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v5 Notary Allocator Application: Singularity EasyOnboard Allocator #1024

Closed xinaxu closed 5 months ago

xinaxu commented 8 months ago

v5 Notary Allocator Application

To apply to be an allocator, organizations will submit one application for each proposed pathway to DataCap. If you will be designing multiple specific pathways, you will need to submit multiple applications.

Please complete the following steps:

1. Fill out the information below and create a new GitHub Issue

  1. Notary Allocator Pathway Name (This can be your name, or the name of your pathway/program. For example "E-Fil+"): Singularity EasyOnboard Allocator
  2. Organization Name: Tech Greedy
  3. On-chain address for Allocator (Provide a NEW unique address. During ratification, you will need to initialize this address on-chain): f17juxnqndilhyqetakbokzguubmku5qr3o2nsybq
  4. Country of Operation (Where your organization is legally based): USA
  5. Region of Operation (What region will you serve?): All Regions
  6. Type of Allocator, diligence process: (Automated/programmatic, Market-based, or Manual (human-in-the-loop at some phase): Automated
  7. DataCap requested for allocator for 12 months of activity (This should be an estimate of overall expected activity. Estimate the total amount of DataCap you will be distributing to clients in 12 months, in TiB or PiB): 200 PiB

2. Access allocator application (download to save answers)

Click link below to access a Google doc version of the allocator application that can be used to save your answers if you are not prepared to fully submit the application in Step 3.

3. Submit allocation application

Clink link below to access full allocator questionnaire and officially submit your answers:

Note: Sections of your responses WILL BE posted back into the GitHub issue tracking your application. The final section (Additional Disclosures) will NOT be posted to GitHub, and will be maintained by the Filecoin Foundation. Application information for notaries not accepted and ratified in this round will be deleted.

Kevin-FF-USA commented 8 months ago

Hi @xinaxu

Wanted to let you know this application has been received along with the Airtable detailed answers - the public answers will be posted in a thread below soon. If you have any questions - please let me know.

ghost commented 7 months ago

Basic Information

1. Notary Allocator Pathway Name: EasyOnboard Allocator

2. Organization: Tech Greedy

3. On Chain Address for Allocator: f17juxnqndilhyqetakbokzguubmku5qr3o2nsybq

4. Country of Operation: USA

5. Region(s) of operation: Africa , Asia minus GCR, Greater China, Europe, Oceania, Japan, North America, South America, Other

6. Type of Allocator: Automatic

7. DataCap requested for allocator for 12 months of activity: 200 PiB

8. Is your allocator providing a unique, new, or diverse pathway to DataCap? How does this allocator differentiate itself from other applicants, new or existing?: The EasyOnboard Pathway is a unique addition to the Filecoin ecosystem, designed to simplify the data onboarding process for clients. Our allocator differentiates itself in the following ways

Ease of Use and Technical Barrier Reduction: By providing an intuitive data preparation API and a mandatory deal-making API, EasyOnboard significantly reduces the technical barriers for clients. This allows them to effortlessly convert raw data into CAR files and make compliant deals, enabling a broader range of clients to participate in the Filecoin network, especially with the upcoming changes in native tool availability (aka direct data onboarding).

Compliance-Centric Deal Making: Our deal-making API guarantees that all transactions adhere to Filecoin Plus program standards, particularly in data distribution and retrievability. This ensures clients effortlessly meet compliance requirements while engaging in the decentralized storage market.

In essence, EasyOnboard is crafted to offer a streamlined, compliant, and accessible pathway for clients, aligning with the evolving needs of the Filecoin network and its community.

9. As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack.: Acknowledge

Client Diligence

10. Who are your target clients?: Individuals learning about Filecoin, Small-scale developers or data owners, Enterprise Data Clients

11. Describe in as much detail as possible how you will perform due diligence on clients. If you are proposing an automated pathway, what diligence mechanism will you use to determine client eligibility?: Our due diligence process for clients combines comprehensive information gathering with a commitment to compliance and user convenience. It involves the following steps:

Initial Registration: Clients register on the EasyOnboard website, providing essential details such as dataset name, description, website, client's name, organization, relationship to the dataset, an on-chain address for API authentication, and confirmation of data retrievability. This information is fixed upon submission. As part of the initial registration, the client will also need to complete KYC process and KYB process if the client represents a business.

Ongoing Updates via Web and API: Post-registration, clients can update their information, including storage providers and piece metadata (pieceCID, pieceSize, data preparation details). We primarily support metadata generated by Singularity, validated against original data sources like AWS open public datasets.

Optional Data Preparation Service: For clients opting for our data preparation service, we handle the metadata updates on their behalf. Clients need only provide the data source, such as an AWS S3 URL. Our system then prepares the data in the required format and updates the metadata, ensuring alignment with Filecoin standards.

Compliance Assurance in Deal Making: Using our API for metadata submission and deal-making ensures compliance with Fil+'s distribution and retrievability standards. We monitor and validate the data preparation and deal-making processes, blocking non-compliant deal requests to maintain network integrity.

Our approach ensures that all client activities, whether self-managed or through our data preparation service, adhere strictly to Filecoin Plus program standards. This balance of client convenience and regulatory compliance is central to the EasyOnboard Pathway, simplifying client onboarding while upholding the Filecoin network's integrity.

12. Please specify how many questions you’ll ask, and provide a brief overview of the questions.: Our due diligence questionnaire is comprehensive and tailored to ensure compliance and efficiency in the EasyOnboard Pathway. The questions are as follows:

Dataset Information:

Client Information:

Technical Details:

Data Retrievability:

Deal-Making Parameters:

For self-preparing clients: Metadata for each piece (pieceCID and pieceSize). For clients using our data preparation service: Link to the actual data source (e.g., AWS S3 URL).

Notably, we do not explicitly ask for the amount of DataCap requested. Our system is designed to impose more stringent requirements and adopt an aggressive stance in blocking deal requests based on the DataCap volume. This approach ensures that higher DataCap requests are scrutinized more thoroughly, maintaining the integrity of the Filecoin Plus program and ensuring equitable DataCap distribution.

13. Will you use a 3rd-party Know your client (KYC) service?: Yes, in the EasyOnboard Pathway, we will employ a reputable third-party KYC service to ensure the eligibility of our clients, check against known sanctions lists, and mitigate the risk of Sybil attacks. Our approach to KYC includes: Using Stripe for Identity Verification:

14. Can any client apply to your pathway, or will you be closed to only your own internal clients? (eg: bizdev or self-referral): The EasyOnboard Pathway is fully open and inclusive, allowing any client interested in participating in the Filecoin network to apply. We are committed to ensuring broad access to our services, and our pathway operates on a principle of open application with robust support systems in place. Key aspects of our pathway include: Automated yet Intuitive: While our pathway primarily functions in an automated manner, we provide an intuitive user interface. This UI is designed to help clients understand the process, including reasons why a deal request might be blocked or why their KYC submission did not pass. Dashboard for Monitoring and Compliance: We offer a comprehensive dashboard that allows clients to track their data onboarding rates and monitor how close they are to reaching compliance thresholds. This feature ensures transparency and helps clients stay informed about their progress and status within our pathway. Active Community Engagement: We actively encourage diversity in our client base through outreach and community engagement. Our goal is to democratize access to Filecoin's decentralized storage, making it accessible to a wide range of clients, from individuals to large organizations. Our approach is to make the Filecoin network accessible and understandable to all, regardless of their technical background or familiarity with decentralized storage systems. We believe that by providing an open and user-friendly pathway, we can contribute significantly to the growth and diversification of the Filecoin ecosystem.

15. How do you plan to track the rate at which DataCap is being distributed to your clients?: Our approach to tracking DataCap distribution combines real-time monitoring with transparency and accessibility. We leverage our expertise as maintainers of DataCap (DC) tracking tools, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information on DataCap usage for each client. Our strategy involves: Public Facing Dashboard: We will develop and maintain a public dashboard that displays the DataCap distribution to our clients. This dashboard will provide real-time updates on the DataCap allocated and used, offering a high level of transparency. Integration of Open-Sourced Tooling: Our system integrates multiple open-sourced tools to track and analyze DataCap distribution. These tools are selected for their reliability and accuracy in monitoring DataCap usage. Audit-Friendly Design: The dashboard will not only be accessible to our clients but also open to the broader Filecoin community. This ensures that our DataCap allocation and distribution processes are transparent and auditable by any interested party, fostering trust and accountability in our operations. Regular Updates and Maintenance: As maintainers of the DC tracking tooling, we will continuously update and refine our tracking system to reflect the latest standards and practices in the Filecoin network. This ensures that our clients and the community receive the most accurate and current data. By implementing these measures, we aim to provide a comprehensive, transparent, and reliable system for tracking DataCap distribution. This aligns with our commitment to upholding the principles of fairness and transparency in the Filecoin Plus program.

