filecoin-project / notary-governance

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[Notary Application] Fatman13 - Guazi Dynamic #424

Closed Fatman13 closed 3 months ago

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Notary Application

To apply to be a Fil+ Notary, please review the Notary Overview here and then fill out the following form.

Core Information

Please respond to the questions below in pargraph form, replacing the text saying "Please answer here". Include as much detail as you can in your answer!

Long Term Network Alignment

Time Commitment

Describe the nature and duration of your affiliation with the Filecoin project. Please include relevant Github handles, miner ids, significant projects or contributions (with links).

Github handle: @fatman13 
Slack handle: @fatman13
Miner ID: f02731, f0694916, f01016254 (> 100k token at stake @ the time of this application)
Closely followed Filecoin project since 2017 and started full-time participation in 2020 since Space Race. Have been contributing to the network through mining, community discussions, governance and promotion of filecoin.

Stake Exposure

Please cite total token at stake (currently available, locked as collateral, vesting over time) and any substantiating evidence.

f02731, f0694916, f01016254 (> 100k token at stake @ the time of this application)

Industry Reputation

In-protocol Reputation

Please describe (in detail) your activity and tenure as a member of the Filecoin community. Please note (with links where possible) any contributions made to implementations of Filecoin, the spec, documentation, or to substantially help the Filecoin ecosystem grow.

- Major contributor to [venus-docs](
- Major contributor to [Venus online meetups](
- Core member of Storage Provider Working Group; Maintainer of [SPWG-CN](
- Contributor to [FIP](
- Volunteer of ProtoSchool

In-protocol Security

Please describe your contributions to the security of Filecoin and the duration over which you've made contributions. Please also include any links or references that can substantiate your contributions.


Organizational Reputation

Please describe the nature of your organization, including the country of registration, size of the organization, and time since inception.

Organization name: Guazi Dynamic
Size: ~10
Country: China
Founded: Sep 1st, 2020
We offer turnkey mining solution to clients in east Asia including South Korea, Japan and China.

Please share any relevant details to help substantiate information about your organization (website, named officers, links to social media profiles).

Wehcat public account: 瓜子动力

Please share any relevant external information regarding your organization (e.g. news articles, social media profiles, etc.)

Individual Reputation

Please share links to at least 2 of your (personal) social media profiles (or accounts that you are able to use) and the approximate size of your audience (i.e., followers, subscribers) for each one.

Twitter: [fatman13](; ~2k followers
Weibo: [fatman13](; ~8k followers

Diversity and Decentralization

Use Case Diversity

(Optional) Any additional information you'd like to share about the use case(s) you plan to support?

We are open to new use cases if storage client could make its case.

Allocation Plan

Concreteness of Allocation Plan

Allocation Strategy

How do you plan on allocating the DataCap requested above? Please describe your allocation strategy with as much specificity as you can. This includes the target amount per client and rate at which you'll allocate DataCap.

I draw inspiration (with regard to allocation strategy) heavily from, and

I will be adopting the [Rubric]( defined by issue#413 with 7 varying degrees of trust.
The above rubric will be my primary guideline when evaluating a client and determining their dataCap target amount.
By adopting this rubric, I expect to add a level of consistency across the board.
I also plan on allocating dataCap with a small incremental amount(<10%) and build a reputation mechanism.
For new clients, they start small and gradually increase their allowance through good behavior under filecoin plus guidelines.

How do you plan on securing the DataCap to ensure your organization (and its delegated members) are the ones allocating the DataCap?

Will be using an off-line wallet whose private key is only known by me.

Client Due Diligence

How will you vet the clients that are applying for DataCap? What questions will you ask to ensure your trust is placed well and that clients can properly handle the DataCap you intend to allocate to them?

Again I draw inspiration (with regard to due diligence) heavily from, and

I plan to have the vetting process functional yet not too cumbersome. 
I expect to engage with the client's request quickly, thus optimizing the overall experience.

The information needed for vetting a client will be as the following...

1. Entity Information
 - Formation documents - this includes certificates of registration/incorporation/information; 
 - government-issued identification number for the entity
2. Authorized Signatory Information
 - evidence of the authorized signatory’s authority to act on behalf of the application entity (evidence include written consent of the company board of directors, or a secretary’s certificate, a signed letter from the applicant’s CFO, or may be included in the company operation agreement); 
 - close-up photo of the signatory’s face next to the visible passport or other government-issued photo-bearing ID
3. Beneficial Owners - If there are any 25%+ shareholders, we need a document as a capitalization table, operating agreement, or similar to verify the ownership, and also the following information for each of them: 
 - legal name;
 - date of birth; 
 - street address (P.O. box number is not acceptable); 
 - a government-issued identification number, which shall be either an SSN, ITIN, passport number and country of issuance, alien identification card number, or number and country of issuance of any other government-issued document evidencing nationality or residence; 
 - copy of an unexpired passport or other government-issued document evidencing the individual's nationality or residence which bears a photograph of the individual. 

Questions we will use to know client better are as the following...

1. Can you introduce yourself? Where can I find you online? (Github, Twitter, Linkedin handle, Wechat, etc.)
2. If you represent an organization, what is the name, nature, registration country, time since inception, and named officers of your organization?
3. In which region(s) do you intend to use the DataCap?
4. What is your use case for the DataCap being requested?
5. Do you plan to specify advanced features when utilizing a DataCap in your storage deal? If so, please specify the feature.
6. How many miners do you plan on allocating the DataCap? If you have a specific miner(s) you would like to allocate a DataCap, please specify.
7. Do you agree on providing transparency of DataCap allocation decisions & execution details in public to prevent excessive/unfair self-dealing?

What processes will you employ when granting additional DataCap to a client that has previously been verified? This includes confirming that the client is not improperly using the DataCap they were previously granted, i.e., making deals with a single SP entity.

Using can easily reveal if a storage client is only sending deals with a single SP miner id. 
To make sure deals are not distributed within a single SP entity, I plan to sync with other notaries and cross check with them on a regular basis to eliminate the concerns.

Bookkeeping Plan

Do you plan on conducting all your allocation decisions in public (e.g. Github repo), private (e.g. over email, Telegram, etc), or both?

Github repo only.

Where do you plan on keeping a publicly accessible record of all your allocation decisions?

I expect that all decision be tacked on Github and publicly.

Service Level Agreement

Engagement in Program

How much time per week, on average, are you willing to dedicate to participating in the Fil+ program? This includes making DataCap allocations (direct and/or Large Datasets), comments on discussion/issues, attendance in governance calls, messages in Slack, etc.

5-10 hours per week.

Track Record

Past allocation

Have you previously received DataCap to allocate before? If so, please link to any previous applications.

A bit confused about the terminology here. I see some notary applicants put allocation as in distributing storage deals to storage providers and others put their approval of datacap to storage clients.

- [LDN application](
- [application1](
- [application2](
- [application3](

Cumulatively, how much DataCap have you previously successfully allocated?

Active role in distributing [~1000TiB]( of datacap to small to medium sized storage providers in Asia using Venus according to stats on filplus dashboard. 
galen-mcandrew commented 2 years ago

Guazi Dynamic - Round 3 Notary Election Scorecard.pdf

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Hello, @galen-mcandrew, would like to supply more materials for the application if it's not too late.

For time commitment & In-protocol Reputation

(A lot of the things in time commitment & in-protocol reputation are overlapping with each other as I see in other applications)

Github handle: @fatman13 Slack handle: @fatman13 Miner ID: f02731, f0694916, f01016254 (> 100k token at stake @ the time of this application) Closely followed Filecoin project since 2017 and started full-time participation in 2020 since Space Race. Have been contributing to the network through mining, community discussions, governance and promotion of filecoin.

For Diversity and Decentralization

In addition to Scientific Data(AI training, geological data, autonomous driving), Media & Entertainment(video & music) Internet archive, we are open to new use cases if storage client could make its case.

Kevin-FF-USA commented 2 years ago

Hi @Fatman13 based on this Notary election cycle's final scoring, you/your organization has qualified to be a Fil+ Notary! You will be receiving your final scored rubric soon, along with the total allocation of Datacap based on rubric scoring.

In order to confirm your participation as a Notary in the Fil+ ecosystem, please respond to the following:

  1. Please confirm that the region of operation for client applications you will focus on is Greater China.

  2. Please confirm each of the following items below (you can do this by quoting each of the following bullets and adding a line under each section agreeing that you'll abide by these operational principles).

    • Upfront Disclosures: Prior to being confirmed as a Notary, Notaries are expected to disclose all relevant addresses which they control, have a financial stake in, or are strongly connected to by other means. For the disclosure, the Notary should state the relevant addresses and the nature of the relationship

    • Promoting Client Best Practices: Notaries agree to educate approved clients about the best practices for using their DataCap (e.g. how to request additional services from miners, storing data redundantly across many miners, etc). Some reference information can be found here.

    • Commitment to efficiently serving the Network: Notaries agree to serve as fiduciaries of the Network, striving to work towards bringing useful data onto Filecoin and improving the experience for clients to do so. Notaries should generally be able to respond to Client applications and updates within 3 days, and should be comfortable communicating with Clients and Notaries if an application needs to be redirected.

    • No Self Dealing: To prevent conflicts of interest, Notaries should not allocate DataCap to Clients over which they control the private keys, or to a Client who intends to specifically spend the allocated DataCap with an address affiliated with the Notary. When in doubt, Notaries should bias towards transparency (i.e. public disclosure) or to getting a different Notary to handle the individual request.

    • Operating in Good Faith: Notaries hold a position of trust in the network, and as such it is expected that they operate keeping the Principles of this mechanism in mind. While each form of abuse cannot be exhaustively defined, Notaries are expected to bias towards caution and act in a way that promotes transparency. Notaries should expect to potentially receive requests or questions for allocation decisions (within reason) - and should make decisions with this in mind.

    • Community Governance Participation: It is expected that you will participate in the program 5-10 hours a week. Along with data allocation, participation in Github issues and Slack conversations, Notaries are to make an effort to regularly attend the scheduled Governance calls. As these calls are a forum to shape this process, it is important to ensure Notaries are present to provide their context, with discussions and input.

  3. Please list any addresses you are affiliated with, and state the nature of the relationship. Please refer to the first bullet point in (2) for the definition of "affiliated", and bias towards transparency when in doubt.

  4. Please affirm that you will abide by the allocation / client due diligence plan you laid out above.

  5. (If ready) Please confirm the address that should receive DataCap. This is the address which you will use to sign messages on-chain to verify clients (through using a Ledger and the Fil+ Registry App). If you have an active (non-zero) DataCap grant from a previous election cycle, please provide a different address here.
 • If you do not have a ledger already, we recommend ordering directly from the Manufacturer for the Nano S or Nano X (link:

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Hello, @Kevin-FF-USA, great to hear that!

  1. Please confirm that the region of operation for client applications you will focus on is Greater China.


  1. Please confirm each of the following items below.

Upfront Disclosures: Prior to being confirmed as a Notary, Notaries are expected to disclose all relevant addresses which they control, have a financial stake in, or are strongly connected to by other means. For the disclosure, the Notary should state the relevant addresses and the nature of the relationship

Agree to abide by above operational principles. Nodes under control of Guazi Dynamic are f02731, f0694916, f01016254. We provide devOps and daily maintenance services to clients of these said nodes.

Promoting Client Best Practices: Notaries agree to educate approved clients about the best practices for using their DataCap (e.g. how to request additional services from miners, storing data redundantly across many miners, etc). Some reference information can be found here.

Agree to abide by above operational principles. @Kevin-FF-USA, is this Some reference information can be found here supposed to be a link?

Commitment to efficiently serving the Network: Notaries agree to serve as fiduciaries of the Network, striving to work towards bringing useful data onto Filecoin and improving the experience for clients to do so. Notaries should generally be able to respond to Client applications and updates within 3 days, and should be comfortable communicating with Clients and Notaries if an application needs to be redirected.

Agree to abide by above operational principles.

No Self Dealing: To prevent conflicts of interest, Notaries should not allocate DataCap to Clients over which they control the private keys, or to a Client who intends to specifically spend the allocated DataCap with an address affiliated with the Notary. When in doubt, Notaries should bias towards transparency (i.e. public disclosure) or to getting a different Notary to handle the individual request.

Agree to abide by above operational principles.

Operating in Good Faith: Notaries hold a position of trust in the network, and as such it is expected that they operate keeping the Principles of this mechanism in mind. While each form of abuse cannot be exhaustively defined, Notaries are expected to bias towards caution and act in a way that promotes transparency. Notaries should expect to potentially receive requests or questions for allocation decisions (within reason) - and should make decisions with this in mind.

Agree to abide by above operational principles.

Community Governance Participation: It is expected that you will participate in the program 5-10 hours a week. Along with data allocation, participation in Github issues and Slack conversations, Notaries are to make an effort to regularly attend the scheduled Governance calls. As these calls are a forum to shape this process, it is important to ensure Notaries are present to provide their context, with discussions and input.

Agree to abide by above operational principles. Will definitely attend more Governance calls. Have been directing people to #fil-plus channel and participating discussions in Slack.

  1. Please list any addresses you are affiliated with, and state the nature of the relationship. Please refer to the first bullet point in (2) for the definition of "affiliated", and bias towards transparency when in doubt.

Nodes under control of Guazi Dynamic are f02731, f0694916, f01016254. We provide devOps and daily maintenance services to clients of these said nodes. Also f3qaipvxrz2gxexc7mcvjsxifmscfiw7c7zfhrmq76j5ee4hcbvg3gbtpea7wgz72kkjcjmwzhm5uo2onxyocq for datacap application.

  1. Please affirm that you will abide by the allocation / client due diligence plan you laid out above.


  1. (If ready) Please confirm the address that should receive DataCap. This is the address which you will use to sign messages on-chain to verify clients (through using a Ledger and the Fil+ Registry App). If you have an active (non-zero) DataCap grant from a previous election cycle, please provide a different address here.

Will get back to this soon!

