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RFP Application [Green Grant]: DoinGud Decentralized Impact Protocol #978

Closed Jameel139 closed 1 year ago

Jameel139 commented 2 years ago

RFP Proposal: [Green Grant]: DoinGud Decentralized Impact Protocol

Name of Project: DoinGud Protocol

Link to RFP: Green Grant

RFP Category: app-dev

Technical Sponsor: Piyush Maheshwari and Jnthn Vctr

Proposer: Jameel139

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Please respond with either "Yes" or "No": Yes

Project Description

DoinGud is a protocol that provides the infrastructure for Decentralized Impact. The DoinGud protocol offers a solution for the lack of transparency, trust, and effectiveness of the current funding models and delivery of social impact. As a solution, the protocol enables communities to easily organize, fundraise, and govern themselves to generate positive social impact.

Social Impact can be organized by creating and joining impact communities. This can be done by creating a Guild where anyone can submit proposals to help improve the community and have them voted on by its members. This gives communities a say in what projects they want to see funded and how the money is spent.

To fundraise for causes, people can use the DoinGud protocol to donate to causes they care about, receive proceeds from NFT sales and leverage yield pools. This allows for sustainable funding, easier donation tracking, and transparency on where the money is going.

For the purposes of this grant, IPFS will be used for all data storage related to Impact Reporting, Linking Creations, and Impact Signaling.

Value To The Ecosystem

The protocol’s main objective is to incentivize and scale the contribution towards public goods, social causes, and environmental impact. The protocol will specifically help on the environmental side through

Development Roadmap

Impact Scope:

Impact curation is a critical process of the DoinGud Protocol. The protocol is designed to incentivize positive social impact. However, not all types of impact are equal, and not all reports will be accurate or verifiable. That's why it's important for the Guild to have qualified reporters and signalers, who can evaluate reports represented by NFTs linked to impact makers, and signal the most worthy ones for rewards. This curation ensures that only verifiable impactful reports are rewarded and that resources are distributed fairly among impact makers, reporters, and signalers.

Development Scope:

The data storage has three milestones: Impact Reporting, Linking Creations, and Impact Signaling

  1. Reporting Functionality: This first stage lasts until 10 report NFTs are created and linked to impact makers by reporters. During this stage, reporters can link any number of report NFTs to an impact maker. All NFTs will be stored on IPFS or NFT Storage
    1. Develop the smart contracts for reporting mechanics
    2. Integrate graphs of interactive NFT data (comments, reactions, verifiable credentials e.g. Gitcoin Passport)
    3. Develop backend
    4. Develop designs and implement front end for the flow
  2. Linking Creations

    Functionality: Creators on the DoinGud Protocol link their NFTs to specific Guilds. Each sale donates between 5%-100% to one or several of the over 60 verified Social Impact Organization partners who each work towards the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

    All NFT data such as metadata, revenues, royalties, and donations are stored on IPFS.

    1. Develop smart contract for linking, and unlinking creations
    2. Integrate graphs of interactive NFT data (comments, reactions)
    3. Develop backend
    4. Develop designs and implement front end for the flow
  3. Signaling Functionality: During the period of one week, Signalers evaluate reports in a quadratic voting by burning their signaling tokens to indicate which impact reports are the most informative. As soon as a signaling week is over, another Reporting batch can start. All signaling records will be stored on IPFS or NFT Storage
    1. Develop the smart contracts for:
      1. Identifying signalers based on token amount
      2. Creating voting cycle
      3. Identifying voters and voting results
      4. Reward allocation based on quadratic voting
    2. Integrate Signaling data storage (signaling results, comments, reward allocation)
    3. Develop backend
    4. Develop designs and implement front end for the flow

Documentation, Education, and Community

Milestone Summary

Milestone No. Milestone Summary Funding Estimated Timeframe
1 Impact Reporting $45,000 6 weeks
2 Linking Creations $31,000 4 weeks
3 Impact Signaling $62,000 8 weeks

Total Budget Requested


Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

The DoinGud DAO will maintain the protocol as long as the DAO is running.


