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DiamondHandz #1763

Closed GeDiddie closed 1 month ago

GeDiddie commented 2 months ago

Open Grant Proposal: DiamondHandz AI-Powered Token Generator

Project Name: DiamondHandz

Proposal Category: Integrations and Dapp

Individual or Entity Name: Entity - DiamondHandz

Proposer: GeDiddie

Project Repo(s): DiamondHandz GitHub

(Optional) Filecoin ecosystem affiliations: No existing work relationships with organizations in the Protocol Labs Network.

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: None.

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP under the MIT/Apache-2 dual-license?: Yes.

Project Summary

DiamondHandz is an AI-Powered, Multi-Chain Token Generator with a unique Dual Governance structure that enables Investor Driven Marketing.

DiamondHandz is an innovative platform that empowers crypto projects to create tokens with a unique dual governance structure. Our AI-powered token generator simplifies the creation process, while the marketing allocation operates as a Sub-DAO, allowing investors to propose and vote on marketing initiatives. This ensures transparent, community-driven marketing efforts, fostering trust and engagement. DiamondHandz bridges the gap between project creators and investors, driving project success through collective intelligence and decentralized governance.


This project is crucial for the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystems as it addresses significant pain points in the blockchain industry. DiamondHandz will simplify the token creation process, making it accessible to a wider audience and reducing the barriers to entry for new projects. The integration of AI for tokenomics and marketing will ensure that projects have a higher chance of success by optimizing for market needs and trends.

The creation of the DiamondHandz platform is driven by the need to bridge the gap between early-stage funding and effective market exposure for crypto projects. Empowering investors with decision-making capabilities allows projects to leverage their collective network while ensuring that funds are strategically used for marketing. We aim to foster innovation, enhance investor confidence and loyalty, and contribute to the overall growth and maturity of the crypto ecosystem.

Carl and Gerald (DiamondHandz co-founders), have been in crypto and blockchain technology since 2012. They have launched several crypto projects and currently serve as advisors to several others. DiamondHandz was created from a pain point that all crypto projects must overcome in order to be successful and their projects were no exception. Even the most promising crypto projects fail to gain traction not due to a lack of innovation but because they lack the resources to effectively market themselves. By combining early investment with dedicated marketing support, this platform ensures that projects not only receive initial funding but also the visibility needed to attract further investments and user adoption all while increasing investor ROI.

The successful implementation of DiamondHandz will have a profound impact on the crypto ecosystem by fostering innovation and supporting a diverse range of projects along with:

  1. Addressing the Visibility Gap in Crypto Projects:

    • Many promising crypto projects fail to gain traction not due to a lack of innovation but because they lack the resources to effectively market themselves. DiamondHandz ensures that projects not only receive initial funding but also the visibility needed to attract further investment and user adoption.
  2. Enhancing Investor Confidence:

    • Traditional early-stage investments in crypto projects carry significant risks due to market volatility and the challenges of gaining user trust and visibility. Investor participation will contribute to the project's success, thereby increasing their ROI.
  3. Community-Driven Decision Making:

    • DiamondHandz offers a decentralized and democratic approach to project selection and marketing allocation. This ensures that the community of investors has a direct say in which projects receive support, fostering a sense of ownership and active participation in the success of the platform and the projects it supports.
  4. Fostering Innovation and Diversity:

    • By lowering the barrier to entry for marketing resources, we aim to support a diverse range of projects, encouraging innovation across different sectors within the crypto space. This democratization of resources can lead to a more vibrant and dynamic market ecosystem.
  5. Ensuring Transparency and Accountability:

    • Transparency builds trust among investors and project developers, as all stakeholders can verify how funds are allocated and utilized.
  6. Creating a Sustainable Ecosystem:

    • By aligning the interests of investors, project developers, and marketing providers, the platform creates a synergistic ecosystem that benefits all participants.

. By enabling more projects to launch successfully, it will contribute to the growth and sustainability of the blockchain space. The risks of not addressing these challenges include reduced innovation, lower project success rates, and missed opportunities for new ventures.


The unique investor-driven marketing governance model introduced by DiamondHandz ensures transparency in fund allocation, building trust among investors and reducing the risk of fraud. By giving investors a stake in marketing decisions, we encourage long-term holding, commitment, and loyalty leading to more stable token prices and sustainable project growth. This aligns investor interests with project success, fostering a supportive and engaged community.

