filecoin-project / notary-governance

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Notary Application:Teamhack #28

Closed HuazhiAItech closed 3 years ago

HuazhiAItech commented 3 years ago

Notary Application


To apply as a notary, please fill out the following form.

Core Information

Please respond to the questions below in pargraph form, replacing the text saying "Please answer here". Include as much detail as you can in your answer!

Long Term Network Alignment

Time Commitment

Describe the nature and duration of your affiliation with the Filecoin project. Please include relevant Github handles, miner ids, significant projects or contributions (with links).

Fujian Teamhack AI Innovation Center is a non-governmental non-business organization founded by Huazhong University of Science and Technology and China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone and officially listed in the Fujian Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. The research center focuses on high-end areas such as artificial intelligence, big data analysis, and high-end equipment manufacturing. It takes full advantage of the technological precipitation and accumulation of universities in this field, and combines the industrial planning and layout of the development zone to gradually form project landing and incubation.
We have been paying attention to the development of the blockchain industry, especially the Filecoin mainnet project. The Filecoin project in 2020 has given us a deep impression. We believe that Filecoin will have a great future in the future.
Some of our cooperative companies have Filecoin-related projects, such as Filecoin wallet and Filecoin browser. I believe that our cooperation with Filecoin on content will increase and it must be expected in the future.

Stake Exposure

Please cite total token at stake (currently available, locked as collateral, vesting over time) and any substantiating evidence.

50 FIL

Industry Reputation

In-protocol Reputation

Please describe (in detail) your activity and tenure as a member of the Filecoin community. Please note (with links where possible) any contributions made to implementations of Filecoin, the spec, documentation, or to substantially help the Filecoin ecosystem grow.

In the past, we have not directly participated in the construction of the Filecoin ecosystem, but we have been focusing on the Filecoin blockchain ecosystem for some time. Many of our cooperative companies have Filecoin-related projects (such as Filecoin wallet and Filecoin browser), and Good progress has been made.
We look forward to achieving cooperation with Filecoin, and we also believe that there will be more and more cooperation on content between the two parties in the future.

In-protocol Security

Please describe your contributions to the security of Filecoin and the duration over which you've made contributions. Please also include any links or references who might be able to substantiate your contributions (e.g. if you've filed several bugs, please cite who you've communicated with on the Filecoin side).

As mentioned earlier, we have not directly participated in the project construction of the Filecoin ecosystem before, but with the development of information technology and the evolution of innovative forms, innovation 2.0 for the knowledge society characterized by user innovation and open innovation is increasingly aroused Pay attention to the government's role in the establishment of open innovation platforms and policy guidance, as well as the dominant position of users in the innovation process. We also believe that there are more and more opportunities for the Filecoin official and more Chinese governments like us to cooperate.

External Reputation

Please describe the nature of your organization, including the country of registration, size of the organization, and time since inception.

Fujian Teamhack AI Innovation Center was initiated by Huazhong University of Science and Technology and China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone. It is a private non-enterprise organization officially listed in the Fujian Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. It is a project and technology transfer center established by the government-use-industry-study-research model .
In 2017, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Fujian Huazhi Artificial Energy Innovation Research Center established Huazhong University of Science and Technology Artificial Intelligence Technology Center. Focus on research on cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, big data, high-end equipment manufacturing, and actively expand technologies including but not limited to driverless technology, graphics and image recognition technology, cloud services and analysis, and form an industry + technology + Supporting integrated development of investment;
In 2018, the Economic Development Bureau of Zhangzhou China Merchants Economic and Technological Development Zone and Fujian Huazhi Artificial Intelligence Innovation Research Center reached a cooperation. Utilize the resources of "Political Industry, Education and Research" to launch the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, research on the development of emerging industries, and the development of emerging industries with scientific and technological innovation strategies.

Please share any relevant details to help substantiate information about your organization (website, named officers, links to social media profiles).

Please share any relevant external information regarding your organization (e.g. news articles, social media profiles, etc.)

Diversity and Decentralization

Use Case Diversity

(Optional) Any additional information you'd like to share about the use case(s) you plan to support?

As a non-governmental organization officially listed by the Civil Affairs Department of Fujian Province, China, we hope to help and support the development of the Filecoin ecosystem. Participating in this Beta is my contribution to defining Filecoin+ roles and additional processes.
After the Beta period is over, I will also consider allocating time for this activity. Maybe by then, I will have a better understanding of different cases and get more value from them. Currently, I am happy to support any use case.

Allocation Plan

Concreteness of Allocation Plan

Allocation Strategy

How do you plan on allocating the DataCap requested above? Please describe your allocation strategy with as much specificity as you can.

1. For teams that apply for DataCap for the first time, we will classify them according to the team's application materials. The criteria for classification will specifically refer to the nature of the team, team qualifications, team industry influence, team users, team size and team historical achievements.
According to the nature of the team, it can be divided into (5 types): start-up team, small and medium-sized team, medium-sized team, medium and large-scale team, large-scale team, etc.;
According to team qualifications, it can be divided into (3 types): fewer qualifications, moderate qualifications, perfect qualifications, etc.;
According to the user group of the team, it can be divided (4 types): less than 1,000 people, 1,000-5,000 people, 5,000-20000 people, and more than 20,000 people;
According to the above standards, set 5*3*4=60 kinds of distribution rules for distribution
2. Regular review system, review the historical distribution team monthly and quarterly, and re-evaluate based on historical participation
3. Historical high-quality DataCap team level promotion rules. Teams that have participated in DataCap and completed well will increase the allocation ratio in the later evaluation.

