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Nerd Out & FE_vox #710

Closed pattybee closed 2 years ago

pattybee commented 2 years ago

Open Grant Proposal: Answers to Further the Movement

Name of Project: Nerd Out & FE_vox

Proposal Category: community

Proposer: @pattybee

Technical Sponsor: @doctorrobinson

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?: Please respond with either "Yes"

Project Description

Web3 is moving at a phenomenal speed. People have a lot of questions that need answers to further the movement. The Filecoin ecosystem needs to grow it's workforce and presence so it can continue to establish itself as one of the go to ecosystems for developing the future of the internet.

Our solution is to leverage the existing position of the Filecoin ecosytem to create the news of the moment in frontier web3. Answering the markets appetite for web3 content that looks past crypto fast money, we will create content that can be produced and disseminated in an engaging fast paced way. This will open the Filecoin ecosystem to a wider audience base while also helping drive recruitment, as well as introduce pioneers and projects to potential collaborators and investors.


Timing is everything and right now is the time to take command of the narrative of what the future of web3 or the future of the internet will look like. The market is calling for content that explains both the complexity and the simplicity of web3's next steps. The Filecoin ecosystem is well placed to answer and investigate where necessary.

The risk to not getting this right is simply missing an opportunity, an opportunity to answer a captivated markets call for answers. Missing the opportunity of turning questioners into Filecoin ecosystem users, contributors and believers who will in turn further the movement of the ecosystem into he future.

The biggest risk that would make executing this project difficult is in the project turn around time from start to finish in the content production to distribution. To keep up to pace with the news of the moment and speak directly to the news of today will require a tight turn around from content production to content distribution.


The project will create two separate content streams that feed into each other yet deliver to different audience's needs. The content streams can be designed and engineered to be published in tandem on a weekly biases, or bi-monthly for respective streams. See deck for more information.

1: Streamed Event

2: Produced FE_Vox

Development Roadmap

The completion of milestone 1 (M1) will determine the cost of the subsequent milestones to follow from M2 through to M6.


Concept Development and Final Ideation


  1. Involves 2 x stakeholder workshop to align and inform concept and style for the two series development.
  2. Design and develop two series style guides - Defining tone and voice through both visual design and copy.
  3. Creating and submitting content for the 2 pilot series. 2 x rounds of feedback with key stakeholders
  4. Engage with talent, lock in availability for pilot phase.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 75 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $6080
  2. Designer: 1 65 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $5200
  3. Content strategist: 1 68 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $5,440
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 week = $2,700

Total = $19420


Develop a Promotional/Marketing Campaign


  1. Develop marketing strategy that aligns with The Filecoin ecosystem brand strategy and future trajectory for the two content series.
  2. Define outputs, channels and outreach strategy - 1 x workshop with identified stakeholders from M1 to gain insight into how best fit series of events and FE_Vox into existing content roadmaps.
  3. Present strategy document and allow for 2 rounds of feedback with stakeholders.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer
  2. Content strategist
  3. Copy editor

M3: PP



  1. Research, script writing, question development and interviewing.
  2. Brief host and talent of tone and style and final product.
  3. Visual development and design of motion graphics assets to be used
  4. Producing, editing
  5. Scheduling, lining up and interviewing guests.

Roles and funding

  1. Executive producer
  2. Content strategist
  3. Research producer/PM
  4. Animator/motion graphics
  5. Copy editor/Fact checker
  6. Editor

M4: P+P

Production + Post


  1. Online production as events, conversations are pre-record and released as a sign up event where video will be played.
  2. FE_vox production done once research phase, scripting and guest interviews are complete.
  3. Post Production, visual design, edit, create social assets.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer
  2. Research producer/PM
  3. Animator/motion graphics
  4. Copy editor/Fact checker
  5. Editor
  6. Host
  7. Guests

M5: PR

Promotion - PR


  1. Execute promotional + PR strategy.
  2. Ensure all stakeholders have material and play their role within the defined strategy.