Data Diligence

16. As an operating entity in the Filecoin Community, you are required to follow all local & regional regulations relating to any data, digital and otherwise. This may include PII and data deletion requirements, as well as the storing, transmit: Acknowledge

17. What type(s) of data would be applicable for your pathway?: Public Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit), Public Open Commercial/Enterprise, Private Commercial/Enterprise, Private Non-Profit/Social Impact

18. How will you verify a client’s data ownership? Will you use 3rd-party KYB (know your business) service to verify enterprise clients?: Our pathway employs a comprehensive and automated approach to verify clients' data ownership across different types of data, including public, private, and enterprise data. This process is integrated into our data onboarding API, through which clients submit piece metadata for each deal. This metadata is crucial for verifying ownership and accessibility of the data. Key elements of our verification process include:

19. How will you ensure the data meets local & regional legal requirements?: To ensure that all data onboarded through the EasyOnboard Pathway complies with local and regional legal requirements, we have implemented a holistic approach that combines client responsibility with due diligence processes: Legal Compliance Notice: As part of the onboarding process, clients are required to sign a legal compliance notice. This notice obligates them to self-certify that their data adheres to the relevant legal and regulatory frameworks in their respective regions. By signing this notice, clients acknowledge their responsibility and liability for ensuring that their data is compliant. Integration with KYC and KYB Process: The legal compliance notice is complemented by our Know Your Customer (KYC) or Know Your Business (KYB) process. During thos processes, clients provide information about their identity, organizational status, and operational jurisdictions. This information helps us to better understand the legal contexts in which our clients operate.

20. What types of data preparation will you support or require?: Our strategy for data preparation is holistic, dynamic, and grounded in both our expertise and collaborative efforts in the Filecoin ecosystem. It evolves through leveraging our proprietary tools and aligning with broader community-driven standards. Our approach includes: Singularity Support: As the primary developers of Singularity, the most popular data preparation tool in the ecosystem, we will initially offer full support for Singularity. This tool is particularly advantageous as it generates detailed metadata, which is pivotal for verifying data ownership and the authenticity of each piece. Participation in the Metadata Working Group: We are founding members of the Filecoin community’s metadata working group (Slack #metadata-wg). This group is dedicated to developing a unified schema for data preparation tools. Our involvement ensures that we stay at the forefront of data preparation standards and practices. Future Expansion to Other Tools: In line with the working group’s progress, we plan to extend our support to other data preparation tools that adhere to the standardized metadata schema. This expansion will allow us to accommodate a wider range of data preparation methodologies, reflecting our commitment to flexibility and inclusivity. Ensuring Logical Consistency and Compliance: All data preparation tools and methodologies we support will be rigorously evaluated for logical consistency and compliance with Filecoin Plus standards. Our goal is to ensure that regardless of the chosen tool, the data prepared aligns with the network’s requirements for quality, retrievability, and legal compliance. * Data Preparation as a service, To further reduce the technical barrier, we also offer data preparation as a service powered by Singularity data preparation backend. By starting with support for Singularity and planning to expand to other tools based on a unified metadata standard, we aim to provide a comprehensive and flexible data preparation framework. This approach not only caters to our current clients’ needs but also positions us to adapt to evolving standards and technologies in the Filecoin ecosystem.

