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FileMarket’s Data Onboarding & Validation incentives system for retail users #1647

Closed underkong-eth closed 7 months ago

underkong-eth commented 9 months ago

Open Grant Proposal: FileMarket’s Data Onboarding & Validation incentives system

Project Name: FileMarket’s Data Onboarding & Validation incentives system for retail users and other dApps developers

Proposal Category: Applications

Individual or Entity Name: FileMarket Labs Ltd. Registered in Hong Kong, Certificate No.: 3280223

Proposer: @underkong-eth

(Optional) Filecoin ecosystem affiliations: July's App of the Month in Filecoin&IPFS ecosystem Filecoin Microgrant receiver FVM Mainnet cohort Alumni FVM Early builders F1 cohort Alumni FVM SPACE WARP Hackathon - Jetpacks Prize “Best use of FVM” HackFS 2023 Hackathon - “FVM - Runner Up” prize winner FIL Hong Kong participant on April 12–15, 2023 FIL Paris participant on July 15-21, 2023 FIL Jakarta participant with a booth on September 2, 2023 FIL Dev Summit Singapore participant and speaker on September 12-14, 2023

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: Juan Benet @jbenet

Sarah Thiam @trruckerfling

Konstantin Tkachuk - ex-Protocol Labs Outercore Startup Operator

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP under the MIT/Apache-2 dual-license?: Yes


One of the advantages and features of the web3 paradigm that favorably distinguishes products from their web2 counterparts is the ability to capture the value of the product and its ecosystem within a token, creating natural economic mechanisms to reward users for specific actions beneficial to the product and society.

By establishing schemes with socio-economic incentives, web3 products engage users far more effectively than their old paradigm competitors, thereby ensuring robust protection for businesses operating within the open-source philosophy through the creation of a network effect.

Within the Filecoin ecosystem, the Filecoin Plus program operates, which is a prime example of such mechanisms, facilitating the active upload and storage of humanity's most valuable and scalable data by incentivizing Storage Providers.

Initiatives from the data onboarding working group are also known (

However, currently, there aren't sufficiently effective reward models for the other side of the outlined business processes, namely Data Providers (or Storage Clients). Especially now, there's a lack of such solutions for individual users who aren't representing large organizations and aren't producing vast data volumes. Collectively, this potentially represents significant volumes of stored information, opening new opportunities for an increased number of transactions with Storage Providers and, consequently, the entire Filecoin network.

Project summary

Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 15 51 46

FileMarket is precisely such an end-user application with a user-friendly UX/UI for content monetization and consumption. It targets individual and private users who wish to securely store and share their personal files with other users and also sell access to them. In our product, we merge the markets of file sharing and paywall services. A user's crypto wallet becomes an explorer for secure tokenized files stored in Filecoin, akin to the familiar local "My Documents" folder, with the ability to manage access to files based on various conditions, including payment. Basically, FileMarket is the web3 version of Gumroad.

Existing web2 solutions for file sharing and paywall can't leverage the advantages of the web3 approach with economic incentive models. It's this component we aim to implement in our product, motivating users to find or create valuable data and their authors and onboard them to Filecoin through our service (store and share-to-earn).

We want to build an incentives system on FVM smart contracts and conduct R&D research for the entire Filecoin ecosystem, where we'll test and analyze how to effectively create a multi-sided win-win incentives scheme, initially within the FileMarket product, and then expand its application through integration with other developers building dApss on FVM. We will be able to onboard thousands of users to FileMarket on FVM and other dev teams will be able to analyze who is who to find the right audience for their dApp.

FileMarket proposal suggests a configuration where Data Providers/Creators (Storage Clients), Storage Providers, Data Harvesters/Seekers/Agents, and Data Consumers are connected into a single DataDAO with its token, aimed at motivating all market participants. By implementing this scheme, we not only increase our chances of capturing a larger market share from web2 competitors but also provide Filecoin with an additional opportunity to test community approaches for building new incentive mechanisms in the ecosystem primarily for Data Providers (but not only). This proposal also includes the possibility of adding new functional roles in the future, valuable for the development of the Filecoin ecosystem.


Despite the fact that by 2025, humanity will be able to store only 0.04% of the data it generates (Holon Data Report), we still haven't established a widespread trend for a broad range of users to transition to decentralized storage. This could become a real solution to the problem of storing such a volume of data in the future. To get closer to this, we must already be raising awareness about the benefits of storing on Filecoin and cultivating a habit for users to store data in products that use decentralized storage.

FileMarket team wants to build an advanced community reward system, providing a decentralized social and economic incentive game around the Open Data Economy to attract a wider Web3 audience from other ecosystems and is seeking a grant to implement the first phase of this system.

The first three pain points our project will address are:

  1. In the Filecoin ecosystem, there's a lack of effective "cashback" mechanics when Data Providers pay for storage and Data Consumers purchase tokenized content.
  2. In the Filecoin ecosystem, there's a shortage of effective referral schemes to attract new Data Providers by a broad range of third parties (we call them Data Harvesters, Seekers or Agents).
  3. In the Filecoin ecosystem, there's a lack of effective interoperable on-chain rating systems for Data Providers, Data Harvesters, and Data Consumers, creating social motivation. This, in turn, allows selective regulation of the activity of various roles through their increased rewards, as well as through rewarding rating leaders.

If the economic incentive model and mechanics within the FileMarket product are successfully implemented, it will set a precedent for activating the "dormant" community of crypto enthusiasts and bounty hunters, who already understand the advantages of web3 approaches, and will trigger an additional wave of interest to the Filecoin ecosystem. As a result, a flow of new transactions with Storage Providers will be generated. Together with the Protocol Labs team, we will be able to study this experience, identify patterns and dynamics of this economic game, to scale it across the entire ecosystem and integrate it into its other elements.

Theoretically, there may be risks of insufficient effectiveness of this community campaign, as market conditions, its volatility, and various Black Swans always influence business operations, especially in the field of blockchain innovations. However, the team's experience and focus on results will provide enough data to draw the right conclusions and adjust tactics to successfully carry out this campaign with updated parameters.

In the event of success, we will have a strong flagship project in the Filecoin ecosystem and in web3 in general, which not only built an innovative, competitive, and user-friendly product in the field of decentralized storage of individual data but also showed the industry and other projects ways of social engineering, triggering a network effect around the Open Data Economy accessible to a wide range of individuals.

Our measure of success will be the user magnet effect through word of mouth with a viral effect, with observed positive growth dynamics month by month (after launching the designated features in the mainnet) in the number of transactions related to tokenization, uploading, and transferring/selling access to user data. In the advertising campaign to attract participants to the incentive campaign, we will consider a conversion rate into these transactions of no less than 10% to be a success.


In the context of our project proposed in the grant, we use terminology to describe beneficial functional roles.Let's define three key user roles on the FileMarket platform, which are also valid for the entire Filecoin ecosystem:

  1. Data Provider: A user who creates or owns the copyright to content, tokenizes, and monetizes this data. Such users provide Storage Providers with deals and Data Consumers with goods.
  2. Data Consumer: A user who comes to the platform to find the content or data they are interested in and purchases access to it, leaving a review.
  3. Data Harvester: A user who looks for owners of potentially interesting content or data and motivates them to use the decentralized Filecoin storage on the FileMarket platform.

Our socio-economic game with incentives is designed to create a network effect amongst these user categories.

Current product status

It's essential to outline the currently implemented functionality of the FileMarket product to understand the overall final functionality suite upon the completion of the proposed project.

As of now, we have 5 smart contracts: FileMarket Exchange, CollectionToClone, Public Collection, AccessToken, and Fraud Decider, which are deployed and verified in two networks: FEVM and ZkSync.

AccessToken is a factory that clones collections based on the CollectionToClone template.

CollectionToClone is a template collection (folder) of tokenized files. A Data Provider tokenizes a file, creating an Encrypted FileToken (EFT - a modification of ERC-721, where additional metadata with a link to the file, encrypted upon upload to IPFS/Filecoin, is added). File uploads and deals with Storage Providers are currently facilitated by Lighthouse Storage.

Public Collection is a collection similar to CollectionToClone, where users' tokens are minted by default if they haven't created their own.

