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RFP Application: ZFile - Paying for Filecoin storage in ZEC #1536

Closed MeerKatDev closed 11 months ago

MeerKatDev commented 1 year ago

RFP Proposal: ZFile - Paying for Filecoin storage in ZEC

Name of Project: ZFile - A PoC for Paying for Filecoin storage in ZEC

Link to RFP: FF-ECC grants

RFP Category: core-dev, technical-design

Proposer: @eigerco (for GitHub reference: @MeerKatDev)

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Yes


We are directly responding to this Call For Proposals, particularly the Filecoin storage payments in ZEC, which will enable acquiring Filecoin storage with the level of privacy provided by Zcash shielded transfers.


The global demand for data storage continues to increase. Still, most of it is stored on centralized servers controlled by a limited number of providers, presenting security and reliability issues. Decentralized storage solutions, such as Filecoin, offer a more secure alternative by distributing data across a network of computers, reducing the risk of failure.

While Filecoin provides a decentralized storage solution, it does not offer transaction privacy. On the other hand, Zcash offers private transactions. We propose combining these two technologies' main strengths and enabling any Zcash user to pay for Filecoin storage privately.

In a reasonable timeframe, we aim to research the best ways to reach our goal and provide a reference implementation to enable even non-developer Filecoin users to provide this service on the blockchain.

It is important to emphasise that every aspect of this proposal can be adjusted and discussed.

Note that during this proposal the words Actor and smart contract are interchangeable since Actors are the Filecoin equivalent of smart contracts in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The wording “smart contract” was used for its familiarity for any readers who understand the concept but may have not heard of Filecoin Actors.



1. User

The User is an individual or entity who wants to pay for Filecoin storage privately.

2. Escrow

The Escrow is the intermediary taking care of payments and storage, which is composed of two parts:

The user has confidence in the Escrow off-chain component because it is governed by the DAO and in the smart contract because it is verifiable on chain. The smart contract authorizes the Providers Smart Contract by validating the on-chain contract that the Provider interacts with. The Providers are not assumed to be reliable.

3. The Provider

The Provider is the intermediary that is composed of two parts:

Provider Setup

To become a Provider and start earning on private storage requests, one must:

  1. Put in place the necessary infrastructure which uploads the files on chain and handles the payment.
  2. Register the Provider with the Escrow smart contract and gain access to a deployed smart contract:

    participant Provider off-chain component
    participant Escrow Smart Contract
    participant Provider Smart Contract
    Provider off-chain component->>Escrow Smart Contract: Requests to register a new provider
    activate Escrow Smart Contract
        note left of Escrow Smart Contract: The payload contains <br/>Providers Filecoin address
        Escrow Smart Contract->>Provider Smart Contract: deploy & init
        activate Provider Smart Contract
        Provider Smart Contract-->>Escrow Smart Contract: Address
        deactivate Provider Smart Contract
        note over Escrow Smart Contract: Register the deployed<br/> contract as verified in smart contract storage
        Escrow Smart Contract-->>Provider off-chain component: Address
    deactivate Escrow Smart Contract
  3. Control a Zcash address.
  4. Providers smart contract must always possess enough FIL to manage the load of files, which the Provider promises to handle.

Features of Provider Smart Contract

  1. Automation: With a smart contract, most procedures are automated, streamlining the overall process and reducing the potential for manual errors.
  2. Security: Acts as an additional layer of protection from malicious Provider activity.
  3. Extensibility: Although the initial set of approved contracts will be developed and available, having multiple implementations of smart contracts allows contributions and various options. This enables anyone to propose a new "candidate", fostering a more collaborative and innovative environment.
  4. Governance: Once a proposed contract is reviewed by the responsible party (e.g., the future DAO), it can become an Approved Contract. This process ensures that updates or new smart contracts align with the community's best interests and adhere to established security and efficiency standards.

In summary, Providers smart contract enhances the system's efficiency, security, extensibility, and governance, benefiting all parties involved.

A notable aspect of this proposal, which positively impacts both the Filecoin and Zcash ecosystems, is the opportunity for anyone to serve as a Provider of this service. Individuals can independently establish the necessary infrastructure and charge a fee for their services. The Escrow is designed to seamlessly integrate with such Providers, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment.