Roles and Funding

  1. Media strategist
  2. Copy editor
  3. Executive producer
  4. Content strategist

M6: D&S

Distribution & Store


  1. Distribute content to all relevant parties and affiliate links.
  2. File and store archive of content.

Roles and Funding

  1. Media strategist
  2. Copy editor
  3. Executive producer
  4. Content strategist

Total Budget Requested

M1: Total = $19420 M2 - M6 Total = TBC


Team Members

Patrick Beggs Joe Rogers Gemma Clarke Benjamin Portas

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Patrick Beggs Joe Rogers Gemma Clarke Benjamin Portas

Team Website


Relevant Experience

At PUR we find the narrative in the numbers and create content that moves the needle. The agency was created to help value-aligned clients make sense of the new world and where they fit into it through the narratives they stand behind. It’s our position that data is worth nothing unless you ask the right questions and have the ability to extract insights – which can then be used to create engaging stories that can be understood within the context of a strong organisational narrative.

As a research and content agency, we combine traditional storytelling techniques with cutting-edge data analytics to allow our clients to locate, clarify and grow their value. We understand the old and are masters of the new.

We have worked with

  1. Humanitech: We helped Humanitech in shifting the dial on the way technology intersects with humanity. They asked PUR to define their narrative, create impactful content and communicate what they stood for and who they stood with. More detail here

  2. Monash university - PlayLab: The PlayLab, part of Monash University’s Education Department, came to us wanting to produce educational, inspiring content that captured and celebrated the people who are at the core of their work. We helped communicate their insights and research to break gender norms in early education by introducing STEM concepts through play. More detail here

For more info click here

Team code repositories

Additional Information

How did you learn about the Open Grants Program? @doctorrobinson

Best email address for discussing the grant agreement and general next steps:

ErinOCon commented 2 years ago

Hi @pattybee, this grant has been approved! We will email you to discuss next steps.

pattybee commented 1 year ago

Updated grant from finding from the completion of M1:

Open Grant Proposal: Answers to Further the Movement

Name of Project: Nerd Out & FE_vox

Proposal Category: community

Proposer: @pattybee

Technical Sponsor: @doctorrobinson

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?: Please respond with either "Yes"

Project Description

Web3 is moving at a phenomenal speed. People have a lot of questions that need answers to further the movement. The Filecoin ecosystem needs to grow it's workforce and presence so it can continue to establish itself as one of the go to ecosystems for developing the future of the internet.

We provide a voyeur’s window into the clash between today's technology titans and those building the three dimensional age. Through the eyes of those at the heart of creating it and those experiencing the shifts in culture it is driving.


Positioning the Filecoin ecosystem as the place to discover, learn and build the next generation of the internet. Gaining insight and entry into, Common goods, Data markets, public data, general storage, web publishing, NFT’s, Decentralized storage, Verifiable storage and more.

The risk to not getting this right is simply missing an opportunity, an opportunity to answer a captivated markets call for answers. Missing the opportunity of turning questioners into Filecoin ecosystem users, contributors and believers who will in turn further the movement of the ecosystem into he future.

The biggest risk that would make executing this project difficult is in the project turn around time from start to finish in the content production to distribution. To keep up to pace with the news of the moment and speak directly to the news of today will require a tight turn around from content production to content distribution.


The project will create a content ecosystem. Nerd Out will form part of the Clash’s pre production and research phase, it will enable us to generate leads and content for the show, while capturing conversation and texture of the very communities who will be showcased. This approach will ensure the Ecosystem of content to begin effectively immediately and start to build momentum and produce content and value from the beginning. See: Video treatment for Clash:

1: Twitter spaces

2: The Clash

Development Roadmap

The completion of milestone 1 (M1) has determined the cost of the milestones M2, and the cost of milestone 3 (M3) will be determined by the findings of M2.

