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HuggingLily #1681

Closed justmert closed 5 months ago

justmert commented 7 months ago

Open Grant Proposal: HuggingLily

Project Name: HuggingLily

Proposal Category: Applications

Individual or Entity Name: YK Labs

Proposer: justmert

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: Ally Haire, Lilypad CEO & Co-Founder

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP under the MIT/Apache-2 dual-license?: Yes

Project Summary

The rise of AI has unlocked advanced technological capabilities, yet the barriers to entry remain high due to complexities in model training, deployment, and the necessity for centralized infrastructures. Lilypad answers this call by offering an accessible gateway to AI in the form of trustless distributed compute network for web3, yet it still presents a steep learning curve for those looking to use AI models easily, thus needs an additional layer to become truly accessible to everyday users.

HuggingLily is designed to function as an AI studio, addresses this by using the power of Lilypad to provide a user-friendly platform for interacting AI models to perform tasks, wide range of AI tasks, without any technical expertise. By integrating directly with the Lilypad network and leveraging Hugging Face's transformers pretrained models, HuggingLily offers the decentralize compute just a click away. Users can not only submit jobs and retrieve results but also list, sell, or purchase these inferences, growing a community-driven AI ecosystem.



In the end of the project, we will have a fully functional AI studio that can be used by anyone to perform AI tasks. The AI studio will be accessible from any FEVM contract, or from the frontend. Users will be able to select from a wide range of AI tasks (such as summarization, question answering, object detection etc.), select the model and model parameters, and submit the job to the Lilypad network. The results will be stored on IPFS (thanks to Lilypad) and the user will be able to retrieve them from the frontend or from smart contracts. The frontend displays the results dynamically based on the output format of the AI task.

The AI studio will also have a marketplace that allows users optionally list their inference results for sale, or buy inference results from other users by paying small amount of ETH or LP for the owner of the inference result. Owner of the inference result has paid compute fees to Lilypad (currently free besides network fee) to perform the inference, and the marketplace allows them to earn by selling the results to other users as an incentive. This creates a vibrant marketplace for AI inferences, furthering the adoption of decentralized AI.

Users will be able to register and login to the AI studio through WalletConnect, and their data will be stored on a database. The database will also store the CIDs of the inference results, allowing users to retrieve them later. The notifications will be sent to the users when the status of their jobs change, such as when the job is completed, or when the inference results are buyed by another user.

The full list of deliverables are listed below,


  1. HuggingLily Contracts
    • Bacalhau job invocation and inference results retrieval that interacts with LilyPadEvents Contract
    • Functionality that allows users to list, buy and withdraw inference results from the marketplace
    • Callable functions for each AI task that can be invoked from any FEVM contract
  2. Frontend Infrastructure
    • User registration and login through WalletConnect
    • More than 20 AI tasks with selectable models and model parameters
    • Task execution on Inference submission page
    • Displaying inference results dynamically based on output formats
    • Option to download inference results, or listing them on the marketplace
    • Marketplace page selling, or buying inference results
    • User profile page that displays user information and inference results CIDs
    • Receving notifications for job status changes
    • Marketplace economic incentive system that rewards users if listed inference results are purchased
  3. Database setup for storing user data and job result CIDs
  4. Dockerfiles for all HuggingFace transformers models for each task as well as each model
  5. Implementation of Lilypad module job definition for Lilypad.
  6. Inference scripts for HuggingFace model execution.
  7. Documentation of the HuggingLily usage and architecture.
  8. Testing framework for backend and frontend components.

Technical Architecture


MVP Mockups

mockup1 mockup2
mockup3 mockup4

Adoption, Reach, and Growth Strategies

The target audience for HuggingLily includes users that needs to perform AI tasks, but do not have the technical expertise to do so, smart-contract developers who needs AI tasks in their FEVM contract, and potential users of decentralized AI services. We aim to engage with the Lilypad and Filecoin communities from Discord, Twitter etc. to promote adoption. Onboarding will involve creating user-friendly documentation with simple usage examples.

Development Roadmap

Milestone # Description Deliverables Completion Date Funding
1 Implementation of Core Inference Functionality
  • User registration and login through WalletConnect
  • Bacalhau job invocation and inference results retrieval that interacts with LilyPadEvents Contract
  • Task execution on Inference submission page implementation with more than 20 AI tasks with selectable models and model parameters, as well as displaying inference results dynamically based on output formats. Ability to download inference results.
  • Implementation of Lilypad module job definition for Lilypad.
  • Inference scripts for HuggingFace model execution.
January 26, 2024 19.200$
2 Development of the Marketplace and User Profile System
  • Marketplace implementation that allows users to list, buy and withdraw inference results
  • User profile page that displays user information and inference results CIDs
  • Database setup for storing user data and job result CIDs
  • Dockerfiles for all HuggingFace transformers models for each task as well as each model
February 24, 2024 13.920$
3 Integration of AI Tasks with Smart Contracts and Testing Framework
  • Callable functions for each AI task in smart-contract that can be invoked from any FEVM contract
  • Marketplace economic incentive system that rewards users if listed inference results are purchased
  • Documentation of the HuggingLily usage and architecture.
  • Testing framework for backend and frontend components.
March 17, 2024 10.560$

Total Budget Requested

Total Budget Requested: 43.680 USD

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Our long-term plans for HuggingLily involve continuous maintenance and improvement. Lilypad is still in its early stages, and we will continue to improve the platform as it grows. We will also continue to add new AI tasks and models to HuggingLily, expanding the capabilities of the platform.

The future plans for HuggingLily are listed below,


Team Members

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Mert Köklü - Backend Developer

Have worked as Intelligent Video Analytics Team Leader in a NVIDIA distributer company that develops video analytics solutions for 2 years. Have experience in developing video analytics solutions using NVIDIA DeepStream, GStreamer, and Python. Created a AI computer vision engine that powers a video analytics platform that is used by many companies in Turkey.

As an experienced Web3 developer, became a grantee for Web3 Foundation, AAVE, Lens and Filecoin and other ecosystems by developing innovative projects. As a certified NVIDIA instructor, AAVE Turkey Community Co-Manager and ambassador for organizations such as Microsoft and The Graph protocol. Currently, focused on developing open-source and user-friendly applications that bring value in blockchain area.

Tolga Yaycı - Frontend Developer

As a full-stack developer with 2 years of experience, have refined his skills in software development, with a focus on dApp development in the past year. Have a deep interest in the Web3 space and have applied his skills by creating a number of relevant applications. In addition to his experience, have developed detailed React and Next.js projects, further enhancing his ability to build robust and scalable web applications.

In addition to his technical skills, have also been actively involved in the wider tech community. Have served as a Chainlink Community Advocate, Aave Turkey Community Manager, and Founding Chair of Gazi University ACM Student Chapter. These roles have broadened his skills in both software development and community engagement.

Team code repositories

We have founded YK Labs, a company specialized in developing applications and solutions within the blockchain ecosystem. Our collaborative efforts have led to the creation of numerous projects across various platforms, earning recognition and grants for our innovative contributions. These are some of our projects:

and many more. We have experience working with well-known protocols such as Aave, Compound, Filecoin, Flow, Lens Protocol, Dfinity Foundation, Web3 Foundation, Solana, and Sia, showcasing our ability to handle multiple ecosystems and expertises.

Additional Information

HuggingLily was borned in the ETHGlobal Istanbul Hackathon! It has received 🏆 Filecoin — Grand Prize as best project in Filecoin!

HuggingLily has been supported by Ally Haire, Lilypad CEO & Co-Founder. She has been a great mentor for us and helped us to improve our project. We are very grateful for her support.

We can further discuss the details of the project with a meeting. Thank you.

ErinOCon commented 5 months ago

Hi @justmert, thank you for your proposal and for your patience with our review! This project has reached the "shortlisted" phase of our review cycle (see more details regarding our review process and timing here).

We will be in touch this month with any final questions or updates. Thank you again for your interest in our grants program.

ErinOCon commented 5 months ago

Hi @justmert, thank you for your proposal and for your patience with our review. Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. Please feel welcome to submit a proposal in the future as your project continues to develop.

To contact our team with any questions, please send an email to Wishing you the best as you continue building!

justmert commented 5 months ago

Hey @ErinOCon, is there any specific reason about the rejection? If the budget is too much for you, we can reduce it for re-evaluation. Thank you.