21. What tools or methodology will you use to sample and verify the data aligns with your pathway?: Our holistic data verification plan utilizes a detailed methodology, leveraging the mandatory metadata submissions through our API for comprehensive validation. This process ensures that the data not only matches the clients' claims but also adheres to our pathway's standards and Filecoin Plus requirements. Key elements of our verification process include: Data Source Ownership Verification: By analyzing the provided data source type, path, and credentials, we can confirm the client’s ownership and control over the data. This step is crucial in establishing the legitimacy of the data source. Data Source Authenticity Verification: As required by the pathway, clients are expected to submit metadata for each piece. The metadata includes specific details about how files are mapped to pieces. This includes information on padding used, hash values for each original file block, and the CommP for the entire CAR file. Padding Verification: We use the mapping information to ensure that pieces are not underpopulated with padding. This helps us prevent sector-size abuse by verifying that the space within a sector is legitimately used by relevant data, not excessive padding. Hash and CommP Matching: The hash values for each file block are matched against the original files from the data source. Additionally, we verify that the CommP matches the whole CAR file by reconstructing the CAR file using the provided metadata and data source. This comprehensive check ensures data integrity and prevents misrepresentation. Automated and Continuous Validation: The entire verification process is automated within our API, allowing for continuous and real-time validation of data as it is onboarded. This automation ensures efficiency and consistency in our verification process. Regular Updates and Improvements: We continually update and refine our tools and methodologies to adapt to new standards and technologies, ensuring our verification process remains robust and effective. By employing this detailed and systematic approach, we ensure that all data onboarded through the EasyOnboard Pathway is authentic, accurately represented, and compliant with Filecoin Plus standards. This methodology not only upholds the integrity of our pathway but also contributes to the overall reliability and trustworthiness of the Filecoin network.

Data Distribution

22. How many replicas will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?: 5+

23. What geographic or regional distribution will you require?: Here I’m providing a general answer for question 22, 23 and 24: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, our dynamic formula for determining the number of replicas, regions and SP operations needed for data distribution is tailored to ensure optimal data redundancy and retrieval quality. This formula takes into account factors such as actual retrieval locations and VPN usage, adapting to the evolving Filecoin ecosystem. To provide clear guidance, here are some specific examples: Small Data Sets: For a relatively small data request, such as 100GB of DataCap, our formula may allow the data to be stored with a single replica. This is based on the understanding that smaller datasets necessitate less redundancy for efficient and compliant storage. Large Data Sets: For larger datasets, the requirements increase to ensure adequate redundancy and retrieval efficiency. For instance, a client wishing to store a 1PiB dataset would need to distribute it across 6 replicas. Additionally, this distribution must be spread over 3 different regions and managed by 6 distinct storage provider operators. This ensures a broad geographical spread and operational diversity, enhancing data security and accessibility. VPN Considerations and Retrieval Locations: While we accommodate on-chain IP addresses behind VPNs, especially in regions with crypto-related restrictions, the actual retrieval IP addresses must reflect the genuine location. We use advanced monitoring tools to verify this, ensuring the integrity of our distribution formula and the quality of data retrievals. Adaptability and Transparency: Our formula is designed to be flexible and responsive to market and ecosystem changes. We commit to maintaining transparency in any updates or modifications to our formula, keeping our clients and the community well-informed. These examples illustrate how our formula scales with the size and complexity of the data storage requirements, ensuring that our approach is both robust and adaptable to varying client needs within the Filecoin network. See below link for our current version of formula

24. How many Storage Provider owner/operators will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?: 5+

25. Do you require equal percentage distribution for your clients to their chosen SPs? Will you require preliminary SP distribution plans from the client before allocating any DataCap?: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, we ensure an equitable distribution of DataCap among chosen Storage Providers (SPs) through an automated deal-making engine. This engine is designed to maintain a balanced distribution and prevent skewness. Here's how our system operates: Automated Skewness Score Calculation: For each client, we calculate a distribution skewness score based on the evenness of DataCap distribution among their chosen SPs. This score is a crucial metric in our system. Skewness Threshold and Deal Blocking: Once a client’s skewness score reaches a predetermined threshold, our system automatically blocks further deal requests that would exacerbate the skewness. Instead, it only allows deals that would reduce the skewness, ensuring a more balanced distribution of DataCap. Client Dashboard for Distribution Insights: We provide clients with a user-friendly dashboard that illustrates their current distribution skewness and guides them on how to achieve a more balanced distribution. This dashboard is an essential tool for clients to understand and manage their DataCap allocation effectively. Automated SP Verification: Instead of a manual KYB process for SPs, we rely on automated tools to ascertain the organization and location of each SP. This includes IP geolocation services, IP-to-company mapping, VPN detection, and other relevant tools. These automated checks provide insights into the SP’s legitimacy and geographic location, contributing to a more informed and secure allocation process. By implementing these measures, we automate and streamline the distribution process, ensuring a fair and balanced allocation of DataCap among SPs while minimizing manual intervention. Our approach is designed to maintain the integrity of DataCap distribution and uphold the standards of the Filecoin Plus program.

