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Next Step Microgrant: Clover; G-Suite for DAOs. #1505

Closed temi0x closed 1 year ago

temi0x commented 1 year ago

1. What is your project, and what problem does it solve? (max 100 words)

Clover is a professional product dedicated to simplifying intra-DAO communications and processes. Say, Google Suites, but for DAOs. Our mission is to provide a complete Workspace suite tailored to the unique needs of DAOs. Our current offering is the Clover Workspace which sports a number of features, including Intra-DAO chats, multiple channels for communication, token-gated NFT authentication, meetings, and collective file storage.

2. Project links

Link to Github repo: Link to demo or website: License: APACHE2

3. a) How is IPFS, Filecoin, or related technology used in this project?

We make use of IPFS, and Filecoin, for complete File storage. Files are uploaded on Filecoin via FVM, and pinned on IPFS. This includes a DAO's collective file storage, and individual sharing of files among members of a DAO. We are also building on the Filecoin Virtual Machine, and have deployed on the testnet, while testing and continuous iteration would go on, pending the time we deploy on the mainnet. We aim to deploy on the mainnet by the end of the FVM mainnet cohort.

b) Is this project building with the current microgrants focus area (FVM)? (Yes or No). Yes

4. How will you improve your project with this grant? What steps will you take to meet this objective?

Number Grant Deliverable Briefly describe how you will meet deliverable objectives Timeframe (within 3 months)
1. DAO chats Improve the current chat system and the user experience for the Chat system Month 1
2. Voting campaigns Implement DAO Voting campaigns, aided by individual DAO tokens. Use Smart contracts on the Filecoin Virtual Machine to facilitate the voting campaigns Month 1
3. DAO Meeting Rooms Build out meeting rooms, integrating relevant service providers, like Huddle, using their SDK. Meeting recordings are then stored on Filecoin, through the virtual machine, and pinned on IPFS. Month 1
4. Mainnet Deployment Deploy our Smart contracts on the FVM Mainnet. Month 2
5. User research, and creation of user profiles Carry out user research meetings, and create ideal user profiles for Clover's target market. Month 1
6. User testing Initial user test, with select DAOs. Make changes, and reiterate based on feedback received. Months 1-2
7. Verification of Smart contract Verify our smart contracts, on the FVM mainnet. Month 2
8. Integration with Google Calendar Work on Google Calendar integrations, to enable DAO members set reminders and returning meetings. Month 3
9. Search Functionality Integrate a DAO-wide search functionality Month 3

5. If accepted, do you agree to share monthly project updates in this Github issue for 3 months or until the project described here is complete?

Yes, we agree to share monthly project updates, and other updates, when needed.

6. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


7. Links and submissions

Additional questions:

trruckerfling commented 1 year ago

looking thru your grant proposal now, some comments on section 4, to scope out more clearly for fvm integration:

temi0x commented 1 year ago

Sure, we would go over it according to these.

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @Temiloluwa-ade, this microgrant has been approved! We will send an email to confirm payment details. In regards to the final report for this project, here are some things we are looking for:

temi0x commented 1 year ago

Hi @ErinOCon @trruckerfling We're done with Month 2 of the grant period and would love to update you on our progress.

We've been able to meet up with the proposed milestones for both months, having done these:

So far, the product is in the alpha stage, at for the FVM mainnet, and the testnet version on

Over the next month, we intend to

temi0x commented 11 months ago

Hi @ErinOCon @trruckerfling At the end of the 3-month window, we've met our proposed targets and also worked on a few additional things. We have listed our feats over the past 3 months in the table below:

Number Deliverable Brief outline of the deliverable Month completed
1. Landing page Redesigned the landing page Month 1
2. Smart Contract Deployed and verified our smart contract on the FVM Month 1
3. Encryption Implemented End-to-End encryption of all the chat systems, using the Diffie Hellman key exchange method for cryptographic encryption Month 1
4. User research Completed basic user research, and began initial user testing with a few DAOs Month 2
5. Meeting rooms Completed the Meeting room integration, with Huddle01's dRTC as our primary integration Months 1-2
6. DAO Creation Implemented the DAO creation feature, making us the first DAO creation app on the FVM Month 2
7. Voting Campaigns Worked on the Governance Voting campaigns smart contract, to enable it to work with various DAO contracts Month 2
7. Voice rooms Worked on Voice-only calls within DAO Discussion channels, accessible only to members of the specific Discussion channel at a certain time Month 3
8. Collaboration Began discussions with other DAO creation tools, to make way for seamless integration of both our platforms. Months 2 - 3
9. Blog Began development processes for our blog, and also began curating articles to help the Web3 ecosystem get onboarded to the FVM Month 3
10. Multi-DAO support Began working on Multi-DAO support on a single sign-in from Month 3
11. Notifications Began working on notifications, to enable users to receive notifications on-chain from Month 3
12. Gasless transactions Began working on gasless transactions (an optional feature to be decided by DAO leaders) from Month 3

Currently, the product is still in the alpha stage, at for the FVM mainnet, and the testnet version on

Going forward, we intend to do these, in addition to the development and continuous testing of the platform:


eshon commented 11 months ago

Hi @Temiloluwa-ade - Can you please create a demo video demonstrating what features have been implemented for this microgrant?

temi0x commented 11 months ago

Alright @eshon I'd link it as a reply to this issue, once I'm done with it

temi0x commented 11 months ago

Hey @eshon Here's a link to the demo:

eshon commented 11 months ago

Great thanks for the video @Temiloluwa-ade!

Please add the description of the project to your Github repo's README and please add your demo video to the Github README.

Once that's complete we'll work on processing the 2nd payment.

temi0x commented 11 months ago

Hey @eshon

We've fixed that up, and added the demo video in.