A fundamental selling point of Filecoin is daily publicly verifiable proof of storage as published in the WindowPoSt events. Partners have asked for this.
As a Motion user I want to see the most recent WindowPoSt event for each object ID and Filecoin SP
As a Motion user I want to see at least the last six weeks of WindowPoSt events for each object ID and each SP where the object ID is stored
The event history can be presented as a list of boolean or map of datetime to boolean
Implementation Plan
Implement in Motion API only via /Status
A standalone service that offers pieceCID → dealID → proof history API
The service can be run as a local docker container that only collects data for interested SPs. It may also be run as a centralized service that stores history for all SPs
Query StateMinerSectors, this gives a list of sector on-chain infos that includes dealID so we can build pieceCID↔sectorID ↔ dealID
Query StateMinerFaults, this gives all sectors that failed the last windowpost, so we can build dealID↔sectorID↔is_faulty
Query StateMinerPartitions, this gives the partition number of sectors as well as which time during the day should SP submit the windowpost
Run above logic every day so that we get proof history for a given dealID
Above API is not available with GLIF. Need to ask them to add support
Motion will query this API to get the proof history for /status endpoint
Engineer needs to have some understanding of DDO so the underlying data schema can be reused for DDO
### Tasks
- [ ] Ask GLIF to allowlist StateMinerSectors, StateMinerFaults methods
- [ ] Build a service that offers pieceCID or dealID -> proof history lookup
- [ ] Integrate the proof history lookup service with Motion /status
Business Need
A fundamental selling point of Filecoin is daily publicly verifiable proof of storage as published in the WindowPoSt events. Partners have asked for this.
Implementation Plan
Implement in Motion API only via /Status
Engineer needs to have some understanding of DDO so the underlying data schema can be reused for DDO