Contact Info

Team Members

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Manuel Alzuru (Manu), Founder at DoinGud. An engineer, humanist, Solarpunk & optimist who believes in humanity and its capacity to evolve and adapt for creating a more equitable future. At DoinGud, Manu wears many hats and takes part in almost all aspects of the project.

Andrew Kline, Co-Founder at DoinGud. Andrew has previously co-founded Cybee, a social Ed-Tech startup in Madrid. At DoinGud, he brings his expertise in business, finance, and legendary peacefulness to lead operations and finance.

Ludovic Bret (Ludo), Co-Founder at DoinGud. Ludovic has 12+ years of experience as a software engineer, startup founder, and system designer. At DoinGud, Ludo leads the decentralized tech team and project architecture.

Nikoline Arns, Co-Founder at DoinGud. Nikoline focuses on the connections amongst creators, social impact organizations, and the wider community. She is part of the vision-building team set to evolve DoinGud as a platform of "Communities for Communities''.

Kyle Gordon, Co-Founder at DoinGud. Kyle is the founder of Studio ZIRO, an independent production studio. Kyle brings his artistic entrepreneurship to the team via his extensive network and wide range of creative skills. At DoinGud, Kyle is a creative strategist and curator.

The team consists of 20+ people. Our distributed and remote-first organization has members all over the globe. We embrace diversity, many of us speak 3+ languages, we have a multicultural mindset and nearly have of the team are women.

Team code repositories

Jameel139 commented 2 years ago

Hello, we would appreciate feedback on the current submission before finalizing - thanks in advance

Jameel139 commented 2 years ago

hey @realChainLife quick note that I had changed the submission to Final (from Draft) in case it's missed

ErinOCon commented 2 years ago

Hi @Jameel139, thank you for the proposal! We are currently reviewing this project and will be in touch with any questions.

mjohnson518 commented 2 years ago

Hey @Jameel139 , thanks for the grant proposal!

I really like the idea. Here's some feedback/questions:

I recommend splitting off the 4th milestone and reserving that scope of work for a future grant proposal.

Additionally, for each of the first three milestones, sub-item ii. is 'Develop backend and storage structure', yet sounds like you'll use IPFS or NFT.Storage? If you use NFT.Storage, Web3.Storage, a pinning service, or host their own IPFS node, then that sub-item is largely taken care of for you.

Lastly, can you provide more details on why M3 requires 2x the money as M2? The deliverables look similar to M1 & M2.

Thanks in advance!

orinayodele commented 2 years ago

Hi @Jameel139 ! We would love to hear back from you about some of the feedback that @mjohnson518 provided for you.

Jameel139 commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much @orinayodele for the feedback! Hi @mjohnson518 on it, please give me a couple of days to circle back as the team has been grinding at devcon past two weeks

Jameel139 commented 2 years ago

Hey @mjohnson518 @orinayodele, managed to sync with the team today to clarify the questions.

Regarding the data storage component, I've updated the milestone to outline how it's more related to integrating additional data graphs to the different types of NFTs (e.g. enable comments, reactions, and verifiable credentials).

As for the Signaling budget, the development time for this milestone is longer due to the different layers it entails (reporting and signaling results, ranking, reward allocation for positive/negative reports). I've attached the schema below outlining the process.

Are you open to scheduling a brief call next week and I'll include our core devs to clarify the details? Some open slots:

Jameel139 commented 1 year ago

hey @orinayodele please let me know your thoughts on the above, I can propose new times for this week

orinayodele commented 1 year ago

Hi @Jameel139 we've had time to look through your proposal and think it's a great idea, however this grants round was specifically focused on Refi focused projects and DoinGud is a bit out of that scope and can not award you a grant at this time. We encourage you to connect with the HyperCerts team, who are building similar protocols.

Jameel139 commented 1 year ago

Thank you guys for taking the time to review the grant. Appreciate the recommendation 🙏 @orinayodele @mjohnson518 @realChainLife