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v5 Notary Allocator Application:QC Data center #1071

Closed luhong123 closed 1 week ago

luhong123 commented 8 months ago

v5 Notary Allocator Application

To apply to be an allocator, organizations will submit one application for each proposed pathway to DataCap. If you will be designing multiple specific pathways, you will need to submit multiple applications.

Please complete the following steps:

1. Fill out the information below and create a new GitHub Issue

  1. Notary Allocator Pathway Name (This can be your name, or the name of your pathway/program. For example "E-Fil+"):QC Data center
  2. Organization Name:QC Data center
  3. On-chain address for Allocator (Provide a NEW unique address. During ratification, you will need to initialize this address on-chain): f1ylggnze72mmskm4xjcskf3kk5mp6duc2gztdboq
  4. Country of Operation (Where your organization is legally based): China
  5. Region of Operation (What region will you serve?): all
  6. Type of Allocator, diligence process: (Automated/programmatic, Market-based, or Manual (human-in-the-loop at some phase): Market-based and Manual
  7. DataCap requested for allocator for 12 months of activity (This should be an estimate of overall expected activity. Estimate the total amount of DataCap you will be distributing to clients in 12 months, in TiB or PiB):80PiB

2. Access allocator application (download to save answers)

Click link below to access a Google doc version of the allocator application that can be used to save your answers if you are not prepared to fully submit the application in Step 3.

3. Submit allocation application

Clink link below to access full allocator questionnaire and officially submit your answers:

Note: Sections of your responses WILL BE posted back into the GitHub issue tracking your application. The final section (Additional Disclosures) will NOT be posted to GitHub, and will be maintained by the Filecoin Foundation. Application information for notaries not accepted and ratified in this round will be deleted.

ghost commented 8 months ago

Basic Information

1. Notary Allocator Pathway Name: QC Data center

2. Organization: QC Data center

3. On Chain Address for Allocator: f1ylggnze72mmskm4xjcskf3kk5mp6duc2gztdboq

4. Country of Operation: China

5. Region(s) of operation: Africa , Asia minus GCR, Greater China, Europe, Oceania, Japan

6. Type of Allocator: Manual

7. DataCap requested for allocator for 12 months of activity: 80

8. Is your allocator providing a unique, new, or diverse pathway to DataCap? How does this allocator differentiate itself from other applicants, new or existing?: At the beginning, manual allocation, existing allocation, allocation and marking are used to distinguish between existing applicants and new applications.

9. As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack.: Acknowledge

Client Diligence

10. Who are your target clients?: Individuals learning about Filecoin, Small-scale developers or data owners, Enterprise Data Clients

11. Describe in as much detail as possible how you will perform due diligence on clients. If you are proposing an automated pathway, what diligence mechanism will you use to determine client eligibility?: -collect basic customer information, including but not limited to customer name, address, contact information, business scope, company structure, etc. This information can be obtained from public information sources such as company registries, official websites, etc. -verify customer information through direct communication with customers, access to official database, third-party verification, etc. -continuous follow-up and monitoring to ensure that customers' business activities are in compliance and pay attention to possible risk changes

12. Please specify how many questions you’ll ask, and provide a brief overview of the questions.: Mainly refer to community standards. Data owner country. Introduce yourself / your organization (with links). Use case examples and scope. Customer's geographic location. Number of DataCap allocation requests. Address on Filecoin chain. Copyright notices and legal compliance requirements. Data type of the application. Share a brief history of your project and organization. Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the network. How will you distribute the data to the storage provider. Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the network. Business description, sample data submission. Commercial nature (government, public, private, non-governmental organizations)

13. Will you use a 3rd-party Know your client (KYC) service?: Yes, we use KYC services as third parties such as Toggle

14. Can any client apply to your pathway, or will you be closed to only your own internal clients? (eg: bizdev or self-referral): Any customer can apply. We will open the application page or portal to allow any customer to submit an application as long as it meets the requirements and encourage them to participate actively.

15. How do you plan to track the rate at which DataCap is being distributed to your clients?: We update under the GitHub application and keep track of records during distribution to ensure that the data meets the requirements.