FileMarket Exchange implements the core functionality of the Encrypted FileToken Protocol:

  1. Data Provider lists an order to sell the tokenized encrypted file (EFT) indicating its cost in the network's tokens where the token was created.
  2. Data Consumer initiates a p2p exchange deal of their tokens for AES keys, which have encrypted the desired file, freezing the declared cost in tokens on the contract. The EFT is also locked on the contract.
  3. The Data Provider sees the declared interest (also receives an email notification) and, using the buyer's public key and asymmetric encryption, sends the AES keys of the encrypted file to the buyer.
  4. Data Consumer gets the opportunity to try to decrypt and download the file (or view it directly in the browser). They also receive an email notification about this. If the attempt is successful, they finalize the deal (or a timeout will trigger, and the deal will conclude automatically). The funds and EFT locked on the contract are unlocked and transferred to the deal participants. In case of failure, a Fraud situation arises.

Fraud Decider is a contract for dispute resolution in case of decryption failure using the AES key provided by the seller. The contract checks whether it's genuinely impossible to decrypt the file and finalizes the deal either by refunding the buyer or transferring the payment to the seller. Currently, this contract is executed by a trusted backend, which will be replaced by an FVM Actor in Rust as soon as they become available.


Interaction with all contracts is implemented on in a high-end, user-friendly UI. It includes a showcase of files and their collections (folders) for sale, a functional file description page with the option to consume directly in the browser (including 3D models), a customizable selected collection (folder) page with files, a customizable user profile with a list of available files, and other useful sections.

A cross-platform mechanism for storing AES keys from all encrypted files through derivation in a user's one-time mnemonic (seed phrase) has been implemented. This entity is called FileWallet and has a user-friendly UI.



Now, on top of the functionality described above, which is already operational, within the scope of the current Open Grant, we propose to achieve the following results:

  1. For a token mint transaction with an encrypted file uploaded to Filecoin (currently via Lighthouse storage), the Data Provider receives a soulbound rating points token, $DProvider, confirming their valuable active action.

  2. For each completed sale of their file, both independently and in the secondary market by other sellers, the Data Provider receives a soulbound rating points token, $DProvider, confirming their valuable active action.

Thus, the Data Provider accumulates on-chain rating points in their category. By ranking high in the ratings, users can be offered increased rewards and other additional incentives.

Subsequently, other products in the Filecoin ecosystem can implement support for this user metric to reward them for useful actions in their services or to check their rating for access to certain functions.

  1. For each completed purchase transaction of a token with an encrypted file on the market, the Data Consumer receives a soulbound rating points token, $DConsumer, in accordance with the transaction amount.

  2. For each transaction of a deal completion for the purchase of a token with an encrypted file, where an additional rating is given to the received content, the Data Consumer receives a soulbound rating points token, $DConsumer, in accordance with the transaction amount.

Thus, the Data Consumer accumulates on-chain rating points in their category and, like the Data Provider, can use additional benefits for their high rating.

  1. The Data Harvester distributes a referral link in any channels available to them, motivating other users to take on the role of Data Provider. In the minting transaction, the attracted Data Provider indicates the wallet address of the Data Harvester who onboarded them. Subsequently, when the content is first sold on the market, the Data Harvester receives royalties from the first deal with this token and also a soulbound rating points token, $DHarvester. At this moment, the Data Provider also receives their $DProvider rating token if they specify the referral address of the Data Harvester during minting.

  2. Based on the number of valuable actions, which are evaluated by the volume of issued rating tokens, an on-chain rating is calculated for each user, which can be seen in their profile and the rating table for Data Providers, Data Harvesters, and Data Consumers.

The architecture of smart contracts for rating tokens of all the aforementioned roles will allow the issuing of such tokens to other developers in the ecosystem. They will be able to increase the ratings of their users for other beneficial actions not described by us above. Users will be able to have a seamless and universal rating and loyalty system for the entire ecosystem.

  1. The incentive program has epochs lasting a month. Over this period, the number of earned rating tokens for each user from each category is counted, as well as their leadership in the rating of this category throughout their use of the platform. Based on these calculations, at the end of the month, each user can claim a liquid token $FileFuel, which can be converted into stablecoins or other tokens.

The tokenomics of $FileFuel will be formed as the project develops, including governance utility for FileMarket DataDAO, payment for additional storage or its extension, to be used to reduce commissions, to purchase exclusive content, for staking in EFT Protocol v.2, when a network of nodes for storing encryption keys will be built, and many other mechanics beyond the scope of this grant.