M1: CD&FI - Completed

Concept Development and Final Ideation


  1. Involves 2 x stakeholder workshop to align and inform concept and style for the two series development.
  2. Design and develop two series style guides - Defining tone and voice through both visual design and copy.
  3. Creating and submitting content for the 2 pilot series. 2 x rounds of feedback with key stakeholders
  4. Engage with talent, lock in availability for pilot phase.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $6080
  2. Designer: 1 65 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $5200
  3. Content strategist: 1 68 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $5,440
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 week = $2,700

Total = $19420 - completed

M2: Complete 4 content cycles and produce a playbook at the end of M2 on what did and did not work. Playbook is to be shared with network on lessons learned and be used to better inform and refine process for completion of M3.

Stages of M2 are: DP/MC; PP, P+P, PR, DS

Develop a Promotional/Marketing Campaign


  1. Develop marketing strategy that aligns with The Filecoin ecosystem brand strategy and future trajectory for the two content series.
  2. Define outputs, channels and outreach strategy - 1 x workshop with identified stakeholders from M1 to gain insight into how best content fits into existing roadmaps.
  3. Present strategy document and allow for 2 rounds of feedback with stakeholders.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 1 weeks = $3,040
  2. Content Marketing strategist : 1 68 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $5,440
  3. Research Producer/PM: 1 62$/h h/week * 2 weeks = $4,960
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600



  1. Research, script writing, question development and interviewing.
  2. Brief host and talent of tone and style and final product.
  3. Visual development and design of motion graphics assets to be used
  4. Producing, editing
  5. Scheduling, lining up and interviewing guests.
  6. Hosting first 8 Twitter space conversations
  7. Opening Discord channel

Roles and funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $ 12,160 Actual (9,120 ideal for ¼)
  2. Research producer/PM: 1 62$/h 40h/week * 4 weeks = $9,920 Actual (7,440 ideal for ¼)
  3. Animator/motion graphics: 1 55 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $4,400
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  5. Fact checker: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  6. Editor: 1 40 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,200
  7. Community manager: 1 50 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $8,000 Actual (6,000 ideal for ¼)
  8. Twitter spaces host: 1 150 $/h 40 h/week * 0.75 weeks = $4,500
  9. Compensation for twitter space guests throughout periode total = $5,000
  10. Miscellaneous + travel total = $3,000

PP: Production + Post


  1. Remaining Twitter spaces and conversations hosted and facilitated around specific topics, designed to engage the audience; Record and distributed live. To be incorporated in Clash.
  2. Clash production done once research phase, scripting and guest interviews are complete.
  3. Post Production, visual design, edit, create social assets.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $9,120
  2. Research producer/PM: 1 62$/h 40h/week * 6 weeks = $14,880
  3. Animator/motion graphics: 1 55 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $8,800
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  5. Fact checker: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  6. Editor: 1 40 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $6,400
  7. Community manager: 1 50 $/h 40 h/week * 6 weeks = $8,000
  8. Twitter spaces host: 1 150 $/h 40 h/week * 0.75 weeks = $4,500
  9. Compensation for twitter space guests throughout periode total = $5,000
  10. Host of the Clash: $6,000 (4 episodes)
  11. Camera operator/director: $5,000
  12. Camera assistant: $3,000
  13. Gaffer: $2,000
  14. Sound: $1,500
  15. Technical support: $ 2,500
  16. Miscellaneous + travel total = $5,000

PR: Promotion


  1. Execute promotional + PR strategy.
  2. Media buy + ambassador campaign
  3. Ensure all stakeholders have material and FLay their role within the defined strategy.

Roles and Funding

  1. Media strategist: 1 70 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $5,600
  2. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  3. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 weeks = $4,560
  4. Content Marketing strategist : 1 68 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $5,440
  5. Information designer: 1 55 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 weeks = $3,300
  6. Paid media budget: $10,000

D&S: Distribution & Store


  1. Distribute content to all relevant parties and affiliate links.
  2. Create a playbook on lessons learned and insights gained from the project to be shared within the ecosystem
  3. File and store archive of content.

