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Dependencies for the integration of FVM with HC into Eudico #216

Open adlrocha opened 2 years ago

adlrocha commented 2 years ago

This issue is an attempt to give some structure and clarity on the different repos and dependencies involved in the integration of HC with FVM.

Updates on the state of the integration and changes in the dependency tree will be posted to this issue. Additional info about the integration can be found here


Why trying to make progress in the integration using experimental/fvm-m2has shown to be a nightmare

In order to integrate the subnet actor as a user-defined actor we need FVM support for the deployment of user-defined actors (FVM-M2). The experimental/fvm-m2 branch in lotus gives experimental support for the deployment of user-defined actors. We managed to merge it into eudico and test the deployment of a subnet actor, but performing the code changes required for the full integration of FVM with HC and Eudico has been hard due to the dependency dance required:

All of this is imposing a "fork-maintenance" overhead really hard to handle. Consequently, we should probably freeze the integration until we have a release candidate in master to make the "dependency-dance" more tractable.


aakoshh commented 2 years ago

It looks like the arrows are reversed, at least in some cases:

filecoin-ffi ... need this package to point to the right fork of the ref-fvm

I would also expect builtin-actors and hc-subnet-actor to depend on ref-fvm, right? Shouldn't they point upwards? Similarly I thought eudico would point at go-address.

aakoshh commented 2 years ago

I'm not entirely clear on why hc-subnet-actor can't be a built-in actor, they seem like two sides of the same coin. In what sense is this a reference, how would another implementation be different from it?

adlrocha commented 2 years ago

It looks like the arrows are reversed, at least in some cases: I am using the arrows to describe what repos use what (maybe the description in-text is a bit misleading).

  • ref-fvm is used by filecoin-ffi, builtin-actors and hc-subnet-actor.
  • eudicouses filecoin-ffi(and thus, implicitly ref-fvm) and go-address. Let me know if this makes sense (I can edit the diagram or the text to make it more clear).

I'm not entirely clear on why hc-subnet-actor can't be a built-in actor, they seem like two sides of the same coin. In what sense is this a reference, how would another implementation be different from it?

A builtin-actor should be an exception, everything that we can should be a user-defined actor (actually, I am afraid we may even need to make a really strong case to justify why SCA needs to be a builtin-actor). Regarding ways in which the subnet-actor could differ: you could support different checkpointing signatures for a subnet, prevent its registration until a minimum number of validations has joined, etc. The idea is for the subnet actor to be an interface (analogous to ERC20) that users can implement with their custom logic.

adlrocha commented 2 years ago

Update: We may not need a specific for for FVM-M2 any more once and are merged.