Edit: f15ofoeeq57euuha3ig273lhkcpjhhnlbgyylqdii

galen-mcandrew commented 2 years ago

@Fatman13 please verify and confirm that you are only requesting 10TiB of total DataCap to allocate to clients.

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

please verify and confirm that you are only requesting 10TiB of total DataCap to allocate to clients.

@galen-mcandrew, sorry for the late reply. Quick question, this doesn't have to do with LDN, correct?

galen-mcandrew commented 2 years ago


Please fill out this form to move forwards with the ratification process:

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

@galen-mcandrew Got it!

Kevin-FF-USA commented 2 years ago

Hello @Fatman13!

Just some final verification: we have your address on file as: f15ofoeeq57euuha3ig273lhkcpjhhnlbgyylqdii

And we will be communicating with fatman13 via Slack. If there are any other handles you wish to have included in notary communications, please comment them below.

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

@Kevin-FF-USA yes @Fatman13 will be the Slack handle to find me. We don't have additional personal for notary communication.

Just some final verification: we have your address on file as: f15ofoeeq57euuha3ig273lhkcpjhhnlbgyylqdii

Regarding the address, yes that is my current address for use of notary related things. One thing to note is that we ordered Nano X from Ledger about a month and half ago, but due to lockdown in Shanghai we still haven't been able to receive the package. So the address might change in future if we are not able to transfer the address to Nano X.

galen-mcandrew commented 2 years ago

@Fatman13 2 questions:

This 10TiB is not related to allocations made using the Large Dataset clients; that DataCap does not come from a single notaries pool. The 10TiB you are requesting here would be used to complete direct client requests, such as in this repo. Do you only want 10TiB? I think we should at least do 100TiB

It sounds like you do not have your ledger yet. You will need a ledger to access the tooling at, which is also required for verifying your ledger address (steps here). We should wait to send you DataCap to another address (such as f1...qdii) because to my knowledge you will not be able to import an existing address into a ledger device.

Please let us know when you are able to get your ledger set up! That way we can send you your DataCap and add you to the LDN multisigs.

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

@galen-mcandrew Hello! Sure we can handle 100TiB.

Yes, the ledger we ordered on the official ledger website is still in transit due to the lockdown in shanghai. There is literally no logistics other than food and essentials...

Will update as soon as ledger arrived. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

galen-mcandrew commented 2 years ago

@Fatman13 , No problem, we hope you are all able to stay safe and get your essentials. We understand these are difficult and unexpected times, and we are happy to work with onboarding you once the ledger arrives. In the meantime, we hope you can still help us review and audit clients, such as large dataset requests; as well as joining governance calls and the discussions there. Thanks!

filecoin-notaries-onboarding-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your request! :exclamation: We have found some problems in the information provided. We could not find the Datacap requested in the information provided

    Please, take a look at the request and edit the body of the issue providing all the required information.
Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Hello, @galen-mcandrew @Kevin-FF-USA, finally got my Nano S+ shipped to me after the lockdown is lifted in Shanghai. I just initiated a new address using filecoin app on Ledger Nano.


Please use the above for my notary address. Thank you!

filecoin-notaries-onboarding-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your request! :exclamation: We have found some problems in the information provided. We could not find the Datacap requested in the information provided

    Please, take a look at the request and edit the body of the issue providing all the required information.
Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Hello, @galen-mcandrew @Kevin-FF-USA, please let me know if I can proceed to verify on

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Hello, team, any news on if we can proceed to verify yet? @galen-mcandrew @Kevin-FF-USA

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Hello, team, any update on the verification?

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Hello, team, any updates on this? @galen-mcandrew @Kevin-FF-USA

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Address verified! @Kevin-FF-USA

filecoin-notaries-onboarding-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your request! Everything looks good. :ok_hand:

    A Governance Team member will review the information provided and contact you back pretty soon.
galen-mcandrew commented 2 years ago

Request Approved



Datacap Allocated


galen-mcandrew commented 2 years ago

This address will also need to be added to the v3 msig,,

Governance team can approve this change, and RKH will approve the 100TiB for direct allocations.

filecoin-plus-bot commented 2 years ago

The request has been signed by a new Root Key Holder

Message sent to Filecoin Network


You can check the status of the message here:

filecoin-plus-bot commented 2 years ago

The request has been signed by a new Root Key Holder

Message sent to Filecoin Network


You can check the status of the message here:

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Hello, team, @galen-mcandrew @Kevin-FF-USA

On my notary dashboard, everything is still greyed out which preventing me from signing anything. Could anyone please kindly to take a look? Thank you in advance!

Fatman13 commented 2 years ago

Notary Ledger Verified

Message sent to Filecoin Network

message CID: bafy2bzacedfk5ywufnijz2suj5aw4hodr4grwojvpqtshuzmhzjtzi2cwk6da

You can check the status of the message here: