Closed weilun0510 closed 1 year ago
Thanks for your request! :exclamation: We have found some problems in the information provided. We could not find any Web site or social media info in the information provided We could not find any Region in the information provided
Please, take a look at the request and edit the body of the issue providing all the required information.
Thanks for your request! Everything looks good. :ok_hand:
A Governance Team member will review the information provided and contact you back pretty soon.
Thanks for your request! Everything looks good. :ok_hand:
A Governance Team member will review the information provided and contact you back pretty soon.
Thanks for your request! Everything looks good. :ok_hand:
A Governance Team member will review the information provided and contact you back pretty soon.
how do we move forward @raghavrmadya
Can you provide more data samples related with the data you will store to prove that you have 5 PB data? Videos would be better. Can you explain your data composition and provide sufficient data samples separately? How many copies will you store? What's the relationship between you and organization? Can you provide more detailed information about other storage providers participated in this program, such as you can list SPs you have contacted with at present?
Can you provide more data samples related with the data you will store to prove that you have 5 PB data? Videos would be better. Can you explain your data composition and provide sufficient data samples separately? How many copies will you store? What's the relationship between you and organization? Can you provide more detailed information about other storage providers participated in this program, such as you can list SPs you have contacted with at present?
1.Our existing datasets including videos of events held, videos of business presentations and data stored by alliance members. We expect to store 2-3 copies. 【27th After party】 【27th Summit】 【26th Demo day】 【26th/27th Video】
Hi, the samples you shared are mostly by you and not the alliance member. Even if you store 2-3 copies, it seems hard to justify the need for 5 PiBs. Can you provide samples from alliance members and more information on dataset for for the community to assess this LDN
Hi, the samples you shared are mostly by you and not the alliance member. Even if you store 2-3 copies, it seems hard to justify the need for 5 PiBs. Can you provide samples from alliance members and more information on dataset for for the community to assess this LDN
Hi, @raghavrmadya This link has our alliance member information: Below is sample data from our alliance member: Thank you!
Total DataCap requested
Expected weekly DataCap usage rate
Client address
Your Datacap Allocation Request has been proposed by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
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Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
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@p-nuliew Hi! Great to see you have gotten approval for DataCap. If you are looking for storage providers to store these data or have any questions, please visit #bigdata-exchange on Filecoin Slack or reply here.
We have strong demand from a diverse group of SPs, who are actively looking to onboard more data.
newwebgroup & DeFIL123
100% of weekly dc amount requested
Number of deals | Number of storage providers | Previous DC Allocated | Top provider | Remaining DC |
504 | 3 | 50TiB | 50.60 | 2.40TiB |
Your Datacap Allocation Request has been proposed by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
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Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
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DeFIL123 & llifezou
200% of weekly dc amount requested
Number of deals | Number of storage providers | Previous DC Allocated | Top provider | Remaining DC |
3320 | 8 | 100TiB | 23.01 | 12.81TiB |
Your Datacap Allocation Request has been proposed by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
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Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
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1LISA2 & psh0691
400% of weekly dc amount requested
Number of deals | Number of storage providers | Previous DC Allocated | Top provider | Remaining DC |
8970 | 9 | 200TiB | 19.20 | 44.96TiB |
Your Datacap Allocation Request has been proposed by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
You can check the status of the message here:
Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
You can check the status of the message here:
newwebgroup & DeFIL123
800% of weekly dc amount requested
Number of deals | Number of storage providers | Previous DC Allocated | Top provider | Remaining DC |
15780 | 9 | 400TiB | 29.09 | 99.65TiB |
Your Datacap Allocation Request has been proposed by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
You can check the status of the message here:
Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary
Datacap Allocated
Signer Address
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Asia Blockchain Gaming Alliance
The below table shows the distribution of storage providers that have stored data for this client.
If this is the first time a provider takes verified deal, it will be marked as new
For most of the datacap application, below restrictions should apply.
⚠️ f01943959 has sealed 27.24% of total datacap.
⚠️ 88.95% of total deal sealed by f01943959 are duplicate data.
⚠️ f01943959 has unknown IP location.
⚠️ 83.42% of total deal sealed by f01740934 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 85.99% of total deal sealed by f01853077 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 72.21% of total deal sealed by f01834253 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 75.73% of total deal sealed by f01834291 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 79.18% of total deal sealed by f01854080 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 87.18% of total deal sealed by f01852363 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 78.28% of total deal sealed by f01384160 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 67.92% of total deal sealed by f01215819 are duplicate data.
Provider | Location | Total Deals Sealed | Percentage | Unique Data | Duplicate Deals |
f01943959 | Unknown | 270.69 TiB | 27.24% | 29.91 TiB | 88.95% |
f01740934 | Los Angeles, California, US | 241.69 TiB | 24.32% | 40.06 TiB | 83.42% |
f01853077 | Singapore, Singapore, SG | 143.44 TiB | 14.43% | 20.09 TiB | 85.99% |
f01834253 | Los Angeles, California, US | 135.63 TiB | 13.65% | 37.69 TiB | 72.21% |
f01834291 | Los Angeles, California, US | 78.66 TiB | 7.92% | 19.09 TiB | 75.73% |
f01854080 | Los Angeles, California, US | 62.59 TiB | 6.30% | 13.03 TiB | 79.18% |
f01852363 | Singapore, Singapore, SG | 47.53 TiB | 4.78% | 6.09 TiB | 87.18% |
f01384160 | Shenzhen, Guangdong, CN | 6.91 TiB | 0.69% | 1.50 TiB | 78.28% |
f01215819 | Shenzhen, Guangdong, CN | 6.63 TiB | 0.67% | 2.13 TiB | 67.92% |
The below table shows how each many unique data are replicated across storage providers.
⚠️ 100.00% of deals are for data replicated across less than 4 storage providers.
Unique Data Size | Total Deals Made | Number of Providers | Deal Percentage |
120.53 TiB | 819.75 TiB | 1 | 82.49% |
8.88 TiB | 72.97 TiB | 2 | 7.34% |
10.44 TiB | 101.03 TiB | 3 | 10.17% |
The below table shows how many unique data are shared with other clients. Usually different applications owns different data and should not resolve to the same CID.
⚠️ CID sharing has been observed.
[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger
1LISA2 & GaryGJG
800% of weekly dc amount requested
Number of deals | Number of storage providers | Previous DC Allocated | Top provider | Remaining DC |
44148 | 10 | 800TiB | 20.25 | 199.59TiB |
Asia Blockchain Gaming Alliance
The below table shows the distribution of storage providers that have stored data for this client.
If this is the first time a provider takes verified deal, it will be marked as new
For most of the datacap application, below restrictions should apply.
⚠️ 88.95% of total deal sealed by f01943959 are duplicate data.
⚠️ f01943959 has unknown IP location.
⚠️ 83.42% of total deal sealed by f01740934 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 68.94% of total deal sealed by f01834253 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 89.69% of total deal sealed by f01983523 are duplicate data.
⚠️ f01983523 has unknown IP location.
⚠️ 85.99% of total deal sealed by f01853077 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 73.93% of total deal sealed by f01834291 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 67.05% of total deal sealed by f01854080 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 87.18% of total deal sealed by f01852363 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 78.28% of total deal sealed by f01384160 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 67.92% of total deal sealed by f01215819 are duplicate data.
Provider | Location | Total Deals Sealed | Percentage | Unique Data | Duplicate Deals |
f01943959 | Unknown | 270.69 TiB | 20.70% | 29.91 TiB | 88.95% |
f01740934 | Los Angeles, California, US | 241.69 TiB | 18.48% | 40.06 TiB | 83.42% |
f01834253 | Los Angeles, California, US | 195.06 TiB | 14.91% | 60.59 TiB | 68.94% |
f01983523 | Unknown | 147.31 TiB | 11.26% | 15.19 TiB | 89.69% |
f01853077 | Singapore, Singapore, SG | 143.44 TiB | 10.97% | 20.09 TiB | 85.99% |
f01834291 | Los Angeles, California, US | 130.19 TiB | 9.95% | 33.94 TiB | 73.93% |
f01854080 | Los Angeles, California, US | 118.47 TiB | 9.06% | 39.03 TiB | 67.05% |
f01852363 | Singapore, Singapore, SG | 47.53 TiB | 3.63% | 6.09 TiB | 87.18% |
f01384160 | Shenzhen, Guangdong, CN | 6.91 TiB | 0.53% | 1.50 TiB | 78.28% |
f01215819 | Shenzhen, Guangdong, CN | 6.63 TiB | 0.51% | 2.13 TiB | 67.92% |
The below table shows how each many unique data are replicated across storage providers.
⚠️ 100.00% of deals are for data replicated across less than 4 storage providers.
Unique Data Size | Total Deals Made | Number of Providers | Deal Percentage |
142.00 TiB | 983.97 TiB | 1 | 75.23% |
28.19 TiB | 175.81 TiB | 2 | 13.44% |
16.72 TiB | 148.13 TiB | 3 | 11.33% |
The below table shows how many unique data are shared with other clients. Usually different applications owns different data and should not resolve to the same CID.
⚠️ CID sharing has been observed.
[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger
Asia Blockchain Gaming Alliance
The below table shows the distribution of storage providers that have stored data for this client.
If this is the first time a provider takes verified deal, it will be marked as new
For most of the datacap application, below restrictions should apply.
⚠️ 88.95% of total deal sealed by f01943959 are duplicate data.
⚠️ f01943959 has unknown IP location.
⚠️ 78.28% of total deal sealed by f01384160 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 67.92% of total deal sealed by f01215819 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 87.18% of total deal sealed by f01852363 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 83.42% of total deal sealed by f01740934 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 61.80% of total deal sealed by f01834253 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 45.98% of total deal sealed by f01854080 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 89.69% of total deal sealed by f01983523 are duplicate data.
⚠️ f01983523 has unknown IP location.
⚠️ 85.99% of total deal sealed by f01853077 are duplicate data.
⚠️ 73.93% of total deal sealed by f01834291 are duplicate data.
Provider | Location | Total Deals Sealed | Percentage | Unique Data | Duplicate Deals |
f01943959 | UnknownUnknown |
270.69 TiB | 18.80% | 29.91 TiB | 88.95% |
f01384160 | Shenzhen, Guangdong, CNCHINANET-BACKBONE |
6.91 TiB | 0.48% | 1.50 TiB | 78.28% |
f01215819 | Shenzhen, Guangdong, CNCHINANET-BACKBONE |
6.63 TiB | 0.46% | 2.13 TiB | 67.92% |
f01852363 | Singapore, Singapore, SGSingNet |
47.53 TiB | 3.30% | 6.09 TiB | 87.18% |
f01740934 | Los Angeles, California, USZenlayer Inc |
241.69 TiB | 16.79% | 40.06 TiB | 83.42% |
f01834253 | Los Angeles, California, USZenlayer Inc |
220.25 TiB | 15.30% | 84.13 TiB | 61.80% |
f01854080 | Los Angeles, California, USZenlayer Inc |
181.75 TiB | 12.62% | 98.19 TiB | 45.98% |
f01983523 | UnknownUnknown |
147.38 TiB | 10.24% | 15.19 TiB | 89.69% |
f01853077 | Singapore, Singapore, SGZenlayer Inc |
143.44 TiB | 9.96% | 20.09 TiB | 85.99% |
f01834291 | Los Angeles, California, USZenlayer Inc |
130.19 TiB | 9.04% | 33.94 TiB | 73.93% |
f01890456 | Los Angeles, California, USZenlayer Inc |
43.38 TiB | 3.01% | 43.38 TiB | 0.00% |
The below table shows how each many unique data are replicated across storage providers.
⚠️ 100.00% of deals are for data replicated across less than 4 storage providers.
