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Enchancing Filecoin Documentation with AI Coding playground #1755

Open kwakyebrilliant opened 3 months ago

kwakyebrilliant commented 3 months ago

Grant Proposal: Enchancing Filecoin Documentation with AI Coding playground

Filecoin AI coding Playground

*Individual or Entity Name: Team

Proposer: @kwakyebrilliant

Filecoin ecosystem affiliations: By participating in filecoin sponsored hackathons

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: N/A

Link to Protype

Screenshot-2024-06-11-at-9-29-47-PM Screenshot-2024-06-11-at-9-30-02-PM

1. What is your project and what existing gap will your project address?

Our project aims to integrate an AI coding playground into the Filecoin documentation, significantly enhancing the user experience and supporting error resolution for developers working within the Filecoin ecosystem. The primary use case of this AI playground is to assist users when they encounter errors or bugs in their code, such as issues with adding an image to IPFS. By allowing users to copy problematic code snippets into this AI tool, they will receive real-time suggestions and solutions to fix the errors, streamlining the debugging process and reducing the time spent on troubleshooting.

Beyond just error resolution, the AI playground will offer additional features to optimize code, provide best practices, and suggest alternative methods to achieve desired outcomes. This interactive tool is designed to be a comprehensive resource for both novice and experienced developers. It will not only help in fixing immediate issues but also provide educational insights, promoting a deeper understanding of the Filecoin ecosystem and encouraging the adoption of efficient coding practices.

Currently, the gap in the Filecoin documentation is the lack of an interactive, real-time support mechanism for users facing coding challenges. Traditional documentation often provides static examples and solutions, which might not directly address the specific issues developers encounter in their unique contexts. Our AI coding playground addresses this gap by offering dynamic, personalized assistance that adapts to the users’ specific code and problems. This feature will significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of error resolution, making the Filecoin ecosystem more user-friendly and fostering greater innovation and engagement within the community.

2. How does your project align with our program focus areas?

The AI coding playground is fundamentally an interactive learning resource designed to allow developers to experiment with Filecoin APIs and tools in a controlled, supportive environment. By integrating this feature into the documentation, we provide an interactive element where users can play with code, learn from immediate feedback, and see the results of their experiments in real time. This hands-on experience is invaluable for learning and mastering the Filecoin ecosystem, offering a step-by-step interactive guide that goes beyond static text and images.

3. What are the expected outcomes of the project? What steps will you take to meet this objective?

Number    Grant Deliverable            Briefly describe how you will meet deliverable objectives                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Timeframe (within 3 months)
1.       Planning and Prototyping     Identify common errors and user pain points from existing documentation and feedback, choose a robust AI model like OpenAI’s Codex, develop a prototype focusing on error detection and code suggestions, and gather feedback from a small group of users for improvements.                                                                                               1 month                     
2.        Development and Integration Within the first three months, our project will involve training an AI model with Filecoin ecosystem data to diagnose and suggest fixes for coding issues, developing an intuitive user interface integrated into the documentation site, conducting extensive testing to ensure accuracy and reliability, and iterating based on user feedback to refine the prototype. 1 month                     
3.        Launch and Monitoring        Over three months, we'll softly launch the AI playground, gather feedback, educate users, monitor usage, refine based on data, and finally, officially launch it with community promotion and documentation updates.                                                                                                                                                      1 month                     

4. How will you determine if your documentation is successfully supporting your intended audience?

To determine if our AI-enhanced documentation is successfully supporting our intended audience, we will employ a multi-faceted evaluation approach, combining quantitative metrics with qualitative feedback.

Firstly, we will monitor user engagement metrics such as the frequency of AI playground usage, the duration of user sessions, and the number of code snippets processed. These metrics will provide insight into how often developers are using the AI tool and how long they engage with it, indicating its perceived usefulness. We will also track the success rate of error resolution, observing how many users manage to fix their code issues using the AI suggestions. A high resolution rate will signify that the playground is effectively addressing user problems.

In addition to usage data, user satisfaction will be a critical measure of success. We will collect qualitative feedback through surveys and feedback forms embedded within the documentation site. These surveys will ask users to rate their experience, the accuracy of AI suggestions, and the overall helpfulness of the tool. Open-ended questions will allow users to provide detailed feedback on what they find beneficial and what could be improved. This direct input will be invaluable for ongoing refinement and enhancement of the AI playground.

We will also analyze the impact on the broader developer community by monitoring forums, discussion boards, and social media channels for mentions and reviews of the AI tool. Positive sentiment and endorsements from the community will indicate that the documentation is resonating well with its intended audience.

Finally, we will establish a feedback loop with a subset of users who are willing to participate in more detailed usability studies and interviews. These in-depth interactions will help us understand the user experience at a deeper level, uncovering any pain points or areas for improvement that might not be evident from metrics and surveys alone.

By combining these quantitative and qualitative approaches, we will gain a comprehensive understanding of the AI documentation's effectiveness, ensuring it meets the needs of the Filecoin developer community and continually improves to support their evolving requirements.

5. Will this work be published under the dual MIT and APACHE2 licenses?


6. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


Additional questions:

Team Member Information:

How did you learn about this program? On the filecoin foundation website.

ErinOCon commented 1 month ago

Hi @kwakyebrilliant, thank you for the additional links and context. This proposal has advanced to our final round of reviews scheduled to be completed by the end of August (if not sooner).

If we have final questions during this review round, I will be in touch. Thank you again for your patience and for your interest in Filecoin documentation!