Closed cryptotwilight closed 1 year ago
Hi @cryptotwilight, thank you for your proposal! We will be in touch with an update or any questions once our review is complete.
Hi Tony! Sorry for the super long response time. The project you outlined is really interesting, and we are thinking along the same lines as you are. There are a lot of moving pieces, though, in building these tools and incentive structures to shift Filecoin in a more sustainable direction, and I think we need to workshop the approach some. Would love to talk about it, feel free to put some time on my calendar:
Hi Alan, thank you for your time on the call. Based on our discussion, it would be logical to add an appraisal of Green Score rules that could be implemented using the new data. This would also imply the additional delivery of inclusive governance options. This would also necessitate an appraisal of incentives and to a lesser degree compliance mechanisms. This would create a strawman using the location aspect of the Green Score to which follow on projects could add the audit, forecasting and client aspects.
From an outreach perspective it would make sense to have this as perhaps a forum track at Filecoin events where miners, clients and relevant stakeholders are invited to share their views.
Do let me know if this resonates and considered next steps.
This issue has been closed as the proposal is being reviewed through a different program.
RFP Proposal: GreenFil - Sourcing Green Locations
Name of Project:
Link to RFP: Please link to the RFP that you are submitting a proposal for.
RFP Category:
Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Please respond with either "Yes" or "No" "YES"
Project Description
Please describe what problem or need your project addresses, why it's important, and your technical approach. Since this is a response to an RFP, make sure to address the request directly.
Building on recent success at the Gitcoin hosted Sustainable Blockchain Hackathon the GreenFil team has decided to expand and go further with it’s work of helping Filecoin miners become and remain Green. The objective is to create a sound transparent platform on which new types of ReFi products in Carbon Trading can be created.
Having reviewed our existing data challenge we identified is the skew in the distribution of Green Aware miners between a limited number of geographies. What this means is that whilst Filecoin miners are concentrated in a few areas and of those miners even fewer of them are Green. Given the need for the Filecoin network to not only decluster but also be intelligently Green about it, the GreenFil team identified that there is a need to correlate renewable energy source data with Filecoin miner locations.
This creates the opportunity for Filecoin miners to do two things, first being to find ways to source and trade carbon credits from these Green sources more easily and second potentially redistribute operations to take direct advantage of these Green energy sources in their operations. This also helps to provide large storage consumers a better picture of which storage providers to leverage not only because of geographical concerns but also for Green concerns.
Development Roadmap
Please break up your research or development work into a clear set of 2-3 milestones.
For each milestone, please describe the software functionality that we can expect after the completion of each milestone. This should be detailed enough that it can be used to ensure that the software meets the RFP scope.
This section should be approximately 1 page long. This project will consist of 3 major milestones
Research and Data Structures
Description The Research and Data Structures milestone is where the GreenFil team will research existing API based information sources that can deliver maintained data on Renewable Energy Sources (RES). This milestone will deliver the foundational reports and analysis necessary to drive the changes to infrastructure and service necessary for the community. The milestone deliverables are displayed in the table below:
Total Milestone Duration: 4.5 weeks
Total Milestone Staffing: 5
Total Milestone Cost: USD$8405
Infrastructure and Service
Description The Infrastructure and Service milestone is where the GreenFil team will upgrade the existing GreenFil service to incorporate the new data feeds and derivative data to provide the community with useful visualisations.
Total Milestone Duration: 4.5 weeks
Total Milestone Staffing: 6
Total Milestone Cost: USD$10,025
Community and Outreach
Description The Community and Outreach milestone will run concurrent to the previous 2 milestones. Our view is that our community must be engaged throughout this effort so as to gain early feature insights that will ensure success. The objective of this milestone will be to establish and grow
Total Milestone Duration: 9 weeks
Total Milestone Staffing: 9
Total Milestone Cost: USD$9350
Documentation, Education, and Community
Specify your plans for any documentation, education, and/or community-building that will be essential to your project's success.
Documentation Software documentation will be provided as part of the standard GreenFil rollout. Business user documentation will be generated as an ongoing activity as part of the Community and Outreach milestone.
User Education User Education will be supported via both Youtube based video tutorials and from 2 or 3 live workshops delivered towards the end of the programme as part of CO2 and CO3 deliverables.
Community Building Our strategy with respect to Community building is to make it a continuous activity throughout the programme. Our view is that this will help us grow a committed community.
Other Deliverables
Specify any other deliverables proposed as part of this project.
Milestone Summary
**This table should summarize all of the efforts above. For each milestone, please describe:
Total Budget Requested
Sum up the total requested budget across all milestones. $27,780.00
Maintenance and Upgrade Plans
Specify your team's long-term plans to maintain and improve this project over time. Our plan for the project is focused around community engagement and contribution. Our goal will be to inspire a steady quorum of volunteer contributors who will help monitor and regularly maintain the project. We will look to commercialise the service to make it sustainable in line with market demand.
Contact Info
Provide us with a way to contact you (email is probably easiest). You can also email with your GH username and link to your public proposal.
Team Members
Tony Kunz Role : Project Founder / Projecct Lead Github user cryptotwilight LinkedIn LinkedIn
Team Website
Please link to your team's website here.
Relevant Experience
Please describe (in words) your team's relevant experience, and why you think would do a great job with this RFP. You can cite your team's prior experience in similar domains, doing similar dev work, individual team members' backgrounds, etc.
As a former management consultant, with experience working with public administrations at the local and central government (UK) level as well as with experience in regulated industries such as banking and finance, my commercial experience provides the necessary commercial understanding required to innovate Open Source Green solutions that move the Filecoin community forward. As an active blockchain hacker, open source contributor and founder, with projects such as JobCrypt ( and Open Block EI ( ) I have sufficient understanding of the intricacies involved in building new blockchain protocols that have many unknowns.
Team code repositories
Please provide links to your team's prior code repos for similar or related projects.
Additional Information
Please include any additional information that you think would be useful in helping us to evaluate your grant application.