Unique Data Size | Total Deals Made | Number of Providers | Deal Percentage |
256.75 TiB | 1.08 PiB | 1 | 76.67% |
33.84 TiB | 187.81 TiB | 2 | 13.04% |
16.72 TiB | 148.13 TiB | 3 | 10.29% |
The below table shows how many unique data are shared with other clients. Usually different applications owns different data and should not resolve to the same CID.
However, this could be possible if all below clients use same software to prepare for the exact same dataset or they belong to a series of LDN applications for the same dataset.
⚠️ CID sharing has been observed.
Other Client | Application | Total Deals Affected | Unique CIDs | Approvers |
f1vajbbihmcqkcjlnicmjto6fflklvhoifips7uzq | rctAI |
155.94 TiB | 1,771 | Unknown |
f1ng6g57r4u62q67u6lm33ftijfsggyzzjzb2l4cy | NFTSTAR | 133.13 TiB | 1,163 | 1 1ane-11 Defil20222 newwebgroup1 psh06911 stcouldlisa2 Tom-OriginStorage |
f1o2nxreefzqzc2mvaqneaolpdat5yk3275r6rofa | iPolloverse SG PTE. LTD | 96.47 TiB | 664 | 1 1ane-12 Defil20221 fireflyHZ1 ipfscn1 kernelogic1 liyunzhi-6661 newwebgroup2 psh06914 stcouldlisa5 Tom-OriginStorage1 YuanHeHK |
f13wvg4xve7nz3nev4bi2c7imod7lelstxfwwzjgi | We Doctor | 46.09 TiB | 1,122 | 1 Alex118011 Defil20223 kernelogic1 liyunzhi-6661 NDLABS-OFFICE1 stcouldlisa |
f1mgvvj45ce5i3ikpyixtubqzcytcgmdlwgjldqri | Blockchain Media | 25.31 TiB | 219 | 1 Defil20221 Joss-Hua2 kernelogic1 liyunzhi-6661 NDLABS-OFFICE |
f1fsoyq7oiwdaapagpnlncbohkrkzolxxzkex6hxq | SemiDrive Technology | 20.31 TiB | 186 | 1 Alex118011 Defil20221 kernelogic2 liyunzhi-6661 NDLABS-OFFICE |
f1u3rzf5re6nvnyjjixcmbk5tderq55vjhudmapny | Nswap | 17.91 TiB | 103 | 1 Defil20221 psh06911 Tom-OriginStorage1 YuanHeHK |
f1dob4zdjy6b3iinf6evbqzxf6nwgnftcksewabxq | Dr.ji | 15.44 TiB | 466 | 1 newwebgroup1 psh06911 stcouldlisa1 YuanHeHK |
f16w5d2u57ndts6wcqupwwvrl7ewicrl5xnymfxui | Maoyoo Network |
11.09 TiB | 65 | Unknown |
f1sffbmjyfnz5jbsej23syerh6ubjcfmk4hd34zpi | Ganku Co., Ltd. | 5.72 TiB | 85 | 1 Defil20221 Tom-OriginStorage |
f1k7y7jd3ly42cg5ysty2ngc5smxmaery5mglbynq | MikaeLa |
4.91 TiB | 44 | Unknown |
f1ocw63vnfpg3lkhiqxtzvzqke4d42km6ow3shkba | M Space |
4.06 TiB | 15 | Unknown |
f1guplg5wyjdn6bv4forsb5eu2lohexvdlttkavpq | Ipollo | 2.50 TiB | 10 | 1 MegTei1 rayshitou1 Reiers1 swatchliu |
f1ji2xty4dtg2a4pfnslltkw7pbhy76kvihizkfmq | Pow Power |
1.84 TiB | 7 | Unknown |
f1hkvuvlwgzsgxnyet3wb4w2s3fyujvtkgeizdaey | Blue Storm Information Technology | 1.78 TiB | 20 | 1 1475Notary1 Defil20221 liyunzhi-6661 stcouldlisa1 swatchliu1 Tom-OriginStorage1 YuanHeHK |
f1gmiepn73zoa5gz2oiqyugjmrsecwj5qxd42vmyi | `` | 1.34 TiB | 6 | Unknown |
f14kei3mbjobgsfszu5cndhosuobkbbtoaikc52pq | Proya | 928.00 GiB | 9 | |
f1jkf2e4ljhym3yaxdlq5cvqctpfsvecrklnsubjy | Mikaelafashion | 864.00 GiB | 25 | 1 Defil20221 Tom-OriginStorage |
f1dfkdmjhuvvol6okun57mix447wdpolwcd323ktq | BITRISE CAPITAL FOUNDATION PTE.LTD | 704.00 GiB | 4 | 1 dannyob1 MegTei1 rayshitou1 swatchliu |
f1y7xmlneep3qtxcumqlmqrja3fhqdxdaxwou6mdq | ND LABS | 352.00 GiB | 2 | 1 cryptowhizzard1 Fenbushi-Filecoin1 IreneYoung1 MegTei1 psh06911 rayshitou1 Reiers |
f1qpkmibcsitxtxwg6ayghxwkssoxs4bfyzwzslza | GAMEWAY PTE. LTD. | 320.00 GiB | 1 | 1 MegTei1 Reiers |
f1366c5an6uegsc7zhsy4csax3e5msrhie5gef7mi | Jinchan Curtains Co.,ltd | 256.00 GiB | 1 | 1 fireflyHZ1 liyunzhi-666 |
