Many users will be accustomed to handling f1 type addresses; which don't have a direct method of conversion to 0x type addresses.
Here if the conversion function stumbles upon a f1, f2, f3 type addresses it makes a call to a lotus RPC endpoint to convert that address to an actor ID / f0 address such that that address can be converted to an 0x address via masking.
// call to get f0 type address
let lotus_call = json!({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "Filecoin.StateLookupID",
"params": [address, []],
"id": 1
let response = reqwest::Client::new()
let response = response.map_err(|_| AddressError::RPCFailure)?;
// f0 type address
let lookup_resp: StateLookupIDResp = response
.map_err(|_| AddressError::RPCFailure)?;
check_address_string(&lookup_resp.result, "").await?
To validate the full loop
// test SECP256K1 addresses
let addr = "t1ypi542zmmgaltijzw4byonei5c267ev5iif2liy";
let addr_id = "t01004";
assert_eq!(filecoin_to_eth_address(addr, "").await.unwrap(),
filecoin_to_eth_address(addr_id, "").await.unwrap());
Many users will be accustomed to handling f1 type addresses; which don't have a direct method of conversion to 0x type addresses.
Here if the conversion function stumbles upon a f1, f2, f3 type addresses it makes a call to a lotus RPC endpoint to convert that address to an actor ID / f0 address such that that address can be converted to an 0x address via masking.
To validate the full loop