26. What tooling will you use to verify client deal-making distribution?: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, our approach to verifying client deal-making distribution heavily relies on our expertise as both the developers and maintainers of key tools, tailored to the specific needs of our pathway. Our strategy includes: CID Checker Tool: As the maintainers and developers of the CID Checker tool, we ensure its effective deployment and continuous upgrades. This tool is integral in verifying the compliance and authenticity of client deal-making, enabling us to automatically check and report on client deal distributions. Continuous Tool Development and Upgrades: We keep the CID Checker tool up-to-date with the latest network features and upgrades. This ensures that it remains effective and relevant to the evolving requirements of the Filecoin ecosystem. * Integration with Deal Making Engine: Our tooling is further enhanced by integration with our own deal-making engine. This integration allows us to consider in-flight deals that are not yet on the chain, providing a more comprehensive view of client deal distributions. We can give projections of client deal distribution in addition to the current on-chain deal distribution, offering a more dynamic and proactive approach to monitoring and verifying client activities. By leveraging the CID Checker tool along with our proprietary deal-making engine, we provide a robust system for monitoring and verifying client deal distributions. This approach not only ensures compliance with the Filecoin Plus program but also offers advanced insights into both current and projected client activities.

27. How will clients meet SP distribution requirements?: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, clients meet SP distribution requirements through a combination of our automated deal API and a well-formulated DataCap distribution formula. This integrated approach ensures that deals are appropriately and efficiently distributed among vetted and reputable SPs. Key aspects of our approach include: Automated Deal API: Our deal API automates the distribution of client data among selected SPs. This automation simplifies the process for clients, ensuring that the distribution aligns with the Filecoin Plus program's requirements without the need for manual intervention. DataCap Distribution Formula: The formula we use to allocate DataCap plays a crucial role in guiding the distribution of deals. It takes into account various factors like the number of replicas, regions, and operators, as well as the quality of retrievals, to determine the most appropriate distribution strategy for each client's data. Ensuring Balanced Distribution: Our system automatically calculates and adjusts the distribution of deals to prevent skewness. This ensures that DataCap is not concentrated with a few SPs but is instead evenly distributed across a diverse set of reputable providers. Transparency and Compliance: The entire process is designed to be transparent and compliant with Filecoin Plus standards. Clients can easily track and understand how their data is being distributed through our client-facing dashboard, which provides real-time insights into their deal-making activities. By leveraging our automated deal API in conjunction with our DataCap distribution formula, we ensure that clients' data is distributed in a manner that is both efficient and compliant with programmatic requirements. This approach not only simplifies the process for clients but also upholds the integrity and objectives of the Filecoin Plus program.

28. As an allocator, do you support clients that engage in deal-making with SPs utilizing a VPN?: Yes, we support clients working with SPs using VPNs in the EasyOnboard Pathway, under specific conditions and with continuous monitoring to ensure compliance and transparency: VPN Use for On-Chain Activities: We allow the use of VPNs to disguise IP addresses recorded on the blockchain, recognizing its necessity in certain regions due to regulatory constraints. This facilitates on-chain activities while adhering to local laws. Restrictions on VPN Use for Off-Chain Activities: For off-chain activities, especially data retrieval, actual IP addresses are required. This ensures data retrieval integrity and accurate measurement of retrieval metrics. VPN Detection and Monitoring: Our in-house solution, similar to Thousand Eyes, is employed to detect VPN usage. It distinguishes between permissible on-chain VPN use and prohibited off-chain VPN use, ensuring adherence to our guidelines. Continuous Monitoring and Re-evaluation: We implement continuous monitoring of SP IP addresses. In cases where an SP changes their IP address, this could necessitate a re-evaluation of the client’s application and the calculation of their DataCap allowance. This continuous monitoring is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our distribution process and ensuring that all activities remain compliant with the Filecoin Plus program's standards. Balanced Distribution and Compliance: Despite accommodating VPN usage for on-chain activities, we maintain a fair distribution of DataCap among SPs. Our approach ensures that distribution remains compliant with Filecoin Plus standards, regardless of VPN usage. Transparency in Operations: Our operations, including VPN usage, are transparent. We provide accurate and timely reports on VPN usage, keeping our clients and the broader Filecoin community well-informed. By allowing VPN usage under controlled conditions and with continuous monitoring, we balance privacy and security needs with the imperative to uphold the integrity and efficiency of the Filecoin network.

