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v5 Notary Allocator Application: IPFSTT #1006

Closed nicelove666 closed 1 month ago

nicelove666 commented 7 months ago

v5 Notary Allocator Application

To apply to be an allocator, organizations will submit one application for each proposed pathway to DataCap. If you will be designing multiple specific pathways, you will need to submit multiple applications.

Please complete the following steps:

1. Fill out the information below and create a new GitHub Issue

  1. Notary Allocator Pathway Name (This can be your name, or the name of your pathway/program. For example "E-Fil+"): IPFSTT
  2. Organization Name: Huineng Network
  3. On-chain address for Allocator (Provide a NEW unique address. During ratification, you will need to initialize this address on-chain): f16hmuu3w247dkkhsrbbcbeqbugmpjbxpkrpcdatq
  4. Country of Operation (Where your organization is legally based): China
  5. Region of Operation (What region will you serve?): Greater China、Asia minus GCR、Japan、Europe、North America
  6. Type of Allocator, diligence process: (Automated/programmatic, Market-based, or Manual (human-in-the-loop at some phase): Automated and Market based
  7. DataCap requested for allocator for 12 months of activity (This should be an estimate of overall expected activity. Estimate the total amount of DataCap you will be distributing to clients in 12 months, in TiB or PiB):150PiB

2. Access allocator application (download to save answers)

Click link below to access a Google doc version of the allocator application that can be used to save your answers if you are not prepared to fully submit the application in Step 3.

3. Submit allocation application

Clink link below to access full allocator questionnaire and officially submit your answers:

Note: Sections of your responses WILL BE posted back into the GitHub issue tracking your application. The final section (Additional Disclosures) will NOT be posted to GitHub, and will be maintained by the Filecoin Foundation. Application information for notaries not accepted and ratified in this round will be deleted.

Kevin-FF-USA commented 6 months ago

Hi @nicelove666 Wanted to let you know this application has been received. After you complete and submit the Airtable form with your detailed Allocator plan - the public answers will be posted in a thread below soon. If you have any questions - please let me know.

ghost commented 6 months ago

Providing the information shared in Application for Public Review/Comment. Basic Info

1. Pathway Name: IPFSTT

2. Organization: Huineng Network

3. Allocator's On-chain address: f1v6fbppgf2vzyviue7b55gjwm7w7fh7fucl2fh3y

4. Country of Operation: China

5. Region(s) of operation: Asia minus GCR,Greater China,Europe,Japan,North America

6. Type of allocator:
What is your overall diligence process? Automated (programmatic), Market-based, or Manual (human-in-the-loop at some phase). Initial allocations to these pathways will be capped. Market-based

7. Amount of DataCap Requested for allocator for 12 months: 150PiB

8. Is your allocator providing a unique, new, or diverse pathway to DataCap? How does this allocator differentiate itself from other applicants, new or existing? The development of the Filecoin network requires storing more useful and valuable data, necessitating a transition from storing cold data to hot data. With the continuous development of the retrieval network, Filecoin has acquired the capability to store precious, useful, and highly retrievable data. To achieve this goal, we have adopted the following strategies and measures: • Uniqueness and Novelty: We store data from public datasets on the Filecoin network, such as scientific research data and astronomical data. We seek datasets that are unique and novel to avoid duplicating storage of the same data, which would result in resource wastage. We explore entirely new public dataset websites and store their data on the Filecoin network. As technical workers, we have become the first to store data from certain websites on the Filecoin network, such as 1845-1848 (20P, website: and 1947 (5P), 1948 (5P), 2045 (27P) (website: This means that we have brought two entirely new publicly available datasets to the Filecoin network that others have not stored before. Additionally, we store some data on the Filecoin network that has been stored only once before, although it may not be entirely new. Examples include 2213 (10P, website:, 2204 (15P), and 2287 (15P) from Our goal is to ensure that the data from public datasets is unique and rare. • Diversity: We actively seek enterprise data and store it on the Filecoin network. We are committed to storing enterprise data from various industries on the Filecoin network, including architecture design, media advertising, schools, AI intelligence, healthcare, online education, and more. We have successfully stored 45PiB of enterprise data on the Filecoin network, which is diverse, unique, and in high demand for retrieval. • Professionalism and Integrity: We have brought over 120PiB of data to the entire Filecoin network, with DC=1.2EiB. Our data is vast and authentic. All our LDNs (Data Storage Nodes) are public and can be viewed at any time. In fact, over 98% of our LDNs have never experienced CID sharing issues, and our data backups are well-maintained, working well with over 100 collaborating Storage Providers (SPs). Our data and professionalism exceed that of 98% of companies. • Strong Scalability: We are actively engaging with more enterprises, such as "BGI Genomics." The company possesses massive amounts of data, and we hope to have them join E-Fil+. We are committed to bringing more diverse data to Filecoin and have a dedicated team searching globally for enterprises willing to join the Filecoin network. Increasing the diversity of data in the Filecoin network and storing valuable human data is our common goal. • High Inclusivity: We have assisted 51 individuals in storing their mobile phone photos on the Filecoin network. Although each person has a small capacity, less than 10TiB, these photos are highly valuable to them. When the number of people expands from 51 to 510,000, the capacity will become significant. Therefore, we are also actively developing storage systems for individuals to help more people join the Filecoin network. Our LDNs are well-documented and managed by colleagues who can quickly identify whether a customer is new or existing and assess their social reputation. We customize solutions for customers based on their specific circumstances.