Adoption, Reach, and Growth Strategies

Our target audience: users of EVM-compatible blockchain wallets who create digital content and monetize it by selling access to it. This audience is at the intersection of crypto enthusiasts and NFT degens, actively engaging in digital consumption and the creative class, who have chosen the side of active content generators (influencers, bloggers, science popularizers, data analysts, and the like). Essentially, it's the intersection of the NFT market with the Downloadable digital content market.

The FileMarket team conducted a large community campaign dedicated to the Filecoin ecosystem. The campaign is called FileBunnies. The details are here: Most projects built on FVM were included in the cross-marketing. Over 7,600 EFTs were minted with unlockable bonus materials about the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystem projects inside each FileBunny. The audience involved in the preliminary product testing exceeded 8,000 wallets, and over 25,000 accounts have already followed FileMarket on Twitter.

FileBunnies token holders already want to engage in new activities and are ready to get involved in the life of our community. Announcing an incentive campaign for Data Providers will provide the engagement they are looking for. Holders of these tokens will receive an increased coefficient when earning rating points for beneficial actions.


However, community activities on FileBunnies don't end there.

Currently, in production, is an EFT collection with Filecoin's community symbol: the corgi dog breed. As a hidden file, token owners will directly access an astonishing three-dimensional composition inspired by the collection in their browser on the platform. We decided to name them InterPlanetary File Corgis (IPFC).

Preview (1)

We plan to have different types of Corgis for different types of contributors to the Filecoin Ecosystem. Also, the wider audience of the "Degen" NFT community will be able to access to the White list for testing the incentive campaign for Data Providers if they become owners of this particular EFT from this collection. The release of a special series of InterPlanetary File Corgis for various functional roles is planned, which will be issued for reaching certain positions in the rating table.

During the FileBunnies campaign, a quality contact base of partner bloggers and influencers was developed, through which we can reach a much bigger audience, than we did with FileBunnies.

At the same time, as we are participants in the Startup program from Cointelegraph, we have access to 500,000 banner views and several articles in this famous crypto media. We can use this resource to engage the audience.

Also, within the FileMarket team, there are at least three people with a vast network and connections in the crypto community, and two individuals have access to a large audience of creative people with a significant following. Work on attracting the target audience is already underway manually, using "guerrilla" marketing.

We have become one of the 12 finalists selected for the Asian accelerator SwithUp by Spores Network, where we also have access to an extensive network and mentor support to achieve the best results in the market with this Data Provider support program.

It's worth noting that our choice of the ZkSync network as the second option after the FVM network was not random. Currently, this network has one of the most active and largest communities at the moment, interested in the incentive program of the ZkSync blockchain itself. This audience is highly engaged and primed for any incentive programs and will easily pick up on this program with just a bit of marketing from our side.

Nevertheless, launching such a campaign entirely without a marketing budget would be insufficiently effective. Our task is to involve no less than 10,000 active users in the first wave of the incentive campaign, who can take on one of the aforementioned roles of Data Provider, Consumer, or Harvester.

Development Roadmap

Milestone 1: On-chain reputation

The goal is to implement on-chain ratings for Data Providers and Data Consumers that will be converted into bonus tokens during further milestones. That is the foundation to motivate users to use the FileMarket platform and the Filecoin ecosystem and storage. The idea is to increase the rating of users who upload and tokenize data, sell and buy token-gated files. Rating will also act as a reputation system which is essential for maintaining the quality of content on the FileMarket platform and preventing the spread of low-quality content and trash. A reputation indicator that reflects the Data Providers' behavior will help Data Consumers to filter offers out.

For Data Providers, there are two ways to gain the rating:

For Data Consumer the only option to gain the rating is:

Ratings for Data Consumer are completely different, so they will be implemented as separate ERC20 contracts. Both rating contracts prohibit spending of tokens, so ratings are essentially soul bound. On-chain features will lead to significant contract changes, so we want to improve gas efficiency of our contracts at the same time.

Contracts tasks:

UX/UI tasks:

Indexing backend tasks:

Non-coding tasks:


Development time for Phase 1: 7 weeks (16.10.2023 - 04.12.2023) Funding required 24 800$

Milestone 2: Referral program

The goal is adding to FileMarket a new rating for Data Harvesters. Recall that ratings will be used to distribute bonus tokens. The solution is to design a referral program to motivate Data Harvesters to bring new Data Providers to the FileMarket platform and Filecoin ecosystem. We believe a simple single-level referral program will be most effective.

Data Harvesters can increase their rating by bringing new Data Providers into the Filecoin ecosystem and:

Everyone on the platform will have a unique referral link based on wallet address. Users who have clicked the link see the referral program details when minting a token. That’s when they are also able to change the referrer address or enter a new one if there is none. After that the relation between Data Harvester and Data Provider is recorded on-chain and contracts can calculate ratings and royalties.

Contracts tasks:

UX/UI tasks:

Indexing backend tasks:

Non-coding tasks:


Development time for Phase 2: 6 weeks (06.12.2023 - 16.01.2024) Funding required 24 920$

Milestone 3: Cashback & Rewards

Incentive program should provide a reward as its final goal. Every month (other time frames could be added further) users will be able to claim a portion of the bonus token pool based on their rating. Suppose Data Harvester earns a 100 Harvester rating points during the current month. He will be eligible to claim bonus tokens proportional to his rating increase at the end of the month. Users should be also able to view their position in a global rating to have some sort of competition.

Contract tasks:

UX tasks:

Indexing backend tasks:

Non-coding tasks:


Development time for Phase 3: 5 weeks (18.01.2024 - 21.02.2024) Funding required 24 040$

Milestone 4: Final launch of the incentive program

This milestone includes:

Contracts tasks:

UX/UI tasks:

Indexing backend tasks:

Non-coding tasks:


Development time for Phase 4: 5 weeks (23.02.2024 - 29.03.2024) Funding required 25 280$

Total Budget Requested


Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

We plan to build one of the leading DataDAOs in the Filecoin ecosystem, focused on private and individual users who create, store, and monetize personal digital content across a wide range of segments: Graphics, Photos, Videos, 3D Models, Music, Sounds, and Docs.

The task is to construct an advanced programmable data access system for users with a socio-economic game for their stimulation based on the FVM network. This will ensure flexible settings and data labeling used for training language models and neural networks, in line with point 3 of the Filecoin Master Plan - Computation over Data.

Within the framework of this DataDAO, we plan to expand the types of roles that will earn ratings not only on our platform but also in other products of the Filecoin ecosystem. Accordingly, they will receive rewards not only in the form of our token but in the tokens of other projects. In essence, this will be a universal rating system for all who contribute, be it entrepreneurs, developers, testers, end-users, data creators or owners, storage providers, agents, Filecoin and Protocol Labs teams, or other ecosystem partners.

The next steps to integrate are:

  1. Develop economic models to counteract the inflation of the main token, $FileFuel, by implementing a series of necessary utilities and increasing its market value.
  2. Deepen the socio-economic game by adding new functional roles and gamefying the Open Data Economy, creating collaborations with GameFi projects.
  3. Markup, structuring, and fast searching for necessary data on the platform.
  4. Enhancing the system of reviews, reputation, ratings, and preferences as necessary elements of data validation and tagging to have features similar to Pinterest in web3.
  5. Partner with large creative communities to solve their technical challenges in exchange for increasing the platform's content base.
  6. Integration to display a list of all available tokenized files in popular crypto wallets, like Zerion, to expand standard interoperability.
  7. Multichain support on several other popular EVM networks, including the foundational Ethereum and Polygon.
  8. Direct deal-making with Storage Providers right from the data tokenization interface.
  9. Revenue-share mechanics with Storage Providers as part of the Filecoin Plus program when data verified by Filecoin Notary Governance is uploaded through our platform, incentivizing both parties.
  10. Auction mechanics to more effectively engage influencer audiences with exclusive, one-of-a-kind content.
  11. Support for the NFT standard ERC-1155 modification for batch tokens for those content creators who trade mass-market products (like books).
  12. Account Abstraction support to reduce the entry threshold for non-crypto audiences.
  13. Support for the ERC-6551 standard to embed multiple files inside each token, instead of just one as currently implemented.
  14. Batch upload of large volumes of data in chunks.
  15. Streaming data flow with batch decryption of content for comfortable content consumption right on the platform.
  16. R&D process for implementing homomorphic encryption support to enable broader capabilities for computation over data.
  17. R&D for the development of a network of our own nodes responsible for storing AES encryption keys for user data, and in addition to the already implemented token-gated paywall feature, introduce programmable access mechanics like pay-per-view, timer, sales counter, subscription, or a combination of conditions. Expand features similar to Patreon.
  18. A features for decentralized governance of all product processes.
  19. Integration with popular metaverse engines to create an interoperable NFT standard for 3D assets.
  20. Huddle-01 SDK support for video formats.
  21. Paid manual adjudication mechanics for contentious deals to deepen penetration into the freelance market.
  22. Tools for launching customizable individual content stores, linked by a common user rating, with data mirroring on a single FileMarket hub.
  23. AI data compression before uploading.
  24. AI data analysis for plagiarism, duplication, forgery, and prohibited content.
  25. Establish an international award contest for exclusive content creators.