Roles and Funding

  1. Research producer/PM: 1 62$/h 40h/week * 2 weeks = $4,960
  2. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $3,600
  3. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 weeks = $4,560
  4. Information designer: 1 55 $/h 40 h/week * 1 weeks = $4,400

M3: Complete 6 content cycles and produce a playbook at the end of M3 on what did and did not work. Playbook is to be shared with network on lessons learned and be used to better inform and refine process for completion of future content cycles if applicable.

Total Budget Requested

M1: Total = $19,420 (complete) M2: Total = $213,369 M3: Total = $TBC


Team Members

Patrick Beggs Joe Rogers Gemma Clarke Benjamin Portas

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Patrick Beggs Joe Rogers Gemma Clarke Benjamin Portas

Team Website


Relevant Experience

At PUR we find the narrative in the numbers and create content that moves the needle. The agency was created to help value-aligned clients make sense of the new world and where they fit into it through the narratives they stand behind. It’s our position that data is worth nothing unless you ask the right questions and have the ability to extract insights – which can then be used to create engaging stories that can be understood within the context of a strong organisational narrative.

As a research and content agency, we combine traditional storytelling techniques with cutting-edge data analytics to allow our clients to locate, clarify and grow their value. We understand the old and are masters of the new.

We have worked with

  1. Humanitech: We helped Humanitech in shifting the dial on the way technology intersects with humanity. They asked PUR to define their narrative, create impactful content and communicate what they stood for and who they stood with. More detail here

  2. Monash university - PlayLab: The PlayLab, part of Monash University’s Education Department, came to us wanting to produce educational, inspiring content that captured and celebrated the people who are at the core of their work. We helped communicate their insights and research to break gender norms in early education by introducing STEM concepts through play. More detail here

For more info click here

Team code repositories

Additional Information

How did you learn about the Open Grants Program? @doctorrobinson

Best email address for discussing the grant agreement and general next steps:

doctorrobinson commented 1 year ago

Hey Erin - just doing the follow up here!

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 11:01 PM Pattybee @.***> wrote:

Updated grant from finding from the completion of M1: Open Grant Proposal: Answers to Further the Movement

Name of Project: Nerd Out & FE_vox

Proposal Category: community

Proposer: @pattybee

Technical Sponsor: @doctorrobinson

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?: Please respond with either "Yes" Project Description

Web3 is moving at a phenomenal speed. People have a lot of questions that need answers to further the movement. The Filecoin ecosystem needs to grow it's workforce and presence so it can continue to establish itself as one of the go to ecosystems for developing the future of the internet.

We provide a voyeur’s window into the clash between today's technology titans and those building the three dimensional age. Through the eyes of those at the heart of creating it and those experiencing the shifts in culture it is driving. Value

Positioning the Filecoin ecosystem as the place to discover, learn and build the next generation of the internet. Gaining insight and entry into, Common goods, Data markets, public data, general storage, web publishing, NFT’s, Decentralized storage, Verifiable storage and more.

The risk to not getting this right is simply missing an opportunity, an opportunity to answer a captivated markets call for answers. Missing the opportunity of turning questioners into Filecoin ecosystem users, contributors and believers who will in turn further the movement of the ecosystem into he future.

The biggest risk that would make executing this project difficult is in the project turn around time from start to finish in the content production to distribution. To keep up to pace with the news of the moment and speak directly to the news of today will require a tight turn around from content production to content distribution. Deliverables

The project will create a content ecosystem. Nerd Out will form part of the Clash’s pre production and research phase, it will enable us to generate leads and content for the show, while capturing conversation and texture of the very communities who will be showcased. This approach will ensure the Ecosystem of content to begin effectively immediately and start to build momentum and produce content and value from the beginning. See:

1: Twitter spaces

  • approx 40 mins released every TBC - Nerd Out Speeding up the ideation to implementation, and onboarding the next wave of workers/contributors to the ecosystem by facilitating conversations at the edge of the frontier.

2: The Clash

  • approx 11-19 mins, released every TBC - A VICE meets Vox editorial - The show goes to the intersection between web innovation and the old world. Producing the stories that allow everyone to get their feet wet in the future, by telling interesting stories of the mass movements and fringe cultures intersecting with the moving web of tomorrow.

Development Roadmap

The completion of milestone 1 (M1) has determined the cost of the milestones M2, and the cost of milestone 3 (M3) will be determined by the findings of M2. M1: CD&FI - Completed Concept Development and Final Ideation Deliverables

  1. Involves 2 x stakeholder workshop to align and inform concept and style for the two series development.
  2. Design and develop two series style guides - Defining tone and voice through both visual design and copy.
  3. Creating and submitting content for the 2 pilot series. 2 x rounds of feedback with key stakeholders
  4. Engage with talent, lock in availability for pilot phase.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $6080
  2. Designer: 1 65 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $5200
  3. Content strategist: 1 68 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $5,440
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 week = $2,700

Total = $19420 - completed M2: Complete 4 content cycles and produce a playbook at the end of M2 on what did and did not work. Playbook is to be shared with network on lessons learned and be used to better inform and refine process for completion of M3. Stages of M2 are: DP/MC; PP, P+P, PR, DS Develop a Promotional/Marketing Campaign Deliverables

  1. Develop marketing strategy that aligns with The Filecoin ecosystem brand strategy and future trajectory for the two content series.
  2. Define outputs, channels and outreach strategy - 1 x workshop with identified stakeholders from M1 to gain insight into how best content fits into existing roadmaps.
  3. Present strategy document and allow for 2 rounds of feedback with stakeholders.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 1 weeks = $3,040
  2. Content Marketing strategist : 1 68 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $5,440
  3. Research Producer/PM: 1 62$/h h/week * 2 weeks = $4,960
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600

Pre-production Deliverables

  1. Research, script writing, question development and interviewing.
  2. Brief host and talent of tone and style and final product.
  3. Visual development and design of motion graphics assets to be used
  4. Producing, editing
  5. Scheduling, lining up and interviewing guests.
  6. Hosting first 8 Twitter space conversations
  7. Opening Discord channel

Roles and funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $ 12,160 Actual (9,120 ideal for ¼)
  2. Research producer/PM: 1 62$/h 40h/week * 4 weeks = $9,920 Actual (7,440 ideal for ¼)
  3. Animator/motion graphics: 1 55 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $4,400
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  5. Fact checker: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  6. Editor: 1 40 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,200
  7. Community manager: 1 50 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $8,000 Actual (6,000 ideal for ¼)
  8. Twitter spaces host: 1 150 $/h 40 h/week * 0.75 weeks = $4,500
  9. Compensation for twitter space guests throughout periode total = $5,000
  10. Miscellaneous + travel total = $3,000

PP: Production + Post Deliverables

  1. Remaining Twitter spaces and conversations hosted and facilitated around specific topics, designed to engage the audience; Record and distributed live. To be incorporated in Clash.
  2. Clash production done once research phase, scripting and guest interviews are complete.
  3. Post Production, visual design, edit, create social assets.

Roles and Funding

  1. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $9,120
  2. Research producer/PM: 1 62$/h 40h/week * 6 weeks = $14,880
  3. Animator/motion graphics: 1 55 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $8,800
  4. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  5. Fact checker: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  6. Editor: 1 40 $/h 40 h/week * 4 weeks = $6,400
  7. Community manager: 1 50 $/h 40 h/week * 6 weeks = $8,000
  8. Twitter spaces host: 1 150 $/h 40 h/week * 0.75 weeks = $4,500
  9. Compensation for twitter space guests throughout periode total = $5,000
  10. Host of the Clash: $6,000 (4 episodes)
  11. Camera operator/director: $5,000
  12. Camera assistant: $3,000
  13. Gaffer: $2,000
  14. Sound: $1,500
  15. Technical support: $ 2,500
  16. Miscellaneous + travel total = $5,000

PR: Promotion Deliverables

  1. Execute promotional + PR strategy.
  2. Media buy + ambassador campaign
  3. Ensure all stakeholders have material and FLay their role within the defined strategy.

Roles and Funding

  1. Media strategist: 1 70 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $5,600
  2. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $3,600
  3. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 weeks = $4,560
  4. Content Marketing strategist : 1 68 $/h 40 h/week * 2 weeks = $5,440
  5. Information designer: 1 55 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 weeks = $3,300
  6. Paid media budget: $10,000

D&S: Distribution & Store Deliverables

  1. Distribute content to all relevant parties and affiliate links.
  2. Create a playbook on lessons learned and insights gained from the project to be shared within the ecosystem
  3. File and store archive of content.

Roles and Funding

  1. Research producer/PM: 1 62$/h 40h/week * 2 weeks = $4,960
  2. Copy editor: 1 45 $/h 40 h/week * 2 week = $3,600
  3. Executive producer: 1 76 $/h 40 h/week * 1.5 weeks = $4,560
  4. Information designer: 1 55 $/h 40 h/week * 1 weeks = $4,400

M3: Complete 6 content cycles and produce a playbook at the end of M3 on what did and did not work. Playbook is to be shared with network on lessons learned and be used to better inform and refine process for completion of future content cycles if applicable. Total Budget Requested

M1: Total = $19,420 (complete) M2: Total = $213,369 M3: Total = $TBC Team Team Members

Patrick Beggs Joe Rogers Gemma Clarke Benjamin Portas Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Patrick Beggs Joe Rogers Gemma Clarke Benjamin Portas Team Website

PUR Relevant Experience

At PUR we find the narrative in the numbers and create content that moves the needle. The agency was created to help value-aligned clients make sense of the new world and where they fit into it through the narratives they stand behind. It’s our position that data is worth nothing unless you ask the right questions and have the ability to extract insights – which can then be used to create engaging stories that can be understood within the context of a strong organisational narrative.

As a research and content agency, we combine traditional storytelling techniques with cutting-edge data analytics to allow our clients to locate, clarify and grow their value. We understand the old and are masters of the new.

We have worked with


Humanitech: We helped Humanitech in shifting the dial on the way technology intersects with humanity. They asked PUR to define their narrative, create impactful content and communicate what they stood for and who they stood with. More detail here 2.

Monash university - PlayLab: The PlayLab, part of Monash University’s Education Department, came to us wanting to produce educational, inspiring content that captured and celebrated the people who are at the core of their work. We helped communicate their insights and research to break gender norms in early education by introducing STEM concepts through play. More detail here

For more info click here Team code repositories Additional Information

How did you learn about the Open Grants Program? @doctorrobinson

Best email address for discussing the grant agreement and general next steps: @.***

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You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @doctorrobinson! Adding @realChainLife to review the milestone details.

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @pattybee, thank you so much for your patience as we reviewed our budget and priorities for the fiscal year. In light of the macroeconomic climate, our grants program required a longer evaluation period.

Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. We are wishing you all the best as you continue to build!

pattybee commented 1 year ago

Hi Erin,

Thanks for the update, appreciate it. And thank you, we will continue to build.

Likewise, wish you the best.

On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 8:15 AM ErinOCon @.***> wrote:

Hi @pattybee, thank you so much for your patience as we reviewed our budget and priorities for the fiscal year. In light of the macroeconomic climate, our grants program required a longer evaluation period.

Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with a grant at this time. We are wishing you all the best as you continue to build!

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>


Patrick Beggs Founder +61 413 427 971 | | Linkedin