Data Diligence

16. As an operating entity in the Filecoin Community, you are required to follow all local & regional regulations relating to any data, digital and otherwise. This may include PII and data deletion requirements, as well as the storing, transmit: Acknowledge

17. What type(s) of data would be applicable for your pathway?: Public Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit), Public Open Commercial/Enterprise

18. How will you verify a client’s data ownership? Will you use 3rd-party KYB (know your business) service to verify enterprise clients?: Review the customer information and conduct a detailed review of the information provided by the customer, including company registration certificate, business license, intellectual property certificate and other related documents, to ensure that the customer has the legal right to provide data. If necessary, will consider using third-party KYB services to verify the legitimacy and business authenticity of enterprise customers

19. How will you ensure the data meets local & regional legal requirements?: We will consult and understand local laws and regulations in advance to ensure that data management activities comply with local laws and regulations. In case of special circumstances, legal experts will be sought to ensure that the company's data compliance strategy and operations comply with local and regional legal requirements.

20. What types of data preparation will you support or require?: Support us to support various types of data preparation and data slicing

21. What tools or methodology will you use to sample and verify the data aligns with your pathway?: Use the official existing tools to randomly extract sector data from nodes to see if it can be retrieved. Booster-Bitswap downloads sector data and parses it using the ipfs-car of the existing official website.

Data Distribution

22. How many replicas will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?: 4+

23. What geographic or regional distribution will you require?: 3 different physical locations at least 2-3 independent geopolitical regions not less than 4 + or more SP entities

24. How many Storage Provider owner/operators will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?: 4+

25. Do you require equal percentage distribution for your clients to their chosen SPs? Will you require preliminary SP distribution plans from the client before allocating any DataCap?: Initialize the allocation template, each batch of data is distributed over more than 4 sp, the number stored on each SP does not exceed 25%, and the description of the plan is published on Github, using form records, related information

26. What tooling will you use to verify client deal-making distribution?: Check the robot using CID, an existing tool in the community.

27. How will clients meet SP distribution requirements?: Provide some help to customers to assist SP discovery and transaction, but also provide SP contact information I know, as well as SP reputation information to help customers

28. As an allocator, do you support clients that engage in deal-making with SPs utilizing a VPN?: We hold VPN, but at the same time require customers to provide the real address of sp and related materials, must meet the requirements and regulations, if not informed in advance, fraudulent, will directly refuse

DataCap Allocation Strategy

29. Will you use standardized DataCap allocations to clients?: Yes, standardized

30. Allocation Tranche Schedule to clients:: Go according to the existing situation.  5% of the total DataCap or 50% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is the lower.  10% of the total DataCap or 100% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is the less.  3 20% of the total DataCap or 200% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is the less.  4 40% of the total DataCap or 400% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is the less.  Total upper limit of individual customer application 12p

31. Will you use programmatic or software based allocations?: Yes, standardized and software based

32. What tooling will you use to construct messages and send allocations to clients?: It has to be I like it and I'm proficient at the same time.

33. Describe the process for granting additional DataCap to previously verified clients.: DataCap to at least 4 miners to increase storage redundancy, maintain decentralization and reduce the risk of abuse. I will use open source tools such as SA robots to operate.

34. Describe in as much detail as possible the tools used for: • client discoverability & applications • due diligence & investigation • bookkeeping • on-chain message construction • client deal-making behavior • tracking overall allocator health • disput: Use website, GitHub, Discord and other platforms to communicate and process management, Excel table to deal with bookkeeping.  Build with messages on the chain.  Customer transaction behavior Github CID check report and chain message delivery.  Track the overall allocator health  Dispute discussion and resolution Discord,Slack, discussion and communication with GitHub and other platforms.  Community updates and communications Github and Slack Discord

Tools and Bookkeeping

35. Will you use open-source tooling from the Fil+ team?: Yes, GitHub warehouse Google spreadsheet boost MongoDB

36. Where will you keep your records for bookkeeping? How will you maintain transparency in your allocation decisions?: GitHub is used to store and expose summaries and file links to due diligence and customer information. Use GitHub's issue tracker to track issues or disputes related to the dataset and document the resolution process. In order to ensure transparency, it is necessary to establish a clear dispute resolution mechanism to provide the information needed to resolve the dispute in accordance with the requirements of the Fil+ governance team. In addition, you need to maintain open communication with community members in the github warehouse.

Risk Mitigation, Auditing, Compliance

37. Describe your proposed compliance check mechanisms for your own clients.: Datacap looks at the situation based on and Tools such as Checker/Retrievability Bot monitor the tolerance of new customers and give them an opportunity to state the facts, which will continue if they meet the requirements

38. Describe your process for handling disputes. Highlight response times, transparency, and accountability mechanisms.: Upon receipt of the dispute request, it will be recorded and investigated within 3 working days. Ensure that the evidence is recorded in detail for subsequent decisions. According to the results of the investigation, make fair decisions to ensure compliance. Keep transparent, communicate actively and explain the basis of decision-making.