Furthermore, DiamondHandz will bolster the DeFi sector by enabling new projects to launch with robust governance and effective marketing strategies. This will attract more users and liquidity to all DeFi protocols, increasing the total value locked (TVL) and demonstrating greater trust and investment in the ecosystem. Success will be measured by the number of tokens created on the platform, user adoption rates, the volume of transactions facilitated, and the engagement levels of the community. We will track metrics such as the number of daily active users, projects onboarded, and transaction volumes to gauge the platform's impact.

Adoption, Reach, and Growth Strategies

Our target audience includes crypto projects looking to create and launch tokens and investors.. We estimate the potential user base to be in the thousands, given the growing interest in blockchain and tokenization. We are currently engaging with our audience through social media channels, community events, and partnerships with blockchain projects.

To onboard new users, we will leverage a combination of marketing campaigns, educational content, and incentive programs. We plan to attract our first 10 users through personalized outreach and demonstrations of the platform's capabilities. For the first 100 users, we will implement a referral program and offer exclusive benefits for early adopters.

Furthermore, we will implement the following strategies:

  1. Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations: Blockchain Projects and Platforms: Partner with established blockchain projects and platforms to leverage their networks and gain early adopters. Influencers and Thought Leaders: Collaborate with influencers and industry leaders to promote DiamondHandz and build credibility.
  2. Community Building and Engagement: Social Media Campaigns: Launch targeted campaigns on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Telegram to reach potential users. Content Marketing: Create educational and engaging content, including blogs, videos, webinars, and AMAs, to inform and attract users. Interactive Events: Host virtual and in-person events such as hackathons, meetups, and workshops to foster community engagement and interest.
  3. Incentive Programs: Referral Programs: Implement referral programs that reward users for bringing new projects and investors to the platform. Beta Testing and Early Access: Offer beta testing opportunities and early access to key projects and influencers to gather feedback and build initial traction. Grants and Funding: Provide grants and funding opportunities to promising projects that choose to launch on DiamondHandz.
  4. Marketing and Outreach: SEO and SEM: Optimize for search engines and run paid search campaigns to increase visibility and attract organic traffic. Email Marketing: Develop an email marketing campaign to keep potential users informed about updates, new features, and success stories. Media Coverage: Secure coverage in leading crypto and blockchain media outlets to reach a wider audience.
  5. User Support and Experience: Robust Support Channels: Establish a dedicated support team, FAQs, and community forums to assist users and address their concerns. User Feedback: Actively solicit and incorporate user feedback to improve the platform’s features and user experience. Core Advantage When Going to Market
  6. AI-Powered Token Creation: Simplicity and Efficiency: Our AI-assisted token generator simplifies the complex process of token creation, making it accessible to non-technical users and reducing the time and effort required to launch a token.
  7. Investor-Driven Marketing Governance: Transparency and Trust: By allowing investors to propose and vote on marketing initiatives, DiamondHandz ensures transparent and community-driven allocation of marketing funds, building trust and credibility. Engaged Community: This governance model fosters a more engaged and committed community of investors who have a direct stake in the project’s success.
  8. Seamless Integration and Security: Robust Security Measures: Regular security audits and compliance with regulatory standards ensure a secure and trustworthy platform. Scalable Infrastructure: Our platform is designed to handle increased user load and transaction volumes efficiently, ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience.

Development Roadmap

KPI Schedule for DiamondHandz

Total Requested Grant Amount: $100,000

Tranche 1

  • KPI One: Following submission of Intake Form, approval of grant application, including KPI Schedule.

  • Grant Amount: $20,000

  • Date by which KPI must be achieved to be eligible for grant: 1 week after grant approval.

Tranche 2

  • KPI Two: Achieve 20 project token creations on the DiamondHandz platform, with at least 15 projects actively using the marketing allocation governance feature within the first 30 days of the first project onboarding. 

  • Grant Amount: $35,000

  • Date by which KPI must be achieved to be eligible for grant: 4 weeks after Tranche 1

Tranche 3

  • KPI Three: Process $100k in average ‘fee’ volume on DiamondHandz smart contract over a 30-day period, demonstrating active usage and engagement from the community.

  • Grant Amount: $20,000

  • Date by which KPI must be achieved to be eligible for grant: 3 weeks after Tranche 2

Tranche 4

  • KPI Four: Achieve a 30-day average total value of digital assets locked within DiamondHandz protocol, but not including assets in pool2 or the value of any borrows or staked amounts, equal to or greater than $25,000,000.

  • Grant Amount: $25,000

  • Date by which KPI must be achieved to be eligible for grant: 6 weeks after Tranche 3

Permitted Use

Any activities to increase awareness, adoption, and growth of the DiamondHandz.

Estimated Build Time

Planning / Whitepaper / Website Wireframe / Setup Development Environment: 2 weeks

Marketing / Build Awareness: 3 weeks - ongoing

Test and Validate: 2.5 weeks

Integrate User Interface / Network Deployment: 4 weeks

Launch and Monitor: 3.5 weeks - ongoing

Summary in Tabular Form:

Tranche # | KPI # | Grant Amount | Date by which KPI must be achieved to be eligible for grant -- | -- | -- | -- Tranche 1 | KPI 1 | $20,000 | 2 weeks after grant approval Tranche 2 | KPI 2 | $35,000 | 4 weeks after Tranche 1 Tranche 3 | KPI 3 | $20,000 | 3 weeks after Tranche 2 Tranche 4 | KPI 4 | $25,000 | 4 weeks after Tranche 3

Detailed KPIs:

KPI One: Create Smart Contract and begin installation of token creation features and environment for AI assistance during the creation process. 

  • Setup and Creation of all social handles on all platforms available (e.g. X, Medium, Discord, Telegram, etc.) 

  • Administrative setup, assignment of team emails and other admin privileges. 

  • Measurement: Completion of deployment on testnet and necessary administrative steps.

  • Description: Following submission of Intake Form,  approval of grant application, including KPI Schedule. Completion of Whitepaper, DiamondHandz Team members, and Advisory Board.

KPI Two:DiamondHandz platform and deploy whitelist for “early” token creators. 

  • Description: Completion of beta version of DiamondHandz platform and early release for whitelist members. Scalability and stress test to be achieved during this beta version release. Achieve 30 project token creations on the DiamondHandz platform, with at least 10 projects actively using the marketing allocation governance feature within the first 30 days of deployment.

  • Measurement: Number of tokens created and active projects using the marketing governance feature.

  • Activate DH Marketing: Begin marketing campaigns to build awareness of the DiamondHandz platform and features.

KPI Three:

  • Description: Process $100k in average volume on DiamondHandz smart contract over a 30-day period, demonstrating active usage and engagement from the community.

  • Measurement: Average transaction volume over 30 days.

KPI Four:

  • Description: Achieve a 30-day average total value of digital assets locked within DiamondHandz, but not including assets in pool2 or the value of any borrows or staked amounts, equal to or greater than $25,000,000.

  • Measurement: Total value of digital assets locked as measured over a 30-day period.

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Our long-term plan includes continuous monitoring, regular updates, and user feedback incorporation to maintain and improve the platform. We will establish a dedicated team for maintenance and provide ongoing support to users. Future upgrades will focus on enhancing functionality, scalability, security, and user experience.


Team Members

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Our team has been involved in crypto and blockchain development since 2012, and has been developing and implementing AI/ML strategies since 2019. We have successfully launched and scaled several blockchain projects and have deep expertise in smart contract development, user interface design, and community management. Our collective experience and commitment to innovation position us as the ideal team to build and maintain the DiamondHandz platform.

Team code repositories

Additional Information

We learned about the Open Grants Program through our involvement in the blockchain community and our ongoing efforts to engage with innovative funding opportunities. We believe this grant will significantly accelerate our development and help us achieve our project goals.

Contact Email:

If you have any additional questions or need further details, please feel free to reach out.

Make sure to review all the details to ensure accuracy and completeness before submitting your proposal. Let me know if you need any further adjustments or information!

ErinOCon commented 1 month ago

Hi @GeDiddie, thank you for your time with this proposal and for your patience with our review. Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. To contact our team with inquiries regarding our review or grants program, please send an email to

Wishing you the best with your future projects!