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Enabling Filecoin interoperability with Cosmos Ecosystem #801

Closed ma-sonr closed 2 years ago

ma-sonr commented 2 years ago

Research Grant Proposal: Exploring Filecoin interoperability with Cosmos Ecosystem

Name of Project: Exploring Filecoin IBC interoperability (by Sonr)

Proposal Category: core-dev

Proposer: ma-sonr

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: Boris Mann

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?: Yes

Project Description

The problem

In its journey to become the decentralized storage layer for the new internet, Filecoin must find ways to interoperate several disjoint blockchain ecosystems. Native support of new blockchain-community protocols like IBC requires significant engineering complexity.

What we are building

Sonr is building a light-weight trustless Filecoin bridge to its IBC-enabled blockchain, allowing users of IBC-enabled blockchains to access Filecoin resources.


Our aim in building the describe solution is to cultivate Filecoin use cases, enable technical interoperability with a growing blockchain ecosystem, and ultimately foster ecosystem growth. Cosmos-based chains like Sonr are able to create use-cases involving Filecoin, the Filecoin will subsequently benefit from the increased utilization of resources. Cosmos’ ecosystem inter-blockchain communication protocol makes it specially positioned to accelerate Filecoin’s in its ecosystem growth.


Interoperability with Cosmos ecosystem

With the described solution, Cosmos' ecosystem of blockchains would be able to leverage Filecoin's storage resources. Cosmos ecosystem includes 100s of chains:

The Cosmos ecosystem will continue to evolve as more application-specific blockchains emerge, and enabling IBC on Filecoin would create the opportunity for many use-cases across the entire ecosystem. This better positions Filecoin to become the go-to permission-less storage solution for the new internet. The expansion of chain support for Cosmos also adds liquidity to the Cosmos Ecosystem overall, making it more favorable to build DeFi protocols and other projects.

Branding and visibility risks

Without the right partnerships and buy-in across ecosystems, we face the risk of inadequate visibility around the final solution. Beyond access to the best-in-class protocols and frameworks, this project will require intentional co-branding and broadcasting of its implications to both the Cosmos and Filecoin ecosystems.

Interoperability with Filecoin

While the Sonr team has visibility into the construction of its IBC-enabled blockchain, we are external to the Filecoin team and thus have less visibility into the construction of the Filecoin chain. The execution difficulty risk arises in their being adequate Filecoin resources (documentation, Slack channels) in the event that assistance with the project is needed. Our hope is that our ongoing discussions in Filecoin Github, Filecoin Slack, and with other Filecoin stakeholders will mitigate this risk.


Milestone: A case-study highlighting our findings, open questions, and solution next steps for Filecoin interoperability with Cosmos IBC.

Function: The ability for Cosmos blockchains to gain access to Filecoin’s storage resources.

Development Roadmap

Milestone 1

Use-case exploration

Milestone 2

Best stack combination to support the IBC-compatible Filecoin permission-ing system

Total Budget Requested

The total budget requested based on the assumptions below is [In progress]

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

The Sonr team aims to maintain the described software post grant-receipt and launch.

Note: As described by the phases in the Textile team’s blog, the Sonr team will continuously consider the appropriate level of decentralization.


Team Members

Michael Amoako - Chief of Staff

Prad Nukala - CEO

Nick Tindle - Head of Engineering

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Michael Amoako LinkedIn

Prad Nukala LinkedIn

Nick Tindle LinkedIn

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Team code repositories

Additional Information

We’ve spoken to several folks from the Protocol Labs and Filecoin ecosystems, who’ve pointed us towards this grants program including:

Check out the Sonr docs to learn more about Sonr!

ma-sonr commented 2 years ago

Additional partnesr: FilSwan, Brad Holden

ErinOCon commented 2 years ago

Hi @ma-sonr, thank you for your proposal! We are reviewing this project and will be in touch as soon as we have an update.

BlocksOnAChain commented 2 years ago

@ma-sonr I have some potential questions, Dragan from PL here.

What do we plan to do with:

ErinOCon commented 2 years ago

Hi @ma-sonr, thank you again for your proposal! We are pleased to approve a $50k grant to support this project. We will send an email to confirm next steps.