9. As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack.
Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, or other operating entity. 
You can read the Filecoin Code of Conduct here: Acknowledgment: Acknowledge

ghost commented 6 months ago

Client Diligence

10. Who are your target clients? Small-scale developers or data owners,Enterprise Data Clients,Individuals learning about Filecoin

11. Describe in as much detail as possible how you will perform due diligence on clients. We will conduct customer investigations using a combination of manual and automated methods. We have established the IPFSTT-Filecoin project group and created the DC application portal ( Any customer who wishes to obtain DC must fill out an application form and undergo a review process. We firmly believe that all customers must go through a rigorous process to qualify. Here are the three principles we follow in our due diligence investigations: • Information retention and traceability: We store all information on GitHub, Slack, and email. Publicly available information such as addresses, companies, industries, and social media will be kept on GitHub for the governance team to access at any time. Special information such as identification cards and contact numbers will be retained via email for immediate contact in case of disputes. • For existing customers, we prioritize their community reputation, while new customers are subject to detailed KYB authentication. For existing customers, we focus on their historical reputation, retrievability, luck value, and computational maintenance (i.e., the technical capabilities of their team). If a customer has a good community reputation, we will continue to cooperate with them. However, customers who demonstrate dishonesty will be blacklisted. New customers are required to answer a series of questions, and we thoroughly understand them before establishing trust. • In case of disputes, whether with new or existing customers, we immediately halt the distribution of DC and form a five-member investigation team to conduct an inquiry. If necessary, we may involve the governance team in the investigation or discuss it during the notary council meeting. We believe that all customers must go through a rigorous process to qualify. Below, I will outline the information we need to collect when conducting due diligence investigations on customers. For individual customers, KYC will be verified through the following means: • Name • Nationality • School • Occupation and work address • Identification card • Social media accounts (Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter) • Contact information for local offices • Whether the types of data they store align with their personal and professional activities For corporate customers, their KYB will be verified through the following means: • Business license, including establishment date, address, industry, and taxpayer identification number. • Website • Social media accounts • Corporate legal representative information: ID number • Authorized signatory information: ID card and photo identification • Evidence that the authorized signatory has the authority to act on behalf of the applying entity • Emails sent from the company's domain name to confirm the application is from the company • Conduct checks on the company's operational status and any litigation records through channels such as corporate searches to determine its industry reputation • Company's business direction and revenue • Company's goals and main business activities Our team will have dedicated personnel to verify and assess the above information.

12. Please specify how many questions you'll ask, and provide a brief overview of the questions. Please view the LDN application form: Company: Introduce your company Website How many employees does your company have? On-chain address for first allocation What is your industry? What type of data do you want to store? Why does your company store data on the Filecoin network? How do you verify your identity? Can you send us emails using your business domain email? Data: Total amount of DataCap being requested Expected size of single dataset (one copy) Weekly allocation of DataCap requested How much data does your company have? Can you provide data examples? Has this dataset been stored on Filecoin before? How long do you plan to store it ? What is the expected retrieval frequency for this data? Where is your data currently stored? Where do you want your data to be stored? How much backup do you want of your data? Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the Network Technology: Please list the SPs you cooperate with. How many members about your technical team? Please list the storage providers you cooperate with How will the data be prepared? Please include tooling used and technical details How will you be distributing your data to storage providers Do you need our help?Please list it in detail Can you confirm that you will follow the Fil+ guideline

13. Will you use a 3rd-party "Know your client" (KYC) service? KYC services are a common due diligence mechanism that involves partnering with reliable third parties to provide comprehensive and reliable customer background checks and verification. We will make full use of third-party services to verify the identity and compliance of our customers. We will collaborate with reputable KYC service providers to ensure the accuracy and credibility of customer identity verification and compliance assessments. For customers in China, we will primarily rely on the following three channels for inquiries: • National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System): This is an official website operated by the Chinese government, providing public information such as company registration details, credit ratings, and administrative penalties. • Administration for Industry and Commerce: Local Administration for Industry and Commerce departments are also important sources for obtaining KYC information about companies. Through their websites or offline service windows, we can access details such as company registration information, business scope, and legal representatives. • Professional business search websites such as Qichacha (, Tianyancha (, and Qixinbao ( For customers in other countries such as the United States and Singapore, we will primarily rely on the following three avenues to verify their KYC information: • Business registries such as the U.S. Business Registry and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore. These are government-operated official websites that provide information about company registration, business licenses, tax registrations, and relevant permits. • Regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Singapore Exchange (SGX): For companies listed or engaged in securities business, the SEC provides publicly accessible databases containing registration documents, annual reports, insider trading records, and more. • Business credit reporting agencies: Virtually every country has business credit reporting agencies (such as Experian and DP Information Group) that provide business credit reports and KYC services. These reports include information such as the company's credit rating, financial status, and operational risks. Additionally, we will utilize the following three avenues to gather information about our customers: Firstly, we will use professional address verification tools such as to detect whether the customer is using a VPN. Secondly, for customers applying for e-filing, we will communicate with Kevin-z and utilize tools like Synaps ( and Diro ( Thirdly, we are actively researching bot systems and AC bots. These systems should be open-source, and we plan to integrate and further enhance the bot to make it more intelligent.

