filecoin-project / filecoin-solidity

Filecoin Solidity API Library
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Update makefile test targets to work with different solc versions #15

Closed vonum closed 12 months ago

vonum commented 1 year ago

Updated makefile to take solc as a param to targets. Default is set. When running tests, you can pass the desired solc as a param: make test_integration solc="./bin/solc-v0.8.18"

Currently the only solc version that can work is v0.8.18 because BigNumber lib is set to that version only.

Which versions of solc do we want to test against? This should be added to make target install_solc_mac and install_solc_linux.

milos1731 commented 1 year ago

@scotthconner As we discussed during yesterday's call, this is now ready for review