filecoin-saturn / L1-node

Filecoin Saturn L1 Node • The edge cache layer of Filecoin's decentralized CDN 🪐
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specify the public IPv4 address to bind to when speedtesting to match node's address #378

Closed watermanEuro closed 1 year ago

watermanEuro commented 1 year ago

2023-05-13T01:07:23.787Z node@mainnet:system Done executing speedtest. 5421.9292319999995 Mbps DL / 8226.394808000001 Mbps UL 2023-05-13T01:07:23.788Z node@mainnet:registration Speeds requirements met 2023-05-13T01:07:23.788Z node@mainnet:registration Speedtest verification met 2023-05-13T01:07:23.805Z node@mainnet:registration Certificate is valid until May 23 23:59:59 2023 GMT 2023-05-13T01:07:24.513Z node@mainnet:registration OCSP status of certificate is good 2023-05-13T01:07:24.513Z node@mainnet:registration Registering with orchestrator... 2023-05-13T01:07:24.630Z node@mainnet:registration Please specify the public IPv4 address to bind to when speedtesting to match node's address 2023-05-13T01:07:24.630Z node@mainnet:registration Failed registration Please specify the public IPv4 address to bind to when speedtesting to match node's address

what's wrong?

watermanEuro commented 1 year ago

it was caused by ipv6. use these command to disable ipv6 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1

DiegoRBaquero commented 1 year ago

One option is to disable IPv6 globally, as you did, second option is to specify the IPv4 address to bind to

guilhermeheinen commented 1 year ago

Disabling ipv6 solved the issue for me as well. Tks