filecoin-project / specs

The Filecoin protocol specification
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Demand Response: Scheduling flexibility for expensive tasks #152

Open redransil opened 5 years ago

redransil commented 5 years ago

Motivation Increasingly, when you use energy is more important than how much you use. See, for example, the duck curve caused by solar production in CA. Shifting power use by several hours can affect whether the power you use is cheap and green or expensive and carbon intensive. Scheduling tasks in response to grid conditions (Demand Response, DR) has become a big topic in data centers in the past several years, and it would be awesome to build something like this into FC. Making this the default option could substantially help the power grid when FC gets adopted at scale, which would translate to significant environmental impact.

Proposal Can we give miners some say in what time of day they do computationally intensive tasks, and make this easy for anyone in the network to participate in?

There is no requirement here for the miner to determine exactly when they will have to do these tasks, just to have some statistical influence.

whyrusleeping commented 5 years ago

PoSt clearly doesn't give flexibility in how long you have to respond to a challenge, but could it give you some flexibility in determining when you are likely to be challenged (ie. twice as likely during some 6 hour period as during some other 6-hour period)?

No, theres no flexibility we can give here on PoSt for the challenges, however we can possibly do something to shift when the SNARK proof has to be generated. I don't know our exact construction yet (research still working on it) but I think there is some flexibility in when you can do these already.

As for the Seals, You can do a few things: