according to Ben they are difficult, require SNARKs and might be really expensive to prove. An idea would be to avoid using SNARKs (see PIE paper)
Direction 1: Changing protocol (or security guarantees)
Proposal 0: Make PoSt interactive (post on chain every proof)
Proposal 1: No Storage based consensus
if not -> no need for PoRep, no need for PoSt
Proposal 2: Separating consensus from storage market (mild)
PoSt is not needed for consensus but for storage market
we can have different types of PoSt (interactive, sampling a set of users that do interactions, trusted hardware)
consensus runs on Proof of Replication (as a Proof of Space), very similar to Spacemint
Direction 2: Change trust assumptions
Proposal 0: Challenge/Response happens without SNARKs with different trust assumption
Instead of using SNARKs, let's use things like Refereed Multiprover, sampling a set of people running BA on whether or not a node replied correctly to the challenge -> what about economics?
Proposal 1: sample a set users that run in an MPC a replica for the prover, with assumption that the prover will not be able to ask them to do that again
prover sends file to oblivious network
encoders receive the file (possible not knowing from who)
encoders encode the file
encoders run a MPC protocol for other encoders
encoders for this file should only send the final output to the oblivious network (otherwie the prover can just re-simulate the steps and get a replica again!!)
prover receives the encoded data
why oblivious network? you could have the prover and the encoders colluding (unless assume the encoders are honest and never collude, good luck!)