39. Detail how you will announce updates to tooling, pathway guidelines, parameters, and process alterations.: In the github public library, publicly use tools, and test updates

40. How long will you allow the community to provide feedback before implementing changes?: 14 days. Provide a variety of communication channels, online forums, social media, etc., so that community members can freely express their views, provide feedback and suggestions

41. Regarding security, how will you structure and secure the on-chain notary address? If you will utilize a multisig, how will it be structured? Who will have administrative & signatory rights?: Choose a reliable hardware wallet brand and follow the official guidelines to set up and use the hardware wallet Ledger. Store the hardware wallet in a safe place and monitor it to ensure that it is not stolen, lost or damaged. The examiner has the right to sign, and the organization manager has the administrative and management power.

42. Will you deploy smart contracts for program or policy procedures? If so, how will you track and fund them?: At present, there is no need to deploy a smart contract until later.


43. Outline your monetization models for the services you provide as a notary allocator pathway.: In order to ensure fairness and transparency, we will determine specific price points according to specific service modules and customer needs. For example. Customer pledge asset fee: 100 FIL. Deposit for storage provider to participate in notarization service: 3FIL. Data audit certification fee 1 FIL. If the customer does not have the ability to package data, then we help the customer charge and price according to the amount of data and distribution needs, with an average distribution fee of 2 FIL per TB. These price points may also be adjusted according to market conditions and customer specific needs, we will make the most appropriate modification plan according to customer budget and demand, and ensure that it is accurate to the amount.

44. Describe your organization's structure, such as the legal entity and other business & market ventures.: QC Data Center is an innovative organization focused on data center services and blockchain technologies. We are committed to providing customers with efficient, secure and reliable data center solutions, while integrating and applying blockchain technology to further enhance data management and security. Our core values are openness, transparency and decentralization. We believe that through decentralization, a higher degree of data security, credibility and traceability can be achieved. Blockchain technology is one of the key tools for us to achieve this goal.

45. Where will accounting for fees be maintained?: The company's professional audit team calculates the cost and eventually stores it on github.

Past Experience, Affiliations, Reputation

46. If you've received DataCap allocation privileges before, please link to prior notary applications.:

47. How are you connected to the Filecoin ecosystem? Describe your (or your organization's) Filecoin relationships, investments, or ownership.: Our team is very strong in technology, with a variety of sp solutions that focus on the depth and breadth of technology. We have an experienced development team, proficient in a variety of technologies and programming languages. Whether it is front-end development, back-end development or mobile application development. We can all provide professional solutions. We are not only familiar with various commonly used technical frameworks and tools, but also actively pay attention to emerging technologies and trends in the industry in order to provide customers with the latest and most advanced solutions. No matter what customer needs, our team will try our best to provide high-quality solutions and ensure customer satisfaction through continuous communication and cooperation. We are committed to providing customers with excellent technical solutions to help them achieve their business goals and achieve success.

48. How are you estimating your client demand and pathway usage? Do you have existing clients and an onboarding funnel?: For QC Data Center organizations, estimates of customer needs and usage can be collected and analyzed in a variety of ways and methods: Market research, understanding of target market trends, group discussions, etc., to collect feedback and needs of potential customers interested in data center and blockchain services. Work with partners and channels to share market information and customer feedback. Establish a good cooperative relationship. We also have existing customers.

kevzak commented 6 months ago

Datacap Request for Allocator



Datacap Allocated


filplus-bot commented 6 months ago

The request has been signed by a new Root Key Holder

Message sent to Filecoin Network


You can check the status of the message here:

Kevin-FF-USA commented 3 months ago

Hi @luhong123

Wanted to send a friendly check in.
As of this comment date, haven't seen any client applications or DataCap disbursements for the organization. Inactive organizations are in the process of being reviewed to see if still wanting to remain in program. If you would like this pathway to remain active as an Allocator, kindly asking that you reply to the proposal with your timeline for onboarding pathway or plan for action to clients.

1071 | QC Data center | Manual | Bookkeeping | China | | f03014608

galen-mcandrew commented 2 weeks ago

DataCap Request for Allocator



Datacap Allocated


filplus-bot commented 2 weeks ago

The request has been signed by a new Root Key Holder

Message sent to Filecoin Network


You can check the status of the message here:

galen-mcandrew commented 1 week ago