14. Can any client apply to your pathway, or will you be closed to only your own internal clients? (eg: bizdev or self-referral) We are open to all clients, whether they are internal or external, and they can apply for our services through various channels. We welcome individuals and organizations who are interested, and they can apply by contacting our Business Development department (bizdev) or through self-referral. Our team will have dedicated personnel to handle the application process, and we will respond to these applications within 24 hours. However, whether they are internal or external clients, everyone is treated equally. All applicants, regardless of their status, need to submit their applications on GitHub's issues platform. This platform is publicly accessible, allowing all clients to use it. In addition, the FIL+ Governance team and the Filecoin Foundation have the ability to review the issues at any time.

15. How do you plan to track the rate at which DataCap is being distributed to your clients? We will establish our own GitHub-Filecoin project group, clients will fill out the application form there at We will closely monitor the clients' progress on GitHub. The bot is open-source, and we will integrate it into our GitHub project. We will respect the existing bot strategy and use to monitor the remaining available quota of clients. Additionally, the distribution of clients can be viewed at Only when the remaining available quota falls below 25% will it trigger a request for the next round of quota allocation. We will only consider granting the next batch of data cap quotas to clients when the bot triggers the request.

ghost commented 6 months ago

Data Diligence

16. As an operating entity in the Filecoin Community, you are required to follow all local & regional regulations relating to any data, digital and otherwise. This may include PII and data deletion requirements, as well as the storing, transmitting, or accessing of data. Acknowledgement: Acknowledge

17. What type(s) of data would be applicable for your pathway? Public Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit),Public Open Commercial/Enterprise,Private Commercial/Enterprise,Private Non-Profit/Social Impact

18. How will you verify a client's data ownership? Will you use 3rd-party KYB (know your business) service to verify enterprise clients? To verify the ownership of the client's data, we will take a series of measures to confirm the client's claims regarding the data source. KYB verification, such as Diro (, is just one of the methods we will use. Here are the specific measures: • GitHub Application Form: Clients will need to complete the GitHub application form, and we will review the client's information based on the application form. • Data Examples and Capacity Proof: To verify the ownership of the client's data, they will need to provide an adequate number of data examples as well as proof of the data capacity. A minimum of 1 TiB of data examples is required. • Signing of a Cooperation Agreement: We require clients to explicitly declare their ownership of the data in the contract or other legal documents. • Data Authorization and Licensing: Before establishing a cooperative relationship with the client, we will request the client to provide relevant data authorization and licensing documents. These documents may include business licenses, contracts with official seals, recorded videos, etc. They should clearly specify the scope, purpose, and time limits of the client's authorization for us to use their data, with a particular emphasis on data sovereignty. • Use of "Enterprise Email" for Document Submission: The signing of the cooperation agreement and submission of data authorization documents must be done through the client's enterprise email to ensure the authenticity and legality of the documents. • Business Information Verification: We will use professional business information credit systems, commercial registration bureaus, and other enterprise inquiry websites to verify the client's information. • KYB System Authentication: We will utilize KYB systems like Diro ( for client authentication and verification. Through these measures, we will ensure the validation of the client's data ownership and protect their legitimate rights and data security.

19. How will you ensure the data meets local & regional legal requirements? To ensure compliance with local and regional legal requirements, we take the following measures: 1. Legal Compliance Team: We have a dedicated legal compliance team responsible for monitoring and ensuring that our data processing activities comply with local and regional legal requirements. This team stays updated on relevant regulations and legal changes and develops corresponding policies and procedures to ensure the compliance of our data processing activities. 2. Data Classification and Labeling: We classify and label data to differentiate different types of data and apply appropriate protection measures based on their sensitivity. This includes distinguishing personal identifiable information, sensitive business data, and other legally protected data from general business data, and setting specific data processing and storage requirements accordingly. 3. Data Protection Policies and Control Measures: We have established clear data protection policies and implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. This includes access controls, encryption, data backups, and disaster recovery measures to ensure data security and comply with local and regional legal requirements. 4. Risk Assessment and Compliance Review: We conduct regular risk assessments and compliance reviews to ensure that our data processing activities comply with local and regional legal requirements. This includes assessing the risks associated with data collection, storage, transmission, and processing, and taking necessary corrective measures to maintain compliance. 5. Compliance Training and Awareness: We provide compliance training and awareness activities to our employees to ensure they understand and comply with local and regional legal requirements. This includes training on data protection principles, privacy regulations, and security best practices to enhance employee awareness and understanding of data compliance. In summary, we ensure compliance with local and regional legal requirements through the establishment of a legal compliance team, data classification and labeling, data protection policies and control measures, risk assessment and compliance reviews, as well as compliance training and awareness activities. We are committed to safeguarding the security and compliance of client data and adhering to applicable laws and regulations.

