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RFP Application - Arock Explorer #817

Closed tanukiroku89 closed 1 year ago

tanukiroku89 commented 1 year ago

RFP Proposal: Blockchain explorer

Name of Project: Arock Explorer Refactor & API as a service

**Link to RFP:

RFP Category: app-dev

Proposer: tanukiroku89

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Yes

Project Description

Our team had developped the existing block explorer and it went live a year ago and kept running since then. It uses python3 and adopts microservice architecture, redis and kafka as cache and message middleware, flask and mongo to provide on-chain data services. Main users came from miner sector for its data service and profit/trend calculator. Since the Filecoin vitural machine (FVM) upgrade will dramatically extend the filecoin agility and usability, and it is coming soon, we have re-evaluated the exisiting platform structure and plan to make it more community and developer friendly with modern explorer features like testnet support, graphQL data API, RPC endpoint service, data dashboard refactor, smart contract verification & decompiler integration.


1.A full-featured Multi-platform community-friendly open source block explorer which provide block scan, block chain status dashborad and GraphQL data API system will be developed.

Development Roadmap

Milestone 1 Milestone Description HC Funding Estimated Timeframe
1 Dashboard refactor 2 $12,000 4 weeks
2 Database refactor 2 $12,000 4 weeks
3 Testnet explorer 2 $12,000 4 weeks
4 GraphQL API for both mainnet and testnet 4 $60,000 12 weeks
5 API Documentation 1 $3,000 3 weeks
Milestone 2 Milestone Description HC Funding Estimated Timeframe
1 Explorer performance optimization 1 $6,000 4 weeks
2 User and API subscription module 3 $24,000 8 weeks
3 Smart contract explorer module 4 $66,000 16 weeks
4 RPC endpoint subscription 2 $16,000 6 weeks
5 Developer Documentation 1 $4,000 4 weeks

Total Budget Requested

List the total proposed funding amount (currently in USD, eventually can be a distribution between USD/FIL) USD$215,000 equivalent

M1 total budget: $99,000

Timeline: End of Nov 2022

M2 total budget: $116,000

Timeline: End of Mar 2023

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Maintenance: Since we already have an existing valid product, We have applied and been granted migration and startup credits from AWS Singapore for the migration & infrasructure cost of M1 and M2 this year.

Upgrade: We will collect community feedbacks after the M1 goes live and confirm the upgrade plan after M2.


For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.

Name Email Github Role
Tony @tanukiroku89 Founder/CTO
Zovlian @littletiger1112 UI/UX
Travis @heemoe Frontend Engineer
Angulia @Anguliachao Fullstack Engineer
Edison @SuperEdison Backend Engineer
Timothy @Hello2021Year Backend Engineer
Wayne @zhubuz WASM developer
Leo @Leoknight Fullstack Engineer

Team Website

Relevant Experience

We previously worked on for around 1.5 years. Alongside this explorer, our team members have also worked on a few other projects on blockchain infra, wallet, DeFi, GameFi, NFT DAOs projects.

We are a team with 8 years of design and software engineering experience in average. During last 3 months, we have talked to many miners and developers about what kind of explorer they really need. Our passion makes us a good team to work on web3 storage infra tooling space.

Team code repositories

Additional information

We would like to be part of this program in order to:

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @tanukiroku89, thank you for your proposal! We will provide an update once our review is complete.

eshon commented 1 year ago

Hi @tanukiroku89! We have some questions...

1) Why are your top miners so different from the ones listed at Filfox?

Filfox: Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 1 56 59 PM

Arockpool: Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 1 56 42 PM

2) When looking at this miner

Where does the wallet balance and adjusted power come from? Because when looking up this short ID in Filfox or Filscan there are different results:

tanukiroku89 commented 1 year ago

Hi @tanukiroku89! We have some questions...

  1. Why are your top miners so different from the ones listed at Filfox?

Filfox: Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 1 56 59 PM

Arockpool: Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 1 56 42 PM

  1. When looking at this miner

Where does the wallet balance and adjusted power come from? Because when looking up this short ID in Filfox or Filscan there are different results:

Hi Eshon,

For question 1, it is for miner ranking, calculated with pooled miner data, which you can also check such data on Filscout:


Is calculated based on node data:


  1. as for , I have check with data team, there are some wrong data filterting with outdated data. The team is struggling on updating it. This storage pool node f01036920 should have changed its owner and migrate to another storagePool account, owner changed to f01860588. We will update the mongodb database as soon as possible.

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @tanukiroku89, thank you for the additional information! We will not be moving forward with a grant for this project at this time. Typically, we do not provide grant support at this level to block explorers. We would be happy to review a proposal for a project that is smaller in scope that helps build more open source experiences with Filecoin.

Wishing you the best with your project!