Are there any internal processes you plan on impelementing regarding the target, amount, or rate at which you'll allocate DataCap?

1. We don’t want to use too many internal processes to allocate DataCap goals, amounts, or rates
2. We will use very few internal procedures to perform due diligence, including compliance investigations and suitability investigations
3. In addition, some third-party tools can also be used to collect information about potential customers through the Github repository to help score and determine their DataCap allocation.
4. In addition, we provide open and transparent reporting channels, such as Slack community, Telegram and mailboxes to adapt to more serious malicious distribution behaviors

How do you plan on securing the DataCap to ensure your organization (and its delegated members) are the ones allocating the DataCap?

- The DataCap distribution team is required to publish all distribution results for everyone to supervise;

- Any serious violation of the team will be revoked

Client Due Diligence

How will you vet your Client to ensure they are spending that DataCap responsibly?

In our requirements, the more DataCap needs, the more stringent the corresponding audit. Of course, this kind of review will be unprecedentedly strict at the first application. In other words, no team can escape the strict review process.
1. We have established a due diligence review team and established a complete set of review mechanisms to ensure the reasonable allocation and effective use of DataCap.
2. For the team that needs to be reviewed, we will comprehensively use objective information and tripartite evaluation to conduct the review in multiple directions and dimensions.
3. Confirm the authenticity of the audit team, such as face recognition, human-machine recognition, account security verification, account authenticity verification, common equipment testing, third-party security testing tools such as Twitter’s human-machine verification, etc.
4. Confirm the detailed information of the audit team. According to the customer level that requires due diligence, we need the following information:
-business license;
-Legal person information, including: ID card, ID photo, mobile phone number, mobile phone verification code;
-Signature of legal person or agent
-Compliance Application Commitment
-Detailed application materials and historical certificates
-Detailed completion of the data cap usage plan within at least one year
-List of related historical products.
-The number of users in the existing user community, user portraits, etc.
After collecting and reviewing the above information, they will use DataCap reasonably and effectively.

What questions will you ask to ensure the Client can properly handle the DataCap you intend to allocate to them?

1. What is the name of your team?
2. The country where your team is registered?
3. When was the establishment time?
4. Please link to provide at least 2-5 contact methods, including but not limited to telephone, email, Telegram, Twitter, Slack, etc.
5. How many miner data caps do you plan to allocate? If you have a specific miner and want to allocate DataCap, please explain the reason and the rules of the allocation
6. What is the Filecoin address and use case of DataCap you requested?
7. Where do you plan to use DataCap? If you plan to use DataCap in multiple regions, please specify.
8. Have you received a data cap before? If so, please share some details

What processes will you employ to confirm that a Client is not improperly over-allocating DataCap to a single entity?

1. Our investigation and review team will strictly monitor and track the use of DataCap
2. If problems are found, they will be dealt with in a timely manner, and illegal use will be strictly punished.
3. An open supervision mechanism allows mutual monitoring. If unfair distribution is found, you can report it and handle it strictly after review.

Bookkeeping Plan

Do you plan on keeping records of your allocation decisions? If so, with what level of specificity do you intend to respond to any audit requests?

1. All detailed information records related to allocation decisions on Github will be retained, including time, amount, allocated customers, judgment reasons, etc.
2. All information is open and transparent. Based on this, everyone can supervise this area.
3. Any challenges raised by allocation decisions should first be discussed publicly in the Github repository.
4. If the notary public is unable to give a convincing reason, it may submit a dispute resolution application to the notary public 14 calendar days after the date of the initial challenge. Once the dispute resolution application is submitted, the notary governance can appoint an arbitrator among the root key holders to resolve the dispute. According to the decision of the arbitrator, the hearing can be conducted within 15 calendar days after the dispute resolution application.

Do you plan on conduct your allocation decisions in public (e.g. Github repo), private (e.g. over email, Telegram, etc), or both?

All allocation decisions will be executed in the Github repository. At the same time, in order to track the allocation decision and make it public, we will build some tools to support it in the future.

Track Record

Past allocation

Have you previously received DataCap to allocate before? If so, please link to any previous applications.


Cumulatively, how much DataCap have you previously successfully allocated?


Have there been (or are there still) any disputes raised against you from your previous DataCap allocations?

dkkapur commented 3 years ago

@HuazhiAItech thanks for submitting your application to be a Notary! The scored rubric can be found here:

There are some quick follow up comments (as you will see in column H) for you to look at, but the main thing would be to understand a little more how you plan on using GitHub to manage client applications for DataCap. If you plan on using a similar process as the Filecoin Foundation (, then also share that + the repo you plan on doing this in, and we can adjust the score accordingly.

Let me know if you have any questions! We're also working on a rubric update that may have some implications on your "External Reputation" field, so any additional details you can provide (like press releases, news articles, etc.) will be helpful.

jnthnvctr commented 3 years ago

Hi @HuazhiAItech - based on the above application, we've done a scoring:

Eligibility score: 1 Unrounded score: 1.2

dkkapur commented 3 years ago

@HuazhiAItech - just wanted to let you know that Notary applications are currently open again until May 25. In case you'd be interested in applying again, please create a new Issue of type "Notary Application" and fill in the form (it is completely reasonable to reuse material from your prior application).