20. What types of data preparation will you support or require? • If the customer has his or her own technical team, we will ask the customer to use car files as the final data type that needs to be encapsulated, but we do not limit the size of the car files. A single file only needs to be less than the maximum sector capacity of 32/64G. 2. If the customer does not have a technical team, or the technical solution is not mature enough, then we will provide the customer with a tool for packaging car files. We now have a mature car file packaging and conversion tool that can easily package source files into car files and Generate corresponding metadata files for order issuing and later data query.

  1. If it is small data for application types, such as NFT image data, we will provide a platform service for automated process processing. Customers upload source data through the service interface, and our service will automatically package and distribute the data to SP also provides an asynchronous interface for customers to obtain real-time task progress and specific information about the encapsulated and saved data. 4. We have offices in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. If customers need it, we can send technical personnel to travel to the customer's office to assist customers.

21. What tools or methodology will you use to sample and verify the data aligns with your pathway? We will use fillus-backend to manage LDN. Use to query the data. Use tools such as lassie fetch/boost retrieve/lotus client/http retrieval to obtain data. Manual inspection of data is essential. Based on the detailed information provided by the customer when applying for DC, we will conduct a certain proportion of spot checks at each quota issuance stage after the initial stage to compare and confirm the actual data with the data type declared by the customer. Whether it is consistent or not, we will retain each sampling data until the end of LDN. We believe that it is also necessary to compare the sampling data at each stage to identify whether the same data has been modified to generate different piececids after making some pattern changes. Files are reused. At the same time, we have enough experience in identifying existing sector filling and abuse. We have also seen different abuse methods, such as junk data filling pictures, inflated MP4s, etc. If abuse is found, we will stop the next batch of quotas. The unused DC amount will be reduced at the same time.

ghost commented 6 months ago

Data Distribution

22. How many replicas will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution? 5+

23. What geographic or regional distribution will you require? We have served 80+SPs, who are distributed in mainland China, HK, Singapore, Japan, the United States and other regions. Decentralized storage and backup contribute to the security of data storage, We require SPs to be located in three different continents and from five different countries, and the proportion of each SP cannot exceed 25%. We have no areas to exclude, all areas are equal.

24. How many Storage Provider owner/operators will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution? 5+

25. Do you require equal percentage distribution for your clients to their chosen SPs? Will you require preliminary SP distribution plans from the client before allocating any DataCap? Customers must provide a distribution plan, and the following four distribution bottom lines must be adhered to during the packaging process: a. The maximum amount of data stored in a single SP cannot exceed 25% b. Data duplication rate cannot exceed 20% c. The retrieval rate is greater than 60% d. At least 4 copies of data backup are required We will not force each SP to allocate the same percentage, because each SP can provide different sizes of space, some can provide 10P+ space for packaging, and some may only have less than 1P, and in this Some SPs may also stop encapsulation during the process. So it is very difficult to require the same percentage for each SP. Before allocating any DataCap, we require customers to provide preliminary SP allocation plans, and we will investigate whether these SPs meet the requirements on a case-by-case basis, including geographic location, whether they belong to different institutional entities, etc. We require customers to strictly abide by the distribution plan they provide, and we will also check it carefully. If the customer's commitment is different from what the customer actually cooperates with, we will stop the distribution before the customer gives an explanation. Finally, if the packaging space gap between each SP is relatively large, we will classify the SPs according to their capabilities to ensure that the customer's data can be allocated with basically the same percentage.

26. What tooling will you use to verify client deal-making distribution? and the CID checking bot can be used to verify customer transaction distribution. The basis is that transaction distribution complies with community norms. On top of this, we pay more attention to whether there is any abuse of customers' actual transaction data.

27. How will clients meet SP distribution requirements? We have a set of mature tools developed by ourselves to process and distribute data, similar to filswan, including the entire process of "source data packaging processing/car file conversion/generating unit data files/issuance/import", The most important point is the delivery of data from the client to the SP. this our solutions : 1. Mail the hard disk. Store the processed car files in the hard disk and mail them offline to the SP. This method requires negotiation with the SP in advance. Currently, most SPs in China support this method. If it needs to be sent to SPs in other countries, it can be distributed by sending the hard disk to the dedicated network room in the second option below. 2. Dedicated network download. We host a batch of storage servers in the Hong Kong computer room, and have 1000m uplink and downlink bandwidth. We provide file services through the NGINX file server. We can provide users with file transfer services. Of course, we will charge a part of the service fee as operating costs. 3. For some public big data sets, we conduct secondary development based on After downloading a batch of data, it will automatically process the packaging and generate car files. As long as the same download parameters are set, You can download and generate car files with the same piececid, which ensures that different SPs can download and encapsulate the same file. This method only requires the SP to have good download network bandwidth. We recommend at least 500m download bandwidth.

28. As an allocator, do you support clients that engage in deal-making with SPs utilizing a VPN? We cannot accept SPs that use VPN to modify their geographical location. We will strictly require customers to truthfully report the SP's address location and interest relationships, we require SPs to be distributed on three continents to meet the requirements of decentralization and diversity, but this is not necessary. Preparatory conditions, if the SP the customer is looking for is only distributed in two continents, I hope he will report to me truthfully and not fake it through VPN. However, using a VPN to hide the real computer room IP and using a VPN to modify the SP's positioning are two completely different issues. We cannot completely ignore the use of VPN to hide the real IP of the computer room due to security concerns. We heared that many SPs have been attacked by hackers and suffered losses. The security protection of some SPs is relatively weak. Hackers will obtain the real IP of the computer room based on the node number and scan the possible SSH login address, and then perform brute force cracking to invade the node. Steal FIL. So it is understandable if you just use a VPN to hide the real computer room IP. We do not support SPs that use VPNs to modify their geolocation. We will use the paid service at to detect whether the address uses VPN. Integrity is a very important quality. I require all customers and SPs to be honest. If they are not honest, we will lower the customer's rating. The level of the rating will affect the DC received by the customer.

ghost commented 6 months ago

Datacap Allocation Strategy

29. Will you use standardized DataCap allocations to clients? No, client specific

30. Allocation Tranche Schedule to clients: We will integrate the bot and refer to the current allocation rules of FIL+.
First round: 50% of the weekly allocation quota.
Second round: 100% of the weekly allocation quota.
Third round: 200% of the weekly allocation quota.
Fourth round: 400% of the weekly allocation quota.
The maximum quota per round will not exceed 2P.
Only when the quota from the previous round is less than 25% will the next round be triggered.

31. Will you use programmatic or software based allocations? Yes, standardized and software based

32. What tooling will you use to construct messages and send allocations to clients? We prefer to use to send quota signature messages, provided that it can specify a special Notary ID. also looks nice. We can also perform the issuance of quota by adding a special signature method on Lotus.

33. Describe the process for granting additional DataCap to previously verified clients. We will initiate subsequent allocation requests based on community standards, monitoring the remaining DataCap through the bot. When it falls below 25%, the next round of allocation requests will be triggered

ghost commented 6 months ago

Tools and Bookkeeping

34. Describe in as much detail as possible the tools used for:
• client discoverability & applications
• due diligence & investigation
• bookkeeping
• on-chain message construction
• client deal-making behavior
• tracking overall allocator health
• dispute discussion & resolution
• community updates & comms Customer Discovery: Our company website is Customers can contact us through email, and we hold quarterly meetings where customers can reach out to us in person.
Due Diligence: Customers can fill out the GitHub application form at To authenticate their identity, they need to send an email from a domain email. Regarding data ownership, we will sign contracts with customers. For fil-e customers, we will use tools like Synaps (, Diro (, and third-party KYB tools.
On-chain Message Construction: We prioritize using to send quota signature messages. We can also implement a dedicated signature method on Lotus to facilitate quota distribution.
Customer Transactions and Tracking: filplus-backend is a web service that manages LDN. It tracks and manages the entire quota allocation process's lifecycle. It provides HTTP interfaces for the SSA bot and the filplus-registry signature system to call. It records the specific metadata of LDN and detailed information for each quota allocation stage. Its GitHub repository is located at
Dispute Resolution: We have a dedicated investigation team. If there are disputes, they will first be reflected on GitHub. Then, they will be discussed in the "IPFSTT" channel on Slack. If the dispute escalates, we will create a proposal to gather opinions and suggestions from the community. We will also participate in notary meetings, and for significant disputes, assistance from the Filecoin Foundation may be required.
Community Communication: Our customer service personnel are available 24/7 to respond to customer needs. We have dedicated staff to check emails, and all emails will receive a reply within 24 hours. We hold offline meetings every quarter and online meetings once a month. Everyone is welcome to participate and express their opinions.

35. Will you use open-source tooling from the Fil+ team? We have an experienced development team, with team members who have participated in the development of Lotus and Boost and have submitted optimization code. Of course, we are also familiar with the open-source tools of Fil+. In the future, we will use these tools to build our Datacap distribution management system. filplus-backend: This is a web service for managing LDN. The entire process of LDN's quota allocation lifecycle will be tracked and managed through it. It provides HTTP interfaces for the SSA bot and the filplus-registry signing system to call. It records the specific metadata of LDN and detailed information for each quota allocation stage. Its GitHub repository address is: filplus-ssa-bot: This is the bot that triggers subsequent quota allocation. It periodically reads the on-chain RPC interface to scan the remaining available quota of LDN. If it determines that the next allocation threshold has been reached, it will call the "/application/{application_id}/trigger" interface of the filplus-backend service to trigger the quota allocation request. Its GitHub repository address is: filplus-registry: This is the backend service for datacap allocation. It handles the specific execution of LDN's quota issuance. It constructs and sends Datacap signed messages on-chain to distribute quotas to customers. After the message signing is on-chain, it calls the "/application/{application_id}/propose" or "/application/{application_id}/approve" interface of the filplus-backend service to record the issuance status. Its GitHub repository address is: filplus-checker: It can track the usage of Datacap by customers, the SPs to whom it is allocated, the specific allocation ratios, CID statistics, replica counts, data duplication rates, and whether there are shared CIDs. It also provides statistics on retrieval distribution and success rates based on the data scanned by the retrieval bot. Its GitHub repository address is: The main purpose of these tools is to transparently and efficiently manage the quota allocation and issuance process of LDN. In practice, it is possible to distribute quotas by interacting directly with the chain, but this would pose difficulties in regulation and may lead to a large number of abuse cases. Therefore, we will strictly use the current tool system to allocate Datacap and make iterative upgrades based on actual situations to improve the handling of various allocation issues, making it more convenient for customers to use and receiving transparent supervision.