End to end interaction


    participant User
    participant Escrow off-chain component
    participant Provider off-chain component
    participant Escrow Smart Contract
    participant Provider Smart Contract

    note over User: Assumptions: <br/> Already has a CID of the file  <br/> Already has a Provider selected <br /> And storage params and prices

    User->>Escrow off-chain component: Order request <br/>+ File + ZEC transfer
    activate Escrow off-chain component
        Escrow off-chain component->>Escrow Smart Contract: Create an order for Provider to claim
        activate Escrow Smart Contract

        alt Provider succeeds
            Escrow off-chain component->>Provider off-chain component: Forward order request
            activate Provider off-chain component
                Provider off-chain component->>Provider Smart Contract: Uploads file and create a storage bid
                activate Provider Smart Contract
                    Provider Smart Contract-->>Escrow Smart Contract: Deal accepted callback
                deactivate Provider Smart Contract
                    Note over Escrow Smart Contract: Verifies storage information
                Escrow Smart Contract-->>Escrow off-chain component: Notifies about a successful deal
            deactivate Provider off-chain component
        deactivate Escrow Smart Contract
        Escrow off-chain component->>Provider off-chain component: Sends ZEC
        Escrow off-chain component-->>User: Success! <br/>Refunds leftover ZEC
        else Provider fails or any verification step fails
            Escrow off-chain component->>Escrow Smart Contract: Remove order listing
            Escrow off-chain component-->>User: Refund ZEC
    deactivate Escrow off-chain component

Base assumptions: The User possesses a file (encrypted or not) that they want to store and retrieve anonymously. They have ZEC to pay for the service. The User has already precomputed the file's CID in the local client, facilitating the user experience.

  1. The User aims to maintain anonymity while requesting the file upload. The solution: The User broadcasts a shielded transaction to the publicly available and transparent address owned by the Escrow off-chain component so that the memo can be read, the specifics will be determined at research phase, either a de-shielding transaction or some other way to reveal the memo. The User must:
    • Send the file and order request payload to the Escrow off-chain component;
    • Send a shielded Zcash transaction containing a memo field that associates the transaction with the file upload order.
    • The cost in ZEC is determined using price oracles, which factors in Provider fees, ZEC/FIL rates, transaction cost estimates, and an additional margin to account for network fluctuations. The User interface provides an estimate before the User takes action. The client software facilitates this User interaction.
  2. Escrow off-chain component sends a transaction to the Escrow smart contract containing information about the new anonymous user order, its associated reward, and the designated Provider.
  3. The Escrow off-chain component forwards the order request to the Providers off-chain component for further processing.
  4. Depending on the design choice we go forward with, either
    1. The Provider off-chain component uploads the file to IPFS, retrieves the file's CID (confirming it matches the one in the Escrow smart contract order request), and funds their Provider smart contract with FIL if necessary. Subsequently, a transaction on the Filecoin blockchain creates the actual storage bid.
    2. Or the Escrow off-chain component uploads the file, but only the CID is passed along to the Provider to bid on the Filecoin storage.
  5. If the storage bid is successful, the Provider smart contract communicates with the Escrow smart contract, informing it that the file has been stored. The Escrow smart contract validates that the Filecoin bid has been accepted with the appropriate parameters.
  6. The Escrow smart contract notifies the Escrow off-chain component of the successful storage bid (e.g., by emitting an event).
  7. The Escrow off-chain component pays the agreed-upon ZEC amount to the specified Provider's address.
  8. The Escrow off-chain component may return any excess ZEC amount to the User (e.g., overcharge for covering all the fees).
  9. In the event of a Provider's failure, the order will be removed from the Escrow smart contract, and the leftover ZEC will be returned to the User. A failure can happen if the Provider exceeds time bounds, creates an incorrect Filecoin storage bid, or other verification parts fail.

By following these steps, the system ensures anonymity for the User while securely storing and retrieving files on the Filecoin network using Zcash payments.

Other consideration


All fees will be calculated before the User initiates their first transaction. This will be implemented by the Escrow off-chain component, which communicates with the chosen Provider, considers blockchain transaction expenses, and consults ZEC/FIL oracle prices. The User will be responsible for covering the fees and transaction costs for all operations, which include:

Future DAO Organization

The FVM enables the creation of DAOs. After developing a production version, the ownership of the Escrow smart contract should be transferred to an on-chain DAO. It should be composed of members of the Filecoin community and the Zcash community.

The deployment, execution, and operation of the Escrow service and the DAO can be democratized so that it becomes straightforward for anyone to run this service and for an economy of competing escrow services to spring up. This allows users to select their preferred service Provider based on reputation or previous experiences, promoting a more user-centric and diverse market.

DAOs may also run with a service fee thus incentivizing the work done.

Development Roadmap

The development roadmap includes a research phase where we do an initial viability study and direct eventual questions to the Filecoin community.

We will also evaluate different security aspects of the system: possible attacks from any of the actors, how to protect the non-compromised actors, and how faulty blockchain nodes may impact the service.

The following months will be spent developing the product and deploying an exemplary infrastructure on a testnet.

Milestone 1 - Research and Preparation

Estimated duration: 2 months FTE: 4 Costs: $ 211 200


Requirements for Evaluation:

Evaluation Plan:

Milestone 2 - Developing Separate Components

Estimated duration: 2 months FTE: 4 Costs: $ 211 200

Note: sub-milestones are meant to be reached while working in parallel, i.e., two teams will work simultaneously.

Milestone 2.1 - Developing a Provider


Requirements for Evaluation:

Evaluation Plan: Feedback from internal/external developers with relevant experience.

Milestone 2.2 - Developing the Escrow and Smart Contracts


Requirements for Evaluation:

Evaluation Plan: Feedback from internal/external developers with relevant experience.

Milestone 3 - Connecting The Components

Estimated duration: 2 months FTE: 4 Costs: $ 211 200


Requirements for Evaluation: During manual testing, everything should work as expected (outlined in the research stage).

Evaluation Plan: Feedback from internal/external developers with relevant experience.

Documentation, Education, and Community

There will be documentation to understand the various parts of the architecture and a FAQ updated after each development cycle.

We will keep the community updated via Slack and Discord on the progress and, with measure, respond to eventual questions. We regard the community as essential to the best possible outcome for the present endeavour.

Other Deliverables

We will document our research progress and release it to the community to understand how the work comes into being and the reasoning behind architectural decisions.

Milestone Summary

Milestone Milestone Description Funding Estimated Timeframe
Milestone #1 Research and Preparation $ 211 200 2 months
Milestone #2 Developing Separate Components $ 211 200 2 months
Milestone #3 Connecting The Components $ 211 200 2 months

Total Budget Requested

The rate for a Senior developer at Eiger is 150 $/hr per developer.

Total estimated duration: 6 months (24 weeks)

The total rate for 24 weeks with 5 working days for 8 working hours for four developers:

633 600 $

Since this is a joint grant proposal between the Filecoin Foundation and the Electric Coin Co., the total cost is expected to be split between ECC and FF.

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Once the work under the scope of this grant is completed, we would like to discuss further maintenance or expansion through an additional grant application. For example, we could convert the smart contracts written in Solidity for the FEVM to WASM for the FVM once it is released on the testnet.

Another upgrade could be research and implementation for a network with multiple Escrows, with the model mentioned under "Future DAO Organization."

Moreover, we would like this grant application to be considered as a beginning of a journey, where the continuation would be the next-in-line functionality mentioned on the website for FF-ECC grant proposals, "Media and file support in Zcash encrypted memos and NFTs," which would use the technology developed in the present grant proposal.


Web3 promises to upgrade the very foundations of our society – from money, finance, and governance to media, gaming, and science. To deliver on that promise, decentralized technologies are to be integrated into the everyday experiences of billions of people. For engineering, this is a mountain of a challenge.

Eiger was founded to develop infrastructure for web3 mass adoption. We help technology companies improve and integrate the core technologies of web3 to meet the climbing demands for scaling and performance.

We currently employ 25+ senior web3 engineers across the globe and work with some of the most ambitious organizations in the industry, including Forte, Aleo, and XRP Labs, to name a few.

Eiger is part of Equilibrium Group, a blockchain powerhouse founded in 2018, composed of three entities:

Eiger – high-value engineering services Equilibrium Labs – applied research, proprietary products, investments in early-stage ventures Membrane Finance – infrastructure and services for EUROe, a euro-backed stablecoin

Contact Info

Team Members

The Proof of Concept will be written using Rust and Solidity. We can provide Senior developers in both technologies.

Development team

Advising team

Team Website

Main implementer: Eiger Tech & Knowledge support: Equilibrium

Relevant Experience and repositories

As mentioned in the Teams section, Eiger already has extensive experience developing large infrastructural projects. Some chosen examples:

Moreover, Eiger is already a recipient of a Zcash Foundation grant, the UniFFI library, whose implementation is ongoing at the time of writing.

MeerKatDev commented 1 year ago

Hello, we are submitting this as a joint grant for Zcash and Filecoin. @mdr0id @whyrusleeping

ErinOCon commented 11 months ago

Hi @MeerKatDev, Thank you for your proposal and for your patience with our review. Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. While this specific RFP has closed, you may have an interest in reviewing open grant opportunities for your future work.

Thank you again for your interest in our grants program!