f17d2n363326qlln4uva7ylxteamtdj3lq6wuaewi | Metadata Labs Inc | 160.00 GiB | 2 | 1 Fenbushi-Filecoin1 IreneYoung1 rayshitou |
f1raeideaex2fwvoemftky6x5jzbqdawrgeuz2mry | BBNews | 96.00 GiB | 1 | 1 KodaRobotDog1 rayshitou |
[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger
Thanks for your request! :exclamation: We have found some problems in the information provided. We could not find Organization Name field in the information provided We could not find Website \/ Social Media field in the information provided We could not find Total amount of DataCap being requested (between 500 TiB and 5 PiB) field in the information provided We could not find Weekly allocation of DataCap requested (usually between 1-100TiB) field in the information provided We could not find On-chain address for first allocation field in the information provided
Please, take a look at the request and edit the body of the issue providing all the required information.
This application has not seen any responses in the last 10 days. This issue will be marked with Stale label and will be closed in 4 days. Comment if you want to keep this application open.
This application has not seen any responses in the last 14 days, so for now it is being closed. Please feel free to contact the Fil+ Gov team to re-open the application if it is still being processed. Thank you!
Client f01938396 does not follow the datacap usage rules. More info here. This application has been failing the requirements for 29 days. Please take appropiate action to fix the following DataCap usage problems. | Criteria | Treshold | Reason |
Cid Checker score | > 25% | The client has a CID checker score of 2%. This should be greater than 25%. To find out more about CID checker score please look at this issue: | |
Shared data percent | < 20% | 23.37% of the clients data is shared with other clients. This should be less than 20% |
Large Dataset Notary Application
To apply for DataCap to onboard your dataset to Filecoin, please fill out the following.
Core Information
Project details
Share a brief history of your project and organization.
What is the primary source of funding for this project?
What other projects/ecosystem stakeholders is this project associated with?
Use-case details
Describe the data being stored onto Filecoin
Where was the data in this dataset sourced from?
Can you share a sample of the data? A link to a file, an image, a table, etc., are good ways to do this.
Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the Network (i.e., no specific permissions or access rights are required to view the data).
What is the expected retrieval frequency for this data?
For how long do you plan to keep this dataset stored on Filecoin?
DataCap allocation plan
In which geographies (countries, regions) do you plan on making storage deals?
How will you be distributing your data to storage providers? Is there an offline data transfer process?
How do you plan on choosing the storage providers with whom you will be making deals? This should include a plan to ensure the data is retrievable in the future both by you and others.
How will you be distributing deals across storage providers?
Do you have the resources/funding to start making deals as soon as you receive DataCap? What support from the community would help you onboard onto Filecoin?