1. Business model to support long-term plan & maintainess

    • Storage space subscription fee per account. According to market surveys to online photo album storage service providers, parents are willing to pay for the online storage space of a baby photo album, it’s around US$30 to US$60 annual fee.
    • NFT Mining fee. Treehouse charges NFT mining fees to users to support business
  2. Promotion Strategy

    • Treehouse will be corporate with baby goods suppliers and care service providers to maximize market penetration. Develop with a local agency, referral program with community.


Team Members

Jacob Lee, Project Team Lead Brady Liu, Project Tech Lead

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Note: TRPMA team will be major project team of Treehouse.

Relevant Experience

Team's experience

The team has been working on blockchain applications since 2014, we have done many projects from digital identity, defi to healthcare related industry projects and government projects.

Project records reference:

2017 phrOS (Personal Health Records Operating System) reference report Forum Video Clips

Team code repositories

All prior project code can be verified on gitlab. Treehouse will be on github.

Additional Information

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @jacobleegithub, thank you for your patience with our review. Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. Wishing you all the best as you continue to build!