Team Members

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience


Team code repositories

Additional Information

We learned about the Open Grants Program from our mentor in FVM Mainnet cohort, Sarah Thiam @trruckerfling

To continue the conversation, you can use the following email address:

Further information

13 14
psyarcushub commented 9 months ago

Ready to answer any questions and clarifications

NSC-FIL commented 9 months ago

The team at FileMarket Labs have demonstrated success in deploying the FileBunnies project and have continued to enhance our Filecoin ecosystem with their Encrypted FileToken Protocol utilizing the FVM via EVM compatible smart contracts. Our ecosystem needs more creative teams to build dApps and innovative projects that are more retail focused to attract a broader user base IMHO. Their plan for additional incentives and tokenization on the Filecoin network, as laid out in their proposal above, is one that I support.

NiwanDao commented 9 months ago

I am writing to express my strong support for the FileMarket team and their innovative project, which has demonstrated remarkable success in the deployment and ongoing development of the Filecoin ecosystem. The idea of an NFT market with a downloadable digital content market and DataDao incentivization is attractive. In particular, I am enthusiastic about their utilization of the Encrypted FileToken Protocol, which seamlessly integrates with the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) via EVM-compatible smart contracts. In the proposal, FileMarket outlines a compelling execution plan. I believe their dedication to this innovative project is precisely what we need to take Filecoin to the next level.

Shekelme commented 9 months ago

I, on behalf of the Saturnia team, also support this Grant Proposal. Any ideas that contribute to the development and adoption of Filecoin, as well as web-3 philosophy in general, can only be welcomed. Especially if they come from such a professional and successful team as the Filemarket team.

psyarcushub commented 9 months ago

A description of a similar system from MagicSquare was discovered. It's a very similar description, and the project is growing rapidly now, proving that this approach works effectively. By the way, Tote Fernández-Bravo - Director of Partnerships in MagicSquare is our mentor ;)

xtop-protocol commented 9 months ago

On behalf of Filet Finance, I express our support for FileMarket. FileMarket has been dedicated to developing and constructing the Filecoin ecosystem, bringing the potential and prospects of Filecoin to the blockchain community. Their FileBunny has also been well received by the industry and holders. They have been actively and proactively involved in the growth of the ecosystem and market, positioning themselves at the forefront.

mirana777 commented 9 months ago

On behalf of Filfox, I’m excited to see Filemarket continue to bring new growth to the ecosystem. The EFT is an innovative protocol that combines file storage and NFT, and FileBunny brings unlimited imagination to the ecosystem. I hope that the Filemarket team’s new Data DAO protocol will bring huge growth to ecosystem!

kmadorin commented 9 months ago

FileMarket team did a great job delivering Filebunnies, the first NFT collection on FVM, which had great traction. I support their current initiatives on bringing more users and data to Filecoin via additional incentives, a reputation system, and primitives for other projects to use. I think that these ideas will also implicitly help the growth of the Filecoin DeFi ecosystem

remakeZK commented 9 months ago

On behalf of the Filscan team, I am writing this comment to express our enthusiastic support for FileMarket's Grant application. We have closely followed the FileMarket team's achievements and their commitment to driving growth within the Filecoin ecosystem. Notably, their successful deployment of Filebunnies has been a testament to their dedication and vision. we wholeheartedly endorse FileMarket's Grant application and believe that this grant will provide the necessary resources and support for the team to continue their remarkable work. We are excited to witness the future achievements and contributions that FileMarket will undoubtedly make to the Filecoin ecosystem.

ErinOCon commented 7 months ago

HI @underkong-eth, thank you for your grant proposal and for your patience with our review. Unfortunately, due to a shift in funding priorities in this current climate, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. If you have any questions for our team, please feel welcome to be in touch at

Wishing you the best with your building progress!