DataCap Allocation Strategy

29. Will you use standardized DataCap allocations to clients?: Yes, standardized

30. Allocation Tranche Schedule to clients:: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, our DataCap allocation strategy is designed to provide clients with increasing tranches of DataCap, following a clear and scalable pattern. This approach is tailored to accommodate the growing needs and capabilities of clients within the Filecoin network:

31. Will you use programmatic or software based allocations?: Yes, standardized and software based

32. What tooling will you use to construct messages and send allocations to clients?: Leveraging our expertise in software development, particularly with Go (Golang), we will develop custom tooling to construct messages and send allocations to clients in the EasyOnboard Pathway.

33. Describe the process for granting additional DataCap to previously verified clients.: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, our process for granting additional DataCap to previously verified clients is designed to be both systematic and responsive to their demonstrated compliance and capacity. Our subsequent allocation strategy is as follows: Higher Initial Tranche for Verified Clients: Previously verified clients who have demonstrated responsible usage and compliance are eligible for a higher initial tranche in subsequent allocations. This recognition of their proven track record allows for a more streamlined process in expanding their operations within the Filecoin network. The scale of the initial tranche for these returning clients can be significantly higher compared to new clients. Depending on their previous usage, compliance history, and current project requirements, they can receive an initial tranche starting from above the standard 100GB, potentially up to 100TB. Automated Allocation Process: This allocation process is supported by our automated system, which assesses each returning client's historical data usage, compliance record, and current application details. This automated evaluation ensures efficiency, fairness, and consistency in the allocation process. * Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: We continually monitor and evaluate the performance and compliance of clients receiving additional DataCap. This ongoing assessment informs future allocation decisions, ensuring that clients remain aligned with Filecoin Plus standards. By implementing this approach, we ensure that additional DataCap is allocated to previously verified clients in a manner that is both rewarding and responsible, encouraging sustained and compliant growth within the Filecoin ecosystem.

34. Describe in as much detail as possible the tools used for: • client discoverability & applications • due diligence & investigation • bookkeeping • on-chain message construction • client deal-making behavior • tracking overall allocator health • disput: Client Discoverability & Applications:

36. Where will you keep your records for bookkeeping? How will you maintain transparency in your allocation decisions?: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, our bookkeeping is meticulously structured to ensure transparency and accountability. We employ a blend of public and private methods for recording and storing information: Public Bookkeeping on GitHub:

38. Describe your process for handling disputes. Highlight response times, transparency, and accountability mechanisms.: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, we have established a structured and transparent process for handling disputes related to DataCap allocation, compliance issues, or storage deal executions. Our dispute resolution process is designed to be fair, efficient, and accountable: Tracking Disputes on GitHub:

39. Detail how you will announce updates to tooling, pathway guidelines, parameters, and process alterations.: At EasyOnboard, we are committed to transparent and timely communication regarding updates to our tooling, pathway guidelines, parameters, and process alterations. Our approach to announcing these updates includes: GitHub Discussions for Detailed Announcements: The primary platform for announcing all changes will be GitHub Discussions under our organization. Here, we will provide detailed information about any updates to our tooling, guidelines, and processes. This platform allows us to document changes comprehensively and offers an opportunity for community feedback and discussion. Filecoin Slack Channel for Broader Communication: For broader outreach, we will post summaries and links to these updates in the Filecoin Slack channel. This ensures that the wider Filecoin community, including those who may not frequently visit GitHub, is kept informed. The Slack channel also serves as a space for more immediate and interactive communication with the community regarding these updates. Consistency with Fil+ Standards: We understand the importance of aligning our updates with the overarching standards and objectives of the Filecoin Plus program. To this end, we will ensure that our updates are consistent with the program’s requirements and do not introduce unnecessary complexity or deviate from its goals. Engagement with Fil+ Governance Team: In cases where updates involve significant programmatic changes, we will engage with the Fil+ Governance Team. This ensures that any major alterations are in scope and, if required, go through a reapplication process to be assessed against the program’s rubric. Feedback and Iterative Improvement: * We welcome and encourage feedback from the community on our updates. This feedback is integral to our iterative improvement process, allowing us to refine and enhance our offerings in response to the needs and suggestions of our users and the community. Through this multi-channel communication strategy, we ensure that all stakeholders are well-informed about updates to our pathway, maintaining transparency, engagement, and alignment with the Filecoin Plus program’s standards.

40. How long will you allow the community to provide feedback before implementing changes?: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, we value community input and recognize its importance in shaping our tools and processes. Our approach to incorporating community feedback is as follows: Two-Week Feedback Window:

41. Regarding security, how will you structure and secure the on-chain notary address? If you will utilize a multisig, how will it be structured? Who will have administrative & signatory rights?: In the EasyOnboard Pathway, the security of our on-chain notary address is of paramount importance. We employ stringent measures to ensure the privacy and security of our operations: Cloud-Based Infrastructure:

42. Will you deploy smart contracts for program or policy procedures? If so, how will you track and fund them?: No


43. Outline your monetization models for the services you provide as a notary allocator pathway.: At EasyOnboard, we have established a monetization model that aligns with our high-quality service offerings, maintaining transparency and equity. Our monetization strategy includes specific pricing models for our deal-making API and data preparation services: Deal Making API

44. Describe your organization's structure, such as the legal entity and other business & market ventures.: Tech Greedy is a corporation based in Washington, deeply integrated and active within the Filecoin ecosystem. Our structure and involvement in the ecosystem are characterized by the following aspects: Legal Entity and Corporate Structure: Tech Greedy operates as a corporation registered in Washington. Our corporate structure is designed to support our diverse activities within the Filecoin ecosystem and broader market ventures. Involvement in Filecoin Programs: We have been active participants in early stages of the Filecoin network’s growth, including the Slingshot and Evergreen programs. As a testament to our long-standing commitment to the Filecoin community, we have been involved as notaries in rounds 2, 3, and 4 of the Filecoin Plus program. Development of Essential Fil+ Tools: Our team has contributed significantly to the development of essential tools within the Filecoin Plus program. This includes the CID Checker, Retrieval Bot, and Retrieval Dashboard. These tools play a crucial role in enhancing the functionality and user experience of the Fil+ program. Singularity: Leading Data Onboarding Tool: We are the developers of Singularity, which has become the most popular tool for data onboarding in the Filecoin network. This tool underscores our technical expertise and commitment to improving the Filecoin ecosystem. Funding and Revenue Streams: Tech Greedy is funded by founders and has established multiple streams of revenue. In addition to our work within the Filecoin ecosystem, we operate as a storage provider, generating revenue through storage operations and rewards. * Our diverse revenue streams reflect our robust business model and commitment to sustainable growth within the Filecoin network and beyond. Our reputation in the ecosystem is built on our technical contributions, active participation in key programs, and consistent adherence to the principles of the Filecoin network. We have fostered partnerships and collaborations within the ecosystem to further our contributions and impact. Through our structured approach as a Washington-based corporation, our active involvement in Filecoin programs, development of key tools, and diversified revenue streams, Tech Greedy demonstrates a strong commitment to the Filecoin ecosystem. Our organization is positioned to contribute significantly to the network's growth and sustainability.

45. Where will accounting for fees be maintained?: At Tech Greedy, our approach to accounting for fees is designed to be transparent and compliant with the standards of the Filecoin Plus program. We utilize a combination of on-chain transactions and meticulous bookkeeping to ensure accurate tracking and auditability: On-Chain Transaction Records: Our fee payments primarily occur through decentralized finance (DeFi) channels, likely using stablecoins like USDC or other similar digital currencies. This method ensures that all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent and immutable record of all fee payments. On-chain transactions offer a high level of security and traceability, making it easy for Fil+ Governance and other stakeholders to audit and verify our fee transactions. Comprehensive Bookkeeping: Alongside on-chain transaction records, we maintain detailed bookkeeping that records all financial activities related to our services. This includes fees collected, allocations made, and any other relevant financial transactions. Our bookkeeping is structured to be easily reviewable by the Fil+ Governance team for auditing purposes. We ensure that our records are clear, well-organized, and align with standard accounting practices. Audit-Friendly Infrastructure: * Our accounting infrastructure is designed to facilitate easy and efficient audits. We are prepared to provide necessary documentation and transaction records upon request from the Fil+ Governance team or other authorized entities. By maintaining accurate on-chain transaction records and comprehensive bookkeeping, and being prepared for audits related to any staking, burning, or releasing activities, we uphold the principles of transparency and accountability in our monetization processes. This approach aligns with our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity within the Filecoin Plus program.

Past Experience, Affiliations, Reputation

46. If you've received DataCap allocation privileges before, please link to prior notary applications.: Round 3 notary Round 4 notary

47. How are you connected to the Filecoin ecosystem? Describe your (or your organization's) Filecoin relationships, investments, or ownership.: Storage Provider Operations: Full ownership f0838852, f0838923 Partial ownership (co-owned with loan providers) f01832393 f01907460 f02822921 f02884973 Existing client applications: Slingshot Restore Program Open Dataset Development We are the main developer for numerous well-known tooling for clients, SPs and ecosystem with notable ones listed below Singularity V1 - data onboarding tool, helped onboarded 3.5 EiB QAP Singularity V2 - the successor of V1 singularity, keep gaining momentum Both tools have helped onboarded 100+ different datasets and clients Singularity-import - SP tooling for automated deal importing Generate-car - simplified CAR generation tooling recommended by FVM team RetrievalBot and its dashboard for filplus CID checker for filplus Reputation Working Group

48. How are you estimating your client demand and pathway usage? Do you have existing clients and an onboarding funnel?: At Tech Greedy, our estimation of client demand and pathway usage is based on a strategic approach that leverages our existing client base and anticipates organic growth: Leveraging Singularity User Base: Our primary client funnel is derived from the existing user base of Singularity, our popular data onboarding tool. Singularity’s proven track record, having facilitated the onboarding of 360PiB of deals in the last year, provides us with a solid foundation of potential clients. We anticipate a significant conversion rate from this user base, estimating that at least half of them, equating to around 180PiB, will transition to using our allocator pathway. This forecast is based on the existing relationship and trust we have built with Singularity users. Organic Growth Expectations: Beyond our existing user base, we expect organic growth as new clients discover the ease of use and efficiency of our allocator pathway. Our reputation for simplifying the data onboarding process and our contributions to the Filecoin ecosystem position us well to attract new clients. Our user-friendly interface, transparent processes, and the automated features of our pathway are key factors that we believe will drive this organic growth. Marketing and Outreach Initiatives: To further boost client acquisition, we plan to engage in targeted marketing and outreach initiatives. This includes participating in Filecoin community events, leveraging social media, and collaborating with other entities within the ecosystem to raise awareness of our services. Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation: We will continuously monitor and evaluate our client demand and pathway usage, adjusting our strategies as needed based on market trends, client feedback, and ecosystem developments. * This adaptive approach ensures that we remain responsive to the needs of our clients and the Filecoin community, fostering sustainable growth and usage of our pathway. By tapping into our existing Singularity user base and anticipating organic growth through our user-centric services and community engagement, we have a strong foundation for estimating and meeting client demand. Our strategy is designed to be flexible and responsive, adapting to the evolving needs of the Filecoin ecosystem.

galen-mcandrew commented 5 months ago

Datacap Request For Allocator



Datacap Allocated


filplus-bot commented 5 months ago

The request has been signed by a new Root Key Holder

Message sent to Filecoin Network


You can check the status of the message here: