A Vector Commitment (VC) is a position binding commitment and can be opened at any position to a unique value with a short proof (sublinear in the length of the vector). The Merkle tree is a VC with logarithmic size openings.
Recent work on RSA-based VC (Boneh et al. 2019) allows for constant size openings as well as aggregatable proofs, which makes it appealing for several decentralized applications (stateless blockchains, proof of storage).
The Filecoin Research team is working on an improving the current protocols to make them more efficient and to construct succinct Proofs of Storage based on RSA-based VC.
The output of this work is to implement a VC library with our latest research and applications to Proof-of-Storage.
A Vector Commitment (VC) is a position binding commitment and can be opened at any position to a unique value with a short proof (sublinear in the length of the vector). The Merkle tree is a VC with logarithmic size openings.
Recent work on RSA-based VC (Boneh et al. 2019) allows for constant size openings as well as aggregatable proofs, which makes it appealing for several decentralized applications (stateless blockchains, proof of storage).
The Filecoin Research team is working on an improving the current protocols to make them more efficient and to construct succinct Proofs of Storage based on RSA-based VC.
The output of this work is to implement a VC library with our latest research and applications to Proof-of-Storage.
Current implementations: