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Filecoin Full Node Implementation in Go
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Migrate go-filecoin to go-ipld-prime #3175

Closed hannahhoward closed 3 years ago

hannahhoward commented 5 years ago


For some time, @warpfork and the IPLD team have been working on a replacement library - - for go-ipld-cbor. This library is the place for most future golang IPLD development, and the place important features like IPLD Selectors and encoding/decoding improvements are likely to land. We have already started to introduce go-ipld-prime in the chainsync process through GraphSync, which relies on go-ipld-prime to implement selectors. Replacing go-ipld-cbor with go-ipld-prime would at minimum allow us to significantly reduce the number of serialization / deserializations that occur during a Graphsync fetch during chainsync. Further, go-ipld-prime could allow us to make several optimizations to the serialization / deserialization process in general, which might result in several speed improvements throughout the codebase.

Acceptance criteria

This issue serves a simply a starting point for discussions of what a replacement of go-ipld-cbor with go-ipld-prime might look like. While the ultimate acceptance criteria is probably that go-ipld-cbor is not a dependency of go-filecoin, the transition would likely happen in stages

Risks + pitfalls

go-ipld-prime is a new, in development library that is not fully mature. @warpfork can probably shed more light on what is done vs not done.

performance characteristics of go-ipld-prime are not well known.

go-ipld-cbor is heavily integrated throughout the code base -- there may be lots of hidden dependencies that aren't fully revealed until we attempt to transition.

Where to begin

Perhaps simply a spike attempting to replace as many uses of go-ipld-cbor would be a good starting point.

Synchronous discussion with @warpfork to discuss go-ipld-prime and what an integration might look like.

anorth commented 5 years ago

I'm keen for more information to help us make a decision here - right now I'm cautiously in favour. In particular I'd like more info about concrete expected benefits, and our understanding of the state of completeness and test thoroughness for go-ipld-prime.

Since we are already depending on it transitively through graphsync selectors, switching to it wholesale will reduce the total amount of code.

I note that, in informal discussion elsewhere, the idea of using a different, single-purpose CBOR-encoding library has been raised, with the intention of further reducing code surface and improving performance of the state-tree-update-persistence hot path. This hasn't been investigated deeply, though.

warpfork commented 5 years ago

Tiny sitrep (specifically in regard to the mention of going for other single-purpose encoding libraries): I'm confirmed for-real-hands-on-the-keyboard-It's-Happening putting cycles into codegen now. Still early so any estimates I might have for delivery dates would have several sigma on them, but it's moving. This means we can anticipate getting codegen'd -- therefore nonreflective, therefore potentially much faster -- marshal and unmarshal code paths. So I'd advocate to double-down and spend resources on this over breaking any new ground in a separate parallel direction.

It's likely we'll need either codegen -or- some work to make go-ipld-prime Node interfaces that are backed by refmt'ian atlases before filecoin can fully use go-ipld-prime. Both of these tactics would result in reusable features in go-ipld-prime. A third option is to write some manual functions which use go-ipld-prime Node directly and manually flip the data into filecoin's native golang structures.

I think @whyrusleeping has more opinions on the costs of the latter two than I do. (ISTM that the last time he toured me around the filecoin codebase, there were way more custom "transform" funcs than I expected, which means much of the work of an option 3 has already been... more or less done, to my surprise. So those funcs would need massaging, but would be roughly topologically similar to the existing ones..?) Also worth noting I'm a tad wary of the choice between options 1 and 2 because they take substantially different development paths and almost totally disjunct sets of mental context (one is very reflect-heavy; the other is very not), so at least for my own brain-seconds budget, it's definitely a "pick one" scenario.

In general, if there's a way to spike things out in a relatively noncommittal way (ideally, that's also benchmarkable without exercising a full filecoin application?), that might be particularly constructive.

I'm definitely around for a more synchronous discussion about this :+1:

anorth commented 5 years ago

@hannahhoward if you want to champion this, I think the next step is a design doc laying out the potential benefits and costs, and work involved.