36. Where will you keep your records for bookkeeping? How will you maintain transparency in your allocation decisions? Public Platforms (GitHub): We may use public platforms to record and display public information to achieve community transparency and ongoing auditing. This may include summaries of allocation decisions, overall allocation plans, allocation timelines, and more. We will strive to ensure that this information is updated and accessible in a timely manner, providing it to community members for review and supervision. Private Communication Channels (emails, Slack, Telegram): For sensitive or restricted-access information, we may use private communication channels to communicate and share with relevant parties. These communication channels can provide higher levels of privacy and security, ensuring that sensitive information is not accessed by unauthorized individuals. For example, we may interact with the Fil+ governance team via email and provide necessary information as requested to address disputes or conduct audits. Information Content: We will determine which information should be made public based on the requirements and guidance from the Fil+ governance team, providing partial information as needed. Not all due diligence and customer information needs to be made public, so we will selectively disclose and disclose information as necessary. This helps balance the need for transparency and protecting customer privacy. Requesting More Information: If needed, relevant parties can request more information from us through appropriate channels. This can be done by providing email contact information, submitting request forms, or directly communicating with our team. We will make efforts to provide the necessary information and meet the requirements for auditing and dispute resolution within reasonable bounds. In summary, we will record public information on public platforms and communicate and share sensitive information with relevant parties through private communication channels. We will determine the scope and manner of information disclosure based on the requirements and guidance from the Fil+ governance team, and accept requests and provide more information through appropriate channels. This is done to maintain transparency in allocation decisions and balance the needs for transparency and privacy protection.

ghost commented 6 months ago

Risk Mitigation, Auditing, Compliance

37. Describe your proposed compliance check mechanisms for your own clients.

38. Describe your process for handling disputes. Highlight response times, transparency, and accountability mechanisms. Response time: We will ensure to respond to disputes within 24 hours. Once the dispute application or related information is submitted, we will start the dispute handling process as soon as possible, confirm receipt to the parties to the dispute and start processing. Transparency: We will handle disputes on GitHub and ensure transparency in the process. We will create a proposal and allow parties to leave comments and submit evidence below the proposal. The entire process will be publicly displayed to ensure that all parties to the dispute can clearly understand the progress and basis for decision-making. We will also communicate on GitHub or in public video conferences to maintain open communication with all parties to the dispute. Processing process: Our processing process includes the following steps: ◦ Construct a proposal: Create a proposal detailing the background and issues of the dispute. ◦ Community comments (15 days): The proposal will be publicly commented on GitHub, and all parties can express their views on the proposal, submit evidence, etc. ◦ Zoom meeting: Disputes are discussed in a Zoom meeting where parties can exchange views and provide more detailed explanations. ◦ Slack Discussion: Conduct further discussions on Slack to gain a deeper understanding of the positions and perspectives of the parties to the dispute. ◦ Introducing other participants: If necessary, we will invite the Fil+ governance team or other notaries to participate in the discussion to obtain more opinions and suggestions. ◦ GitHub result announcement: The final decision will be announced on GitHub, including penalties for errant parties and rewards for honest parties, as well as relevant resolution instructions. ◦ Accountability mechanism: For the errant party, we will take corresponding punitive measures, which may include withdrawing DataCap, listing it as a dishonest storage provider, and adding it to the blacklist. For honest parties, we will provide more support, increase their DataCap quota, and provide more opportunities to participate in the development of the network. We will ensure the fairness, transparency and accountability of the dispute handling process and follow relevant regulations and standards to maintain the stability and reliability of the Filecoin network.

39. Detail how you will announce updates to tooling, pathway guidelines, parameters, and process alterations. We will respect the current rules and innovate, as follows:

40. How long will you allow the community to provide feedback before implementing changes? In the face of major changes, we need to fully communicate with the community and governance team. The bigger the change, the longer the community discussion will take, which can take up to 6 months. Although Filecoin is an open, transparent and decentralized community, the governance team and the Filecoin Foundation are still the top decision-makers of FIL+. Any major changes need to be recognized by deep, gallen, kevin and community members. If there are major changes, our slack account "Doris" will discuss it in the slack account, and at the same time, our GitHub account "nicelove666" will submit a GitHub proposal. Both slack and GitHub are public platforms where everyone can discuss together. We can also hold discussions in notary meetings and, if necessary, initiate votes, and we care deeply about the views of the governance team. At present, the rules of FIL+ are being gradually improved, and there is no need for major changes. Even if there are some optimizations, we will launch them after community discussions.

41. Regarding security, how will you structure and secure the on-chain notary address? If you will utilize a multisig, how will it be structured? Who will have administrative & signatory rights? We use Ledger X to build the address. The private key of this address is owned by Francis, the legal person of the company. I'm in charge of GitHub and Slack (Doris) Each use requires joint management by Francis and me.

42. Will you deploy smart contracts for program or policy procedures? If so, how will you track and fund them? We have a mature and experienced technical team. Our team has contributed a lot of code to Filecoin and optimized many programs. We developed the code for DC renewal and submitted it to GitHub filecoin-project/lotus#11545. We conducted secondary development based on We have optimized boost to better handle deal transactions.

ghost commented 6 months ago


43. Outline your monetization models for the services you provide as a notary allocator pathway. • We will read the Filecoin white paper and respect the Filecoin economic model. • Regarding staking and gas, we will respect market behavior. Changes in staking and gas can be clearly seen on tools, such as filfox. • Regarding service fees, we will understand the prices of traditional cloud services and refer to the prices of BDX ( Since BDX has been recognized by the PL and FIL+ teams, our price is the same as BDX. The current price of BDX is approximately 1FIL/T. • The price mainly has the following six major influencing factors. Below we list the approximate prices. a.Broadband cost and computer room cost: 0.2FIL/T
b.Hard disk cost and mailing cost: 0.15FIL/T
c.Computer costs and other related electronic costs: 0.15FIL/T
d.Software fee, providing customers with our data processing platform: 0.2FIL/T
e.Labor cost, guiding customers to familiarize themselves with the use of tools, complete data processing, as well as issue orders, repair data, upgrade, DC renewal, etc.: 0.2FIL/T
f.Transportation costs: Accommodation and transportation expenses for business trips, customer assessments, and guidance of customers: 0.1FIL/T

44. Describe your organization's structure, such as the legal entity and other business & market ventures. Organization: HuiNeng Network Official Website: Twitter: HuiNeng Network is a shared and collaborative platform that gathers enthusiasts of distributed storage. Our core technical team consists of blockchain experts dedicated to innovation and research in the fields of distributed storage, metaverse storage, and cloud storage. Our employees are located in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and other regions. We have contributed to Filecoin's growth, bringing over 120P DC = 1.2EiB CC. In 2018, we became aware of IPFS and Filecoin and joined the distributed storage industry, leaving Alibaba Cloud. Through our efforts in research and development, we obtained six nationally certified certificates in the field of distributed storage. From 2018 to 2020, we actively organized IPFS and Filecoin events worldwide, with sponsorships exceeding 23 million RMB. Our technical solutions were validated, and we achieved excellent results in space races and the main network in 2020. In 2021, we learned about FIL+ and our team underwent a comprehensive transformation, focusing on researching DC technology and tools. Our core member, Doris, began close communication with major enterprises, hoping to store their data on the Filecoin network. From 2022 to 2023, we experienced significant growth, assisting eight companies in storing data on the Filecoin network. Additionally, we developed DC distribution systems, data processing systems, CID identification systems, and DC renewal functions. We started serving customers worldwide and helped over 80+ SPs globally. Currently, we have contributed to Filecoin's growth, bringing over 120P DC = 1.2EiB CC. In 2024, we will continue to seek high-quality enterprises for Filecoin and contribute to 1EiB of growth. We firmly believe that Filecoin is the future of distributed storage. Francis (Legal Representative): Graduated from Wuhan University of Technology in 2012. Joined ZTE in 2013 and is proficient in Python and Go. Resigned from ZTE in 2018 to develop distributed storage pool systems. Participated in the first test network, second test network, space race, etc., contributing over 800P+ of computing power and growth to Filecoin. Currently expanding the company's global business and managing the company's large-scale computing power. Settled in China and Singapore. Doris (Shareholder, Head of Marketing and Operations): A personal investor in Filecoin, participated in the ICO and had offline communication with Juan and ZX. Friends with well-known notaries such as Eric, LISA, Yuan, Alan, FeiYan, Leo, etc. In 2019, became a shareholder of IPFSTT due to outstanding capabilities. Currently, primarily manages the marketing and operations departments of IPFSTT, actively participates in notary meetings, and has made multiple comments on proposals on GitHub. An active enthusiast in the Filecoin community. Hunter (Technical Lead, Shareholder): Graduated from Polytechnic University of Milan in 2009. Joined AWS in 2012 and joined IPFS and Filecoin in 2018, participating in the first test network, second test network, space race, etc., contributing over 800P+ of computing power and growth to Filecoin. Mainly involved in the construction of the DC distribution system, boost and lotus upgrades and maintenance, and the development of DC renewal functions. Settled in China. Wind (Core Technical Member): Graduated with a Master's degree in Computer Science from Wuhan University of Economics and Law in 2015, engaged in research and development in object storage. Joined the team in 2020 to work on Filecoin-related business, significantly reducing computing power costs by building an efficient self-developed storage pool system. Mainly responsible for the security maintenance of data centers and the development of automated processing tools. Primarily settled in Hong Kong.

45. Where will accounting for fees be maintained? Our official website is, IPFSTT (IPFS Team Together). We are committed to bringing together distributed storage enthusiasts, providing customers with efficient and reliable storage solutions, providing technical support and guidance to SPs, and promoting the Filecoin network to become the cornerstone of metaverse storage. We help customers process data and store data in Filecoin, saving customers data storage costs and improving storage security. We provide technical guidance to SPs, provide optimized boost and lotus versions, provide data processing platforms, etc. to help them successfully store real data and save SP hardware costs and gas costs. As a technical service provider, we do not interfere with the choices of SPs and customers. When customers and SPs want to renew, we will help them renew. As for staking and gas, they are determined by the Filecoin network. Therefore, regarding expense audit, the FIL+ governance team can check the downloading and processing status of data, DC issuance and packaging status, DC renewal status, etc. at any time. If you need it, we can provide: SP packaging cost: staking and gas consumption. DC usage and renewal ratio The operating costs of our organization: broadband costs, mailing costs, data processing costs, personnel salary costs, etc. All our ledgers are public, and we can through email, slack, GitHub, zoom meetings, and offline meetings to communication.

ghost commented 6 months ago

Past Experience, Affiliations, Reputation

46. If you've received DataCap allocation privileges before, please link to prior notary applications. Public data set (applied by IPFSTT's GitHub account: 88P in total, 83P has been used) filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1845 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1846 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1847 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1848 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1947 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1948 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#2045 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#2204 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#2287 Enterprise data set (the total amount is 49.5P, and 46.5P is used. Enterprise employees provide Github to apply. We can provide private keys to prove that we provide services to customers) filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#2184 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#2118 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1903 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1900 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1844 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1822 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1719 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#1009 filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets#819

47. How are you connected to the Filecoin ecosystem? Describe your (or your organization's) Filecoin relationships, investments, or ownership. As a technical service provider, our main positioning is to provide technical services for the Filecoin ecosystem. In the Filecoin ecosystem, customers, SPs, Dapps, and notaries are important components: Customer: We have brought data from 10 companies to FIL+, bringing nearly 50P of data (this includes vmeta3, Guangdong Zhiyun Urban, XinYan-ai, Zhongzhi Institute Education, Max study, Cool rendering, All Architectural Design and other companies, In order to get them to join Filecoin, we have communicated with customers dozens of times to explain to them the charm of Filecoin distributed storage. SP: We have provided technical support for 80+ SPs such as TianJi, Shensuan Cloud, Zhongchuang Cloud, Applecloud, Juwu Mine, Sichuan longcloud, Star Alliance, Yuanxing, etc., helping them store precious enterprise data and allowing them to upgrade from CC to DC , you can check the specific SP number in LDN. Dapp: We invested in Filwallet and STFIL. We helped Filwallet complete a very important version update iteration. In the early days of the establishment of the STFIL team, we provided them with part of the development funds, and worked with them to complete the data processing and distribution of LDN#670. Notaries: We have provided technical support for Coffee Cloud (the fourth round of notaries) and BWTDA (the fourth round of notaries). and we have held many online and offline meetings with well-known notaries such as Eric, LISA, Yuan, Alan, FeiYan, Leo, etc. to negotiate with customers.

48. How are you estimating your client demand and pathway usage? Do you have existing clients and an onboarding funnel? We have brought 120P DC to customers and served 80+SPs. We have rich experience in serving customers. We consume an average of 500-800T of DC every day. We communicate with existing clients and welcome new clients on board anytime. The customer will contact us via email or WhatsApp, and we will ask him to fill in the information in the LDN application form. The governance team and community will ask questions and review them. After transitioning to v5, we launched our onboarding channel: After customers submit their applications, the governance team and community can still view it at any time. We can understand the customer's needs in the application form, such as total demand, weekly allocation, etc. Regarding customer data ownership, etc., we will determine it through a contract. We will communicate on slack and whatsapp, and the contract will be sent to the corporate email for backup. In short, we understand and respect the FIL+ process and have created our own onboarding channel. We have rich customer service experience. Let us work together to make Filecoin better and better.

galen-mcandrew commented 4 months ago

Datacap Request for Allocator



Datacap Allocated


filplus-bot commented 4 months ago

The request has been signed by a new Root Key Holder

Message sent to Filecoin Network


You can check the status of the message here:

galen-mcandrew commented 1 month ago

Datacap Request for Allocator



Datacap Allocated


filplus-bot commented 1 month ago

The request has been signed by a new Root Key Holder

Message sent to Filecoin Network


You can check the status of the message here:

galen-mcandrew commented 1 month ago