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DAOsign #1734

Closed TetianaRiabova closed 2 months ago

TetianaRiabova commented 3 months ago

Open Grant Proposal: DAOsign

Project Name: DAOsign

Proposal Category: Developer and data tooling

Individual or Entity Name: DAOSIGN, LLC

Proposer: TetianaRiabova

Project Repo(s):

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP under the MIT/Apache-2 dual-license?: TBD

Project Summary

DAOsign is a Workflow Management Platform built with a Decentralized Smart Signature protocol.

DAOsign offers a decentralized and customizable platform where collaboration, authorization, and workflow management are facilitated through cryptographic proofs stored on a blockchain

The Decentralized Smart Signature protocol serves as the cornerstone technology of DAOsign, encompassing a comprehensive system of cryptographic proofs, including identity, authority, signature, and agreement.

With Smart Signature, users gain access to a secure and customizable workflow management system. It also allows for control over team authorities and the ability to verify the signet’s identity.

DAOsign aims to address the key problem of enhancing the security, transparency, and efficiency of digital signatures in workflow management by leveraging WEB 3 technology and introducing crypto proofs as a superior alternative to traditional e-signatures.

DAOsign also addresses the need for efficient workflow management by providing users with a secure and customizable platform to create, manage, and automate workflows within a decentralized environment.


We propose building a Grant Management Workflow for the Filecoin Foundation using the DAOsign tool. The aim is to create a central tool for overseeing Filecoin grants, ensuring transparency and security in every stage of the grant application process. This will include voting, funds distribution, milestone delivery, and verification. Our proposal seeks to streamline and simplify the overall funding process. The workflow will be fully customizable and tailored specifically for the Filecoin Foundation. With the DAOsign platform and its Workflow Orchestration component, we aim to create a new and unique platform for Grants Management using Filecoin's own domain. The DAOsign Workflow Orchestration Platform allows for customizable workspaces, configurable workflows, workflow steps, and custom authority tokens for customers.

The main beneficiaries will include the Filecoin Foundation itself, as it will have a transparent and secure tool to oversee the entire grant application process. The grant applicants will also benefit from the streamlined and simplified funding process, as the workflow will make it easier for them to apply for grants and receive the necessary funding. Additionally, the Grant Committee members will benefit from the transparency and security of the workflow, as they will have a clear overview of the grant applications and the decision-making process. Finally, the entire Filecoin community will benefit from the increased transparency and security, as it will enhance the trust and credibility of the management process.


The project aims to establish an efficient and transparent process for managing grants within your organization. The main outcome of this proposal will be a fully functional Grant Management platform designed specifically for the Filecoin Foundation. We will build a platform that will serve as a main tool for funding and grant processes. This platform will be integrated with GitHub, so the process of gathering grant applications will be the same.

Functionality of the Software (Deliverables):

  1. The software will allow users to create grant agreements.
  2. Users can input details such as grant purpose, funding amount, and associated milestones.
  3. Integration with other tools (e.g., GitHub, Jira) will facilitate auto-generated sections.

The software will manage the entire milestone lifecycle:

  1. Ready to Start: Initiating a milestone.
  2. Funding Approved: Verifying funding availability for the milestone.
  3. Design Accepted: Ensuring design compliance.
  4. Delivery Accepted: Confirming successful milestone completion.

The software will provide an intuitive user interface for grant managers, developers, and stakeholders. Reporting features will allow tracking of grant progress, milestone status, and token utilization.


The project aims to establish an efficient and transparent Grant Program and Milestone Acceptance Workflow within your organization. It involves creating grant agreements, managing milestones, handling token costs, and ensuring compliance. The software will facilitate user adoption, performance monitoring, risk management, and long-term sustainability. Regular evaluation of these metrics will determine the project’s success.

Adoption, Reach, and Growth Strategies

Our platform, DAOsign, is designed to help organizations manage agreements, workflows, and procedures in a secure and transparent manner, using blockchain technology. While our target audience is not limited to DAOs or Web3 companies, we believe that our platform can benefit any organization that needs to streamline and automate its processes. What sets us apart is that our Builder Tool allows users to automate their workflows without requiring any technical or coding knowledge.


To onboard new users, we are reaching out to companies through LinkedIn marketing and grant programs. Additionally, we are actively posting guides, articles, and development updates on our social media platforms to attract more interested users to our platform. It's worth noting that we have not allocated any funds for these marketing activities yet.

Development Roadmap

Total Budget Requested

Milestone # Description Deliverables Completion Date Funding
Filecoin Space Whitelabel customization Notifications and Chat Q2 2024 $3,720
DAOsign configuration Agreement Management; Grant Management; GitHub Integration Grant Program workflow Q2 2024 $16,120
DAOsign configuration Identity Verification KYC Q2 2024 $16,120

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

During our development process, we are actively conducting research on workflow automation, blockchain, web3, and other related updates that can be integrated into our work. Our primary goal is to create a user-friendly platform for grant management purposes. As we discover new features, we will continue to update the project to keep up with the latest trends and improve its security and privacy. This platform will be fully customizable and easy to use, providing a convenient solution for managing grants.


Team Members

Eugene Fine - CEO & Founder Ramil Amerzyanov - CTO Mikhail Kondratenko - Technical Lead Yevhen Butkovskyy - Product Manager

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Eugene Fine Ramil Amerzyanov Mikhail Kondratenko Yevhen Butkovskyy

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Eugene Fine (CEO & Founder) - Over 20 years of building, scaling, and managing technology organizations. Recent experience includes a CTO role at Explorer Surgical Corp., which was recently acquired by GHX, and VP of Engineering at GHX. Eugene is a founder at, a Blockchain/WEB3 development studio. GitHub:

Ramil Amerzyanov (CTO) - 15+ years building complex technical architecture and software solutions., focusing on Blockchain/WEB3 technologies over the past 7 years. Recent projects include the Fractional CTO role at Landslide Network and CTO role at GitHub:

Mikhail Kondratenko (Technical Lead) - 6+ years developing Blockchain/WEB3 technical architecture and software solutions. Recent projects include Lead Technical Architect roles at Akiva Capital Holdings and Avalaunch. GitHub:

Yevhen Butkovskyy (Product Manager) - 6+ years managing Blockchain/WEB3 products and software implementation projects, experienced Agile Scrum Master and Product Owner. Recent projects include the management of Landslide Network and Avalaunch implementations GitHub:

Apart from building DAOsign platform, our team works as a consulting studio. We have been on the market since 2016 and during this time we contributed to almost all Tier1 blockchains. Our portfolio with the previous projects can be found here:

Team code repositories

Additional Information

We have been following Filecoin for a long time, and this is not the first time we have applied for the Open Grants Program, but this time we have a new proposal.

Email adresses:,,

Please, take a look at our social media networks: Discord: Twitter: Telegram: LinkedIn: Medium:

ErinOCon commented 2 months ago

Hi @TetianaRiabova, thank you for your proposal and for your patience with our review. Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. To contact our team with inquiries regarding our review or grants program, please send an email to

Wishing you the best as you continue building!