filecoin-project / notary-governance

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Modification: Aggregation and Compliance Bot #976

Closed ghost closed 2 months ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Aggregation and Compliance Bot


We propose the deployment of an Aggregation and Compliance (AC) Bot designed to streamline the allocation and removal of datacap across LDN and E-Fil+ pathways. If you are a notary and you agree with the design of the AC Bot detailed in this proposal, please indicate your support in the comments section below.

The AC Bot aims to:

We believe that the implementation of this bot offers advantages over the existing Fil+ ecosystem in the following ways:

From a tooling perspective, this proposal is the most actionable direction for the Fil+ program. It does not require FVM smart contract or core-protocol adjustments, enabling a relatively swift implementation. While development on the bot has already begun, it is important to note that the parameters (weights and thresholds) in this initial configuration are not final, representing only opinions of the Fil+ governance team. If you have insights or suggestions for improving this proposal, we're open to feedback. Please feel free to directly add your comments to this proposal, or reach out to us on Slack in the Fil+ channel or via @Philippe Pangestu.

The following proposal is split into two sections:

Proposed Design

Here, we detail the bot's architecture and how it will impact the DataCap issuance process using the collected data. Conditional and threshold functions are designed to evaluate whether the client meets essential requirements, while the Client scoring function will be designed to determine whether to allocate a new tranche of DataCap.

Initially, the bot will focus only on removing DataCap from clients who fail to meet the basic conditions, while also providing recommendations for DataCap allocation through GitHub comments. In later phases, we plan to introduce functionality that enables the bot to directly allocate DataCap to eligible clients.

Conditional Functions

These detail the prerequisites a client must satisfy to comply to the LDN guidelines. Non-compliance with these conditions for a continuous one week period will lead to application closure and DataCap removal. Failure to comply with initial verification will result in the application not being triggered for notary review.

Threshold Functions

Certain metrics are provided in percentage form by various data sources. These metrics have specific minimum and maximum threshold criteria that must be satisfied. In addition to the pre-requisites in the previous section, If a client fails to meet any of these requirements for a continuous one week period, their application will also be closed and the allocated DataCap will be removed.

Client Scoring Function

This function will be used to "score" clients based on metrics that indicate responsible dealmaking behavior. If properly calibrated and supplemented with sufficient data sources, this scoring function could be leveraged to potentially auto-allocate DataCap to clients. During the initial phase of implementation, the function will primarily be used to give recommendations for notaries to allocate DataCap.

The function will take the form of a simple normalized weighted average across various metrics, such as:

The specific weights and thresholds for this scoring function will be determined during the bot's testing phase. Thresholds for this function should depend on:

New DataCap issuance process

The AC Bot will primarily synchronize with the existing SSA Bot to determine if a client is in need of a new DataCap allocation. Mainly the AC Bot will be listening for applications where the most recent message is a "DataCap request". Once identified, the AC bot will have the capability to influence the DataCap issuance process for any client in three main ways:

Dispute process

We will always be open to amendments to the architecture and parameters of the bot. Post-deployment, the most effective channels for the community to offer their input and suggestions are as follows:

Phases of deployment

Call to action

If you are a notary and agree with the design choices in this proposal, please indicate your support in the comment section below. These are some questions you should consider:

We're currently in the testing phase, integrating a variety of data sources. Receiving your feedback sooner will simplify the process of making adjustments to the AC Bot's design and parameters before everything is finalized.

The-Wayvy commented 1 year ago

I'm happy to see that some attention is being paid to the problems with Fil+


There is one big issue that isn't addressed here:

All Fil+ deals need to be auctioned off, in public, on-chain.

That is the only way for Fil+ to be fair and clean.

To attract new miners, we need a level-playing field.

This is a description from JV at PL.

As long as the break-even price for taking a deal is negative and the winning bid is burned, mandatory auctions work.



KYC should be removed.

The system must work without DOXing people.

(However if you do auctions then KYC is less of a big deal)


The utility of these subsidies is another subject that I'll leave for other PRs.

Joss-Hua commented 1 year ago

image Is it not allowed to add or adjust the SP list? I don't quite understand why this restriction is imposed~

kernelogic commented 1 year ago

Retrieval bot needs to have the capability and bandwidth to test files located inside of Asia.

liyunzhi-666 commented 1 year ago

Before each round of quota decentralization, the client has the obligation to reconfirm the location and organization of SPs, and at the same time, the client should also have the right to change the SPs participating in storage. Because participation in the FIL+ program is a long process, SPs may drop out at any time due to pledges, hardware purchases, and other reasons.

herony-fil commented 1 year ago

SP cannot be specified at the datacap stage, which encourages corruption. Any datacap should be acquired on a public auction basis.

galen-mcandrew commented 1 year ago

@herony-fil Not sure I understand or agree with your statements. The program is currently designed to have clients express an interest and intent to work with specific SPs as part of their application. Client choice and agency in choosing SP partners (which meet program guidelines of distribution) is still a core component of the Fil+ program. 'Auctions' and other deal-distribution mechanisms are outside scope of this proposal.

galen-mcandrew commented 1 year ago

@Joss-Hua The intent here is to give clients up to the fourth allocation to establish their set of distributed and performing SPs. If a client claims they will work with a certain set, this bot is meant to help enforce compliance with the client's initial claim.

I would be interested in hearing ways to make this parameter more flexible, while still holding a client accountable to meeting their own claimed deal-making intentions and also complying with the required distribution guidelines.

The-Wayvy commented 1 year ago


Mandatory auctions are within the scope of this discussion, since this proposal specifies rules for deal distribution.

If you don’t believe in equal opportunity for all miners then just say so.

Users are free to transact only with their preferred SPs on the permissionless part of the network.

nicelove666 commented 1 year ago

It looks familiar, a bit like an early FIL-E. At the beginning, FIL-E also appointed a notary by kevin-z. Facts have proved that this approach is not ideal.

nicelove666 commented 1 year ago

I agree with all the proposals to make FIL+ better, let's go one step further:

  1. Let the robot check the LDN, close and delete the DC unreasonably.

  2. Reasonable LDN, the robot signs directly, and the amount is credited directly to the account, no longer neededthe need for a notary. This could make Filecoin permissionless again.

kevzak commented 1 year ago

Regarding SP ID verification: Here is my feedback from an analysis that I completed last month regarding SP ID usage

TL;DR: Current state - applicants list some SP IDs on their application to get approved, and then they actually do deal making with other IDs. This constant changing of SP IDs that we see today is an easy way to game the system and should be limited where possible.

IMO, applicants should not even be allowed to apply for DataCap (1st allocation) if they do not have a clear list of distributed SP partners in place upfront. So I think this verification step is a good way to enforce the Fil+ guidelines from the start. Let's limit applicants who are not serious about storing real data.

kevzak commented 1 year ago

I'm happy to see that some attention is being paid to the problems with Fil+


There is one big issue that isn't addressed here:

All Fil+ deals need to be auctioned off, in public, on-chain.

That is the only way for Fil+ to be fair and clean.

To attract new miners, we need a level-playing field.

This is a description from JV at PL.

As long as the break-even price for taking a deal is negative and the winning bid is burned, mandatory auctions work.



KYC should be removed.

The system must work without DOXing people.


The utility of these subsidies is another subject that I'll leave for other PRs.

@The-Wayvy - I think your comments here should be re-directed to a different permissionless pathway proposal.

The current LDN open, public dataset pathway is permissioned and does require social trust and therefore this bot's design and verification checks are directed toward the current system pathways and processes.

So for example, enforcing KYC does in fact aid in supporting a trust based system. Not to know the actual person behind the GitHub ID, that information is not available, but moreso to know there is an actual person behind the ID that completed a verification check and not a spam bot.

And also with these pieces of information, we can start to piece together:

Ultimately, we can start to utilize all of these pieces of on-chain information to build out reputation scores of clients.

The-Wayvy commented 1 year ago


Mandatory auctions do not conflict with any of the suggestions made in this proposal, including KYC.

And the tech is already in place (ex. BDE).

It's by far the best way to combat 'self-dealing', other than getting rid of subsidies and requiring that users .... pay for storage

galen-mcandrew commented 1 year ago

To reiterate, this proposal is not reliant on auctions. In the future, if a client chooses to utilize an auction or other deal-making third--party service (such as BDE or other data-clearinghouse), then those metrics could (and should) be incorporated into this bot. We are not gating this iterative implementation improvement on those technologies, and we welcome teams to continue developing other deal-making mechanisms.

The questions here for current notaries:

Do you agree with the overall design for a bot that aggregates the described pieces of information? Do you support the specified thresholds for this bot starting remove client DataCap proposals?

panges2 commented 1 year ago

@The-Wayvy To those points you brought up.

  1. "All Fil+ deals need to be auctioned off, in public, on-chain." is debatable. Rather, I'm of the opinion that "All Fil+ deals can be auctioned off, in public, on-chain." So there should be multiple pathways, either KYC or stake in an auction to prove value.
  2. This system wont dox people. Togggle does KYC on our behalf and we will only store minimal information that we get from togggle (email and gh username and date of KYC) just for functional purposes. We only need a way to confirm that there is a person behind the client address.
  3. Agree, utility is very debatable and outside the scope of this proposal

Overall, if you dont agree with these points above, we are also working on a separate pathway that seems to better suit the points you brought up here. I'm in the works on a separate proposal for a FVM trustless notary pathway based on JVs design. As you mentioned, most of the tech and design are there, we just need to tweak, implement, and test!. There are also many community participants that want to take part in this sort of pathway. Thank you for your interest, and stay tuned for an upcoming proposal!

panges2 commented 1 year ago

@Joss-Hua I agree with @galen-mcandrew here. At least initially, we want to err on the side of stricter compliance. We understand that there will be legitimate cases where a client would want to change their SPs. We would be open in the future to having exception pathways that allow clients to modify their list of SPs.

The-Wayvy commented 1 year ago

@panges2 @galen-mcandrew

I assume that your primary goal is to end self-dealing.

Self-dealing is impossible if you mandate competitive auctions as long as the break even price is negative and the winning bid is burned.

It’s an extremely simple solution.

The client doesn’t need to put down collateral and can still go through KYC.

All the distribution requirements you mentioned can be respected.

Nothing is stopping us from adding mandatory auctions on to this proposal.

Only those who extract value from the deal distribution process are opposed.

The-Wayvy commented 1 year ago


Mandate auctions for all Fil+ deals (including LDN / EFIL)

and self-dealing instantly disappears.

What are you trying to solve other than self-dealing?

The-Wayvy commented 1 year ago


To reiterate, this proposal is not reliant on auctions. In the future, if a client chooses to utilize an auction or other deal-making third--party service (such as BDE or other data-clearinghouse), then those metrics could (and should) be incorporated into this bot. We are not gating this iterative implementation improvement on those technologies, and we welcome teams to continue developing other deal-making mechanisms.

Without mandatory auctions, the community won't believe in the integrity of Filecoin Plus.

JV first proposed mandatory auctions 6 months ago.

So I'm asking that you mandate auctions as the distribution mechanism for all Fil+ deals as part of this proposal.

It's compatible with everything in your original post.

panges2 commented 1 year ago


I see your point. Alot of the requirements from the AC bot mentioned above are the same as the KYC requirements of E-FIL+. But what is proposed above is super set of the requirements that include CID-checker and retrieval bot requirements.

This proposal also adds on a few other things:

I also do agree with you that we could one day automate datacap allocation, but as I mentioned in the timeline above, we want to test out the bot first to make sure that we can trust its decisions.

panges2 commented 1 year ago

@kernelogic We have at least one instance of the retrieval bot operating in China. We're also in progress to add more instances soon!

Wengeding commented 1 year ago

Regarding SP ID verification: Here is my feedback from an analysis that I completed last month regarding SP ID usage #966 (comment)

TL;DR: Current state - applicants list some SP IDs on their application to get approved, and then they actually do deal making with other IDs. This constant changing of SP IDs that we see today is an easy way to game the system and should be limited where possible.

IMO, applicants should not even be allowed to apply for DataCap (1st allocation) if they do not have a clear list of distributed SP partners in place upfront. So I think this verification step is a good way to enforce the Fil+ guidelines from the start. Let's limit applicants who are not serious about storing real data.

Can you give me a couple of examples of applications about perfect implementation of this policy? @kevzak

cryptowhizzard commented 11 months ago

I would like to see the retrieval bot side of things expanded a bit. At least one full CID ( random selected by the retrieval bot ) must be made public available in unpacked state on a http link so notary’s can evaluate the data stored before a new tranche is allowed. In case that the data is not matching the data a client is storing the application should be closed by the governance team on recommendation of a notary and datacap removed.

I think 40% per service provider is to much. 25% maximum.

Given that there are “restrictions” in certain country’s I would still opt to one replica per Country. This avoids non - retrievability issues.

I am not supportive of the idea of Fei-yan to have a special bot in restrictive country’s. It is up to the data preparer / applicant to select it’s SP’s who support retrieval by everyone who wants without restrictions. Let the market do it’s job here.

The-Wayvy commented 11 months ago

Let the market do it’s job here.

  • @cryptowhizzard

Good one !

Kevin-FF-USA commented 11 months ago

Will be discussing on the

spaceT9 commented 11 months ago

Is there a clear timeline to test AC bot?

MegaFil commented 11 months ago

It's a great idea, but it's hard to get off the ground. It is possible to simplify the rules of fil+ to the point where they can be executed by bots, which is a path that can be explored.

willscott commented 10 months ago

Is it possible to have a more technical definition of what is expected of providers versus the outcome of "The average retrievability score for the client's SPs as determined by the retrievability bot must be greater than 10%"

The retrievability bot may evolve, but the baseline expectation for SPs should be more constant - what should be expected is retrivability and bandwidth, and the measurements should attempt to reflect if those properties are met