filecoin-saturn / L1-node

Filecoin Saturn L1 Node • The edge cache layer of Filecoin's decentralized CDN 🪐
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Look into docker-slim #38

Open DiegoRBaquero opened 2 years ago

DiegoRBaquero commented 2 years ago

typoworx-de commented 2 years ago

Is there any special requirement for that? I would prefer alpine-image more as it's more lightweight than any other slim/ubuntu/debian image I've ever found.

vorburger commented 1 year ago may be worth considering? But in this project's current architecture you are running both Nginx AND Node in 1 single container, of course... so (or GoogleContainerTools' distroless Node)? I noticed that you are rebuilding your very own special Nginx from sources anyway in the Dockerfile, and haven't fully understood yet what you get FROM nginx:${NGINX_VERSION}... is that just just for base configuration files? Then perhaps we could use a distroless Node, and just COPY from that nginx whatever you need (clearly not the binary, as its replaced).