filecxx / FileCentipede

Cross-platform internet upload/download manager for HTTP(S), FTP(S), SSH, magnet-link, BitTorrent, m3u8, ed2k, and online videos. WebDAV client, FTP client, SSH client.
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File type matching and page url catching #762

Closed thiendt2k1 closed 5 months ago

thiendt2k1 commented 5 months ago

Please provide as much information as possible.

  1. When i try to download a pdf from ggdrive, it still get the pdf extension though i skip download pdf file type in settings.
  2. When i open a new tab other the current page where the content is download, the page url change to that, eg in picture below when i download from ggdrive, but when open a new tab, the page url is new tab.
List of extension allow matching in below picture


My debug info: version(>=2.0) : FileCxx 2.82 Extension 2.94 Edge 123.0.2420.97 Windows 11 latest stable

screenshot: image image


....... Thanks for your time and efforts.

Update: It seem to not be able to catch both name and file type from google drive Here is a demo link the file downloaded is named download.bin

filecxx commented 5 months ago

About the edge://newtab/, it's unfixable but can be removed, remaining empty.

If you want to skip the "pdf" extension from the web browser, you should do this:






thiendt2k1 commented 5 months ago

About the edge://newtab/, it's unfixable but can be removed, remaining empty.

If you want to skip the "pdf" extension from the web browser, you should do this:

ok, good to know that, working as expected now, thanks. P/s: Just a small note, you should put all settings in